God the Archetype (Vol. 1)

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"God -- The Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe"

By Henry Clifford Kinley, D.D., Ph.D.

Founder and Dean of the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research, Inc.

Circa 1961

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When Paul, who was called to be an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the Will of God, received his Divine Revelation while on his way to Damascus to persecute the Christians, he wrote of his experience thusly: "And I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth;) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter" (2 Cor. 12:3-4). Paul was completely floored by the stupendous nature of the Divine Revelation which he received and found it difficult to relate to others either by word of mouth or by writing just what he saw, and was caused to understand. Of Paul's writings, the Apostle Peter states in his own epistles that many of the things that Paul wrote were hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction (2 Pet. 3:16).

So it is that when I received my Divine Revelation in 1931, I immediately recognized the difficult task that confronted me as pertaining to the conveying of my thoughts to others. Many times, I have attempted to put this colossal and revolutionary divine concept on paper, and it is only now that I have finally succeeded in expressing myself in writing. I must admit and acknowledge, however, that I have been tremendously aided in the writing of this work by a limited number of condescending individuals, whose efforts I feel I must acknowledge and to whom I am deeply grateful.

Dr. Carl F. Gross, my constant companion in this work for the past 28 years has assisted me tremendously in the compilation of data and in theological research as well, and also by his often expressed constructive criticism of my explanations, which at times had become too profound. He is responsible for some of the simplicity of expressions made in this discourse, and many of the pictures. His efforts were tireless and unceasing and I doff my hat to him for a job well done.

Dr. Robert Harris, M.D., a graduate of Meharry Medical College in 1944, with internship at Harlem Hospital, New York; and residency in New York Cancer Institute, and eleven years of private practice in Cincinnati, Ohio, became intrigued and attracted to this work in 1957. He has added a tremendous punch to the barrage of knock-out blows that this work deals to the devil, by his correlations of the physical anatomy and physiology to things of the Spirit. His work is an entirely new concept against which there can be no arguments. In Dr. Harris' own testimony he states that he has learned far more of the functions of the physical anatomy of man, in relationship to God than he or any other Medical Doctor could have learned through the regular procedure of schooling since becoming a member of the Institute. He further states that through the teachings of the Institute, things have been revealed to him about the physical body that man has wondered about and searched for since the foundation of the world. Consequently, his contribution is a witness to the truth of this revolutionary and True Gospel of Christ and will open the eyes of the Medical profession. I sincerely appreciate and acknowledge Dr. Harris' work and assistance.

Another of my colleagues, Mary Gross, has performed a yeoman's job of typing, retyping, assembling, and aiding in the getting of this discourse to the stage of publishing. I often felt sorry for her because of the long, tedious hours that she labored to complete a certain portion of this work, only to find that because of an omission of some sort, she had to do it all over again, and again. With rare patience, she somehow perserved, however, and stuck right with the job to it's completion. She is certainly deserving of all the thanks that I can give her.

Others who assisted in getting this work to the stage of completion are Fred Allen Jr., who aided with the drawings and performed a thousand and one other tasks; Marion E. Harris, who assisted with the typing re-arranging and composition, and my fellow co-workers in the Faith who for the want of a better name call themselves members of the Institute of Divine Metaphysics, all of whom have lent me great moral support.

This acknowledgement would not be complete without mentioning Shirley Smith and Josephine Bailey, who have helped in the aiding and painting of the many pictures on our charts, and also in the many phases of the writing, they have put forth a tireless effort and have my deepest gratitude.

I sincerely appreciate the efforts of everyone who helped in any way in expounding and assembling this material and getting this great Truth written, so that it might help others to see God in His True Light, and in His True Reality.

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This book, entitled "God the Archetype (original) Pattern of The Universe," is written and composed of the volumes entitled, "God The Archetype Pattern Of The Universe", "The Mystery Of God, The Mystery Of Iniquity, and The Mark Of The Beast", "The Mission Of John The Baptist and Jesus, The Messiah", and "Whose Builder and Maker Is God." It is the first and probably the last manuscript that I will write in my life time, as pertaining to God and to His Ultimate Purpose, which has functioned down through the past and the present Dispensations and Ages.

The sum total of these written volumes, expresses my true understanding of the Holy Bible in reference to Jesus Christ, the true "SON OF GOD", and Satan, or the Anti-Christ, the true "SON OF PERDITION". Yet, this understanding is not of my own, for in the year 1931, I, Henry C. Kinley, was caused to behold a great Panoramic Vision, and on the same day I also in turn received the Divine Revelation of Spiritual meaning of the Vision. It is this Panoramic Vision and Revelation of the Divine Pattern of the Universe, given to me by the Lord God, which I have expounded upon, through charts and writings to my associates which in turn has qualified them to detect, identify, and to prove the existence of God, the Mystery of Iniquity, and the Mark of the Beast.

This great and powerfully psychological experience revealed God to me for the first time in my life; revealed Him as He really exists as the ONE and ONLY UNIVERSAL SPIRIT and ARCHETYPAL PATTERN OF THE UNIVERSE. In presenting and explaining this stupendous "Vision and Revelation" to you, the reader, I presume that YOU are honest, sincere, and earnest in your extensive and intensified search for the TRUE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE. I further assume, that you, like millions of other human beings in every walk of life throughout the World, truly want to KNOW GOD as He really "IS", or as He actually "EXISTS". Our only purpose in writing this book is to try to help YOU find and know GOD for YOUR OWN PERSONAL SATISFACTION and CONSOLATION.

Although, my purpose, as expressed above, is to help every person who reads this book to LEARN OF THE TRUTH and FIND and KNOW GOD, I cannot definitely guarantee that in every case I will succeed in my effort. The ONLY possibility of this becoming a truly accomplished realization in your life as it is in mine and a comparatively few others, lies solely within your own ability and power to accept attested TRUTH and SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN FACTS. I shall present pure, unadulterated TRUTH and FACTS to you as they really are for your careful INVESTIGATION and CONSIDERATION.

It is quite apparent that you probably will note many statements herein which you shall feel are entirely out of harmony with the general theological conceptions, displaying the semblance of cold-blooded or sacreligious attitudes. This is not true. Did it ever occur to you that we remain ignorant of attested TRUTH and SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN FACTS, most particularly because we fail to make a PERSONAL, detailed INVESTIGATION of important matters? This failure to investigate positively retards the progress of our understanding and knowledge in every vocation and phase of life, both physical and spiritual. Sometimes stopping and thinking for a moment over the essential things of life eliminates many regretted years of poverty, sickness, humiliation, embarrassment and sometimes, death and destruction. Therefore, we should learn to pause and TRY TO THINK INTELLIGENTLY before we finally conclude affirmatively or negatively. We should do this before an ultimatum or final decision is rendered on any secular subject. The majority of us are, to some extent, guilty of this negligence.

In the foregoing paragraphs it was not my intention to impart the idea that I, in my "human intellect," have become infinite in wisdom and infallible in judgement, or that I have already attained that state of absolute perfection in every technical detail. However, I am only trying to attract your attention and to elevate your mind so that I can impart to you the TRUE UNDERSTANDING of the VISION which I received by Divine Revelation. In view of this, the pictorial illustrations and explanations of the VISION herein set forth are not to be regarded as that of my own concept or speculation. I firmly believe that the Almighty God-given, spiritual KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING of this great Panoramic Vision and Divine Revelation was originally intended for YOU as much as it was for ME. Therefore, to the very best of my ability I am attempting to pass it on to you exactly as I received it.

You should be cautioned that I refuse to make diplomatic apologies for stating the TRUTH and FACTS as God has revealed them to me and as I honestly believe they will permanently remain. Neither do I practice using diplomacy in presenting the TRUTH and FACTS as they were revealed to me, and as I understand them to be. My method is to hue to the line and "let the chips fall where they may." In other words, it is my task and duty to carefully place the TRUTH and FACTS squarely before the reader and it is up to them to make the final DECISIONS. The reader is also requested to bear in mind that this book is difficult to elucidate, which therefore, requires that every instruction be closely regarded in detail.

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The REVELATION of the ARCHETYPAL PATTERN OF THE UNIVERSE embraces the EXISTENCE OF GOD, HIS "UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LAW" and "ETERNAL PURPOSE" through the "DISPENSATIONS and AGES." Comparatively speaking, this is a new divine, philosophical, psychological, scientific, spiritual, scriptural and revolutionary "interpretation" of the Holy Bible. It is supported by a definite DIVINE PATTERN or PLAN, descriptively stipulated in the Holy Bible itself (see Ex. 25:4O). This interpretation is discreetly confirmed in every detailed manner by the UNIVERSAL CREATION of God, both VISIBLE and INVISIBLE (see Rom. 1:19-20). Moreover, I firmly BELIEVE, that this Vision and REVELATION is to be regarded as one of the greatest and most astounding of PANORAMIC VISIONS and REVELATIONS ever given to mankind since the CREATION of the material or stellar counter-parts of the UNIVERSE.

To the very best of our artistic ability, we have drawn pictorial illustrative charts of the Great Panoramic Vision, showing the "Divine Pattern" and Spirit Law, embodied therein, and tried hard to explain it's true meaning to philosophers, scientists and religious teachers. No man, Roman Catholic, Protestant, or Teachers of Philosophy and other scientific and cosmic phases of nature, who have heard and understood the explanation of the "Pattern" and the Universal Spirit Law and it's operation by the illustrative charts, has ever been able to refute the accuracy and infallibility of it's "Teachings."

A profound Knowledge of this Divine Panoramic Vision, operating through the Dispensations and Ages, by the Universal Spirit Law, abolishes all superstitions, ignorance, and carnal ordinances, traditions, atheism, agnosticism, skepticism and investigates the unexplained so-called Law of nature (which in reality is Universal Spirit Law), the powers latent in man, and teaches man to have implicit faith in God and worship Him in "Spirit and in Truth" (see John 4:24), as God had originally intended according to His Eternal Purpose (see Eph. 1:9-12).

It may seem to you that this is the long way around, but in reality it is the short way, when you STOP and consider that God, in His New Covenant, has promised to put His Law in Our Heart and Write it in our Mind and cause us to "Know Him" and walk in His Way—that is, deliver us from the Ignorance of Sin and Preserve us for Immortal Glorification (see Jer. 31:31-34). "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls: For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matt. 11:28-29, 30). It is of this Revelation that you shall now read in the succeeding pages. Volume 1, God-The Archetype (original) Pattern of the Universe.

Basic Psychological Preparation

If you are to draw from this course some of the "TRUTH" herein contained, then it is absolutely necessary and essential that YOU get away from everyone. BE ALONE and QUIET. The great fundamental principles of "TRUTH" are almost invariably "REVEALED" after we have withdrawn to some quiet and secluded place where we are not disturbed. Having done this, try to DISMISS everything else from your mind and give me your undivided ATTENTION. This will enable you to concentrate on these explanations, study more studiously, think deeply, and better UNDERSTAND the VITAL ISSUES and CARDINAL VIRTUES scripturally and scientifically discussed herein. REMEMBER -- YOU ARE TRYING TO FIND and KNOW GOD AS HE ACTUALLY "EXISTS" or AS HE REALLY IS -- for YOUR OWN CONSOLATION and SATISFACTION.

Basic Philosophical and Scientific Preparation

This DIVINE REVELATION illustrated and explained herein called the great "PANORAMIC VISION", embraces the existence of an Eternal God, His Universal "SPIRIT LAW" and "PURPOSE" through the Dispensations and Ages. Comparatively speaking, this is a REVOLUTIONARY TEACHING which embraces the fields of PSYCHOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY, SCIENCE and RELIGION, to mention only a few, and is Spiritually transforming the mind and illuminating the understanding of mankind in regards to his religious concept of God. It teaches mankind his true, inseparable relationship with God and the Universe of which he is a part thereof. Do not be deceived. This teaching is definitely supported by a DIVINE PATTERN or PLAN, descriptively stipulated in the Holy Bible and discreetly confirmed by the Lord God, Himself, His Universal Creation, the Law and the Prophets, Jesus Christ and the Apostles and, in part, by modern science.

Our aim here is to lead YOU, step by step, to an indisputable, profound KNOWLEDGE of God and a permanent, conscientious realization of His EVER PRESENCE abiding within YOU, and an UNDERSTANDING of His MANIFESTATIONS throughout the Universe in which we live, move and have our being. We MUST REALIZE the direct course of procedure by which God chose to make Himself KNOWN to mankind, which is as follows:

(1) We must REALIZE that "GOD IS A SPIRIT" (John 4:24), hence, "He is Invisible" (Col. 1:15).

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It cannot be reiterated too strongly how vitally important it is for you, the reader, and me, the writer, to realize and know that "ALL SCRIPTURE" is given by the inspiration of God (2 Tim. 3:16). It is also important that we thoroughly understand the meaning of the "Inspiration of God" or, all scripture was written by the power of God to manifest Himself, the Creation and His Purpose through VISIONS and REVELATIONS. Moses and the Prophets told what they saw and heard God say in their visions by means of writing; these writings are called "THE SCRIPTURES" (John 5:39). these visions reveal God in the REALM OF ETERNITY and manifest His activities in the past, present and future. They disclose the entire purpose of God from Alpha to Omega.

Also bear in mind and remember that we must KNOW the difference between one Age and the other, the difference between one Dispensation and the other. The following definitions of an Age and Dispensation were taken from a Webster's dictionary.

AGE—A particular period or time of history, as distinguished from another; A historial epoch...

DISPENSATION—(a) The divine ordering of the affairs of the world. (b) An appointment or arrangement as by God. (c) A divinely appointed order or system; ...

An example - The Ages are in the following order.

The Ages





(5) THE KINGDOM                                     A G E S

(6) THE PERFECT                                         T O

(7) THE SABBATHNICAL                           C O M E

The SABBATH is "THE DAY OF GOD," the Seventh Day or "THE DAY" before the eighth (8th) or the beginning of another series of Ages. It is necessary to mention here that God is ETERNAL. It is also necessary that you do as the Apostle Paul advised Timothy: "Study (the Scriptures) to shew himself approved of God, rightly dividing (the Dispensations and Ages or) the word of TRUTH, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed" (2 Tim. 2:15). Learn to correctly divide the Dispensations.

An example - The Dispensations are in the following order:

The Dispensations








A Chronological Error of 4 Years

Now we can see that from 4004 B.J. to 196I A.D. we have a total chronological period of time 5965 A.M. (or the year of the world) to calculate all Prophetic intervals or Periods and the fulfillment of all events to date, including the 4 years error of Chronological calculation made by Dionysius Exquus, in the sixth century A.D. That is to say, he made the mistake of 4 years, which means that Jesus was 4 years old before the date of A.D. 1 actually began. See Bible Dictionary F.N. and M.A. Peloubet.

B.J. stands for, before the birth of Jesus, not before the birth of Christ, because He (Christ) was in the Bosom of the Father in the Beginning-John 1:1.18).


(See Chart on Dispensations and Ages)

4000 B.J. = Years before the birth of Jesus

1965 A.D. = Years from birth of Jesus to present time

5965 A.M. = Or years of world, or to present time


4004 B.J. = As calculated by Dionysius Exquus

1961 A.D. = Should be 1965 A.D.

5965 A.M. = Or years of world, or to present time

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A Chronological Error of 33 Years

There is also another chronological error in the calculation of time in the closing of the Post-Diluvian Age and the opening of the Present Age. For example, the Post-Diluvian Age reaches from the Flood to Pentecost or A.D. 33 1/2 or 34, instead of from the Flood to the birth of Jesus. See Chronological chart page 122.

"FOR ALL THE PROPHETS AND THE LAW prophesied until John" (Matt. 11:13). "Think not that I am come to destroy the LAW, or the PROPHETS: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you TILL HEAVEN and EARTH PASS, ONE JOT OR ONE TITTLE SHALL IN NO WISE PASS FROM THE LAW TILL ALL BE FILLFILLED" (Matt. 5:17,18).


(See Chart on Dispensations and Ages)

4033 B.J. = Years from Eden to Pentecost

1932 A.D. = Years from Pentacost to Present Time

5965 A.M. = Total years from Eden to Present Time


4000 = Years to birth of Jesus

1965 = Years from birth of Jesus

5965 = Total years

1965 = Years from birth of Jesus to Present Time

-  33 = Years of total life span of Jesus

1932 Years = correct time from Pentecost to Present Time - 1961.

The Correct Calculation of Time Consisting of the Ante-Diluvian Age, Post-Diluvian Age and Present Age

1656 = Years from Eden to Flood

2377 = Years from the Flood to Pentecost

1932 = Years from Pentecost to Present Time

5965 = Total years from Eden to Present Time

How to Calculate Prophetic Time

"TO THE LAW AND TO THE TESTIMONY: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is NO LIGHT IN THEM" (Isa. 8:20).


TO THE LAW: Numbers 14:34

"After the number of the days in which ye searched the land, even forty days, each day for a year, shall ye bear your iniquities, even forty years, and ye shall know my breach of promise."

TO THE PROPHETS: Ezekiel 4:6

"And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year."

For Example:

40 days = 40 years

  7 days = 7 years or

      7x7 = 49 years or

      70x7 = 490 years (Dan. 9:24)

Zeros are added and subtracted in many instances.

How to Calculate Time with the Lord--Not Man



As shown in the illustration, page 19, the six solar days, which the Phenominal Cloud stood over Mount Sinai, with Moses in the Midst of the Cloud, witnessing the creation by means of a Vision. This would make the six days of creation as six thousand years with the Lord, for on the Seventh Day He Rested.

TO THE PROPHETS: Psalms 90:4

"For a thousand years in thy (Lord's) sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night."

Verification by 2 Peter 3:8, "But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." (Not 1001 years multiplied by 4 making a total of 4004 - see Biblical Chronology).

For Example:

   4000 B.J.

+ 2000 A.D.

= 6000 Years

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The Comparison of the Sacred and Civil Calendar


The Jewish year being strictly lunar, and the day of the new moon common to the preceding and succeeding month, the correspondences with our month vary in different years, according to the intercalation. Generally speaking, the months appended below to the Jewish are to be taken with ten days (or less) of the preceding month; but sometimes the overrunning is the other way. For example, according to the present calendar of the Jews, the first of Nisan fell on March 21 in 1882, but on April 8 in 1883.

NOTE: The Jewish year contains 354 days, or 12 lunations of the moon; but in a cycle of 19 years an intercalary month (Veadar) is seven time introduced to render the average length of the year nearly correct.

Hence, this accounts for a difference of 243 years between the Civil A.M. (year of the World) and the Sacred year, or 5965 A.M. minus 5722 A.M. (Sacred year) as of 1961 A.D. (see page 123, Volume 2, on "The Prophetic Birth Of The Messiah And His Work").

Months: Jewish Calendar

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The Present Dispensational Peril of the Jew

To the Physical Israelite, Hebrew, or Jew, the majority of these people today dogmatically insist and contend that there is but one (Monotheistic) God, which we entirely agree is TRUE; and His name which is not commonly known by the Gentiles, or Christendom, is "Yahvah" (see iluustration of names and the meaning of the names on pages 12 through 13).

(In the illustrations on pages 14 and 15 taken from the book published by Life Magazine, entitled "The World's Great Religions", we can readily see why the Jew rejects the name Christ, which is derived from the Hindo, idol god, Krishna. The ancient Hindus worshipped the Sun as a visible representative of the invisible God called Kris. In their religion Krishna was a personification of the Sun).

Furthermore, many of the Jews today, do not believe, even as they DID NOT believe over 1900 years ago, that "Yahshuah", the Messiah, had already come. Elsewhere shown in this book is the proof of His visitation, proving by the scriptures His fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets (see Matt. 5:17), and in showing this proof, we have used the names most familiar to the World in regards to Him, that name as applied to Him, being "Jesus Christ".

For the Jew not to recognize this visitation, is a very serious mistake, for the very writing which he declares were "Yahvah's" gift unto him, were contained in the Law of Moses, and the Prophets. These writings decidely pointed to, “Yahshuah", or the Messiah, who fulfilled every JOT and TITTLE contained therein.

Furthermore, because of his (the Jew's) non-acceptance, or rejection of the Messiah "Yahshuah", or, - even his failure in not continuing to offer the Sacrifice of BLOOD FOR THE ATONEMENT as required by the Mosaic Law (see Lev. 9:7, 16:34), he is still, even today, in the depths of his SINS. It is through the BLOOD of the Paschal Lamb, the Passover, and the Sacrifices thereafter continued under the Mosaic Law, that typified or foreshadowed the BLOOD of Yahshuah, the Messiah, that we, both Jew and Gentile, have received the TRUE ATONEMENT.

The Rabbinical Jews, Hebrews, or Israelites, of today, definitely and POSITIVELY KNOW, that they are still subject to the Ordinances of the Mosaic Law, that is, if they continue to deny the Blood of the Messiah, for without the SHEDDING OF BLOOD according to the Law, there can be no remission of their SINS. This is strictly true, as referred to the DAILY Sacrifices and the Day of Atonement, which as a rule, the Jew still recognizes, but fails to offer the proper Sacrifices, according to the Law.

The failure of the Jew to accept the true Messiah can be explained by taking his own Scriptures and show how God spoke through the Prophets of their disobedience, carrying out His Purpose throughout the

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Dispensations and Ages, even to this present time. We quote,

"Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap. Let their eyes be darkened, that they see not; and make their loins continually to shake" (Psa. 69:22, 23). "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush: therefore shall they fall among them that fall: in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down, saith the Lord" - Yahvah (Jer. 8:12).

However, in the compilation of this book, we have used the names God, instead of (1) "Yahvah" and Jesus Christ, instead of (2) "Yahshuah", the true Messiah. Our Bibles, be they Douay or King James version or otherwise, containing what is called the Old Testament and so-called New Testament, were translated God, the Father and the Son, Jesus Christ from the original Hebrew writings of the Law (Pentateuch) and Prophets and so-called New Testament writings, that used the names Yahvah and Yahshuah as the True Divinely Revealed names (see Chart on page 11).

"Yahvah", or God, in His foreknowledge was able to make the following statements, for He knew what the Jew would do, and in so doing (the breaking of the Commandments) He (God) did sever or break some of them off from salvation because of THEIR UNBELIEF in Yahshuah, or the Messiah (see John 15: 1, 2). However, we are told that "Yahvah", or God, will graft the Jews into their own olive tree AGAIN, that is, if they CONTINUE NOT IN "UNBELIEF" (see Rom. 11: 22, 23).

Paul is writing of his grief or sorrow for Israel in Romans 9:4-6 thusly: "Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the Covenants, and the giving of the Law, and the service of God (Yahvah), and the Promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh (Yahshuah) Christ came, who is over all, God (Yahvah) BLESSED FOR EVER. A-MEN. Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. FOR THEY ARE NOT ALL ISRAEL, WHICH ARE OF ISRAEL:"

Paul speaking to the Gentiles, concerning the Jews that were broken off, and of the Gentiles that were grafted in, said in Romans 11:24-27, "For if thou (the Gentiles) wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to NATURE into a good olive tree: how much more shall these (the Jews), which be the NATURAL BRANCHES, be graffed into their own olive tree? For I would not, brethren, THAT YE SHOULD BE IGNORANT OF THIS MYSTERY, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, UNTIL THE FULNESS OF THE GENTILES BE COME IN. AND SO ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED: AS IT IS WRITTEN, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For THIS IS MY COVENANT UNTO THEM, WHEN I SHALL TAKE AWAY THEIR SINS".

The Fulness of the Gentiles DID COME IN, according to the Promise in A.D. 40, or when they first began to receive the Holy Ghost (see Acts 10th, 11th and 15th chapters).

That which is a Jew outwardly is not one inwardly, but the Gentile which is grafted in BY FAITH has become the True (Spiritual) Jew, as explained in Romans 2:28, 29 thusly: "For HE IS NOT A JEW, WHICH IS ONE OUTWARDLY: NEITHER IS THAT CIRCUMCISION, WHICH IS OUTWARD IN THE FLESH: BUT HE IS A JEW, WHICH IS ONE INWARDLY; and CIRCUMCISION IS THAT OF THE HEART, IN THE SPIRIT, and NOT IN THE LETTER; Whose PRAISE IS NOT OF MEN, BUT OF GOD" (YAHVAH).

"Until the Fulness of the Gentile be Come In" (see Rom. 11: 25), IS NOT TO BE CONFUSED with "The Times of The Gentiles Be Fulfilled" (see Luke 21:24), because the times of the Gentiles began in 604 B.J., when Nebuchadnezzar began to rule the World, and will not be fulfilled or ended until "Yahshuah", or the Messiah appears again, or the second time, without SIN UNTO SALVATION to Judge the World in Righteousness, and then "ALL ISRAEL WILL BE SAVED" (see Acts 10:42; 2 Tim. 4:1-8 and 1 Thess. 4:16, 17).

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The Sacred Names

Exod. 20:7. It reads, "Thou shall not take the name of the Lord they God in vain." This is in the King James version. In Hebrew, it reads thus, "Thou shall not substitute the name of Yahvah thy El, for Yahvah will not hold them guiltless who will substitute His name."

All these years we have substituted His name innocently. The word "Lord" is not a name but a title, it means Baal the sun god, Aedonoi, etc.

This title “Lord” in King James Bible is mentioned 6,779 times in the Old Testament, where it says “Lord,” it is Y.H.V.H. (Yahvah) that is the real name of our heavenly Father.

Exod. 34:5. When Moses was up in Mt. Sinai, Yahvah descended in the cloud and was with Moses there and proclaimed the name of Yahvah. Isa. 42:8. "I am Yahvah, that is my name."

The name Yahvah has a meaning. It means what He represents, His attributes, His character, His is all in all, the creator, all powerful, etc.

Psa. 68:4. Sing unto Elohim, sing praises to His name extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His name "Yah", (Jah) rejoice before Him."

The word "God" is not a name but a pagan title, and has been only since 700 A.D. when the German people borrowed it from the pagans, and the English people borrowed it from the Germans, and that is how it got into our English Bibles.

Jer. 16:20,21. "They shall know that my name is Yahvah."

Eph. 3:14,15. The whole family of heaven and earth is named by the name of Yahvah.

If we are truly born again, have the true experience within our souls, then we have come under the name of Yahvah, for we are born into the heavenly family and come under His name.

Isa. 52:5-9. "My people shall know my name."

Hos. 2:16,17. The day is coming and now is, that Yahvah will take the names of Baalim out of our mouths and shall no more be remembered by their name.

Jer. 23:25-28. Their fathers have forgotten His name for Baal. Yes, the Father's name Y.H.V.H. (Yahvah) has been forgotten since the dark ages and substituted the name for a pagan title Lord or Baal.

It's high time we know His name and honor Him by calling Him by His true name.

Mal. 1:6. Wherein we have despised His name.

I Cor. 8:5,6. There are many lords and many gods, but there is but one Yahvah.

Now the name Yahshua (Jesus). The name Jesus is not the right name, it comes from two pagan deities, le, the Babylonian deity and Zeus, identified by the Romans with Jupiter lezeus, and gradually became the name of Jesus over 300 years A.D. and it has been handed down to us from one generation to another, and we all took it for granted the names were right, but Yahvah has been so good to us and revealed to us the sacred names. Praise His holy name.

In Rev. 7:3,4, the 144,000 number are sealed in their foreheads. Rev. 14:1, the Father's name and His Son's name are written in their foreheads. Dan. 9:19. The city of thy people is called by thy name.

John 5:43. Reads, "I came in my Father's name." The Father's name is not Jesus, so what is the Father's name. Yah in short and shua mean salvation, so He was called Yahshua. He came for our salvation, for that is what He represented.

John 12:28-30. "Father, glorify thy name." John 17:6-12,22,26. "I have declared unto them thy name." I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me."

Mal. 3:16. "A book of remembrance was written before him that feared Yahvah, and thought upon His name."

Isa. 43:5-7. He will bring His children from the east and west, every one that is called by His name.

Joel 2:32. "Who shall call upon the name of Yahvah shall be delivered. A remnant is called."

Exod. 23:13,24,25. “Make no mention of other gods.”

Psa. 91:14, “He will deliver us, because we have known His name.”

Zech. 14:9. “He shall be King over all the earth, and His name one.” Many names in the Bible have a meaning. Abrah, after he had an experience with Yah, later was called Abraham and Sarai’s names was changed to Sarah. The letter ‘H’ means to love and truth. The letter ‘H’ was added.

Jacob, after having a great experience with Yahvah, his name was changed to Is-ra-El, meaning “having power with El.” El, is the title for God.

Here are a few names with the title ‘El’ added. Names and letters have a meaning – the quality.

El – I.A.H. – J.A.H. The I and J should be Y.

U-ri-El – The light of El.

Ra-pha-El – The healing of El.

Mi-cha-El – Who is like El.

Ga-bri-El – The man of El.

Pe-nu-El – The face of El.

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Ha-mu-El - The heart of El.

Is-ra-El - Having power with El.

Uz-zi-El - The might of El.

E-ze-ki-El - The strength of El.

Ish-ma-El - El hears.

Jo-El - Yahvah is El.

Im-man-u-El - El is with us.

Jer-em-Iah - Yahvah establishes.

I-sa-Iah - Yahvah hath saved.

Jos-Iah - Yahvah healeth.

Me-hem-Iah - Yahvah consoles.

Mesh-Iah - Yahvah is with us.

To-bi-Jah - Yahvah is good.

O-bad-Iah - Worshipper of Yahvah.

Zed-ek-Iah- The righteousness of Yah.

Hal-le-lu-Jah - Praise Yah or Yahvah.

Mat. 27:46. Yahshua cried with a loud voice saying, "Eli, Eli Lama sabach thani?" that is to say, "My El, my El, why hast thou forsaken me?" The 'I' stands for 'my' and 'ELI' stands for 'God'. Yahshua called to His Father by His title 'Eli'.

So let us honor our heavenly Father by His right name and let us truly bear His name in our lives, having a real experience with our maker that we may find ourselves with Yahvah and Yahshua our Saviour. Halleluyah.

Emma Zarneke 7756 Orien Ave. La Mesa, Calif.

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The Sacred Records

It is generally believed and quite frequently taught that the Sacred Records of the CREATION OF HEAVEN and EARTH were uninterruptedly transmitted from generation to generation, from ADAM to MOSES. This transmission of the Sacred Records is thought to be possible because of the longevity of the people at that time and that the total elapsed period from Adam to the Flood is a relatively short period of 1656 years. From the Flood to the Exodus of Israel or to Moses represents a short Chronological Period of 857 years. The total period of time from the CREATION OF ADAM to MOSES taking into consideration the long life span of the Ante-diluvian Patriarchs and combining the Chronological Periods involved before the Flood and after the Flood, represents a period of 2513 years.

The persons involved in the transmission of the Sacred Records would be the following: (1) The first man, ADAM, whose total life span was 930 years. (2) SETH, the son of Adam, born in the 130th year of Adam’s life. The total life of Seth was 912 years. (3) ENOCH, the seventh generation from Adam, was born in the 622nd year after the creation of Adam and TRANSLATED in the year 987. Enoch was 365 years old at the time of his TRANSLATION. (4) METHUSELAH, born in the 687th year of Adam’s life was 969 years old at the time of his death in 1656, the year of the FLOOD which took place in the 600th year of Noah’s life. (5) NOAH, born in the year 1065 A.M., lived 950 years which places his death in the year of 2006 A.M. or 350 years after the FLOOD. (6) SHEM, Noah’s son, was born in the year of 1558 A.M. and lived 600 years. He was 98 years old at the time of the FLOOD, lived 502 years after the Flood and died in the year 2158 A.M. or 1846 B.J.

From the above we can readily see and UNDERSTAND that Methuselah was born and lived 243 years before the death of Adam, 355 years before the death of Seth, 300 years before the translation of Enoch, 350 years of Noah’s life before the Flood and also 98 years of Shem’s life before the Flood. Therefore, we can understand how the oral or written Records could pass from Adam, through Seth, Enoch and Methuselah to Noah and Shem in the Ante-diluvian Age during the 1656 year from Adam to the Flood.

The Patriarch, Abraham’s vocation took place 427 years after the Flood and Shem died 502 years after the Flood, which would make Abraham 75 years old before the death of Shem. Therefore, it is quite possible that Shem and Abraham could have become acquainted during the lifetime of Shem and received, in the Post-diluvian Age, the records which some theologians claim were passed from Shem to Abraham. It was to Abraham and his Seed to whom God had PROMISED THE BLESSING. Ishmael was the first son of Abraham by Hagar, the bond-woman (Gentile), and Isaac was the second son of Abraham by Sarah, his wife (Jew). Jacob was the son of Isaac, and the father of the twelve tribes of Israel whom Moses led out of the land of Egypt and the house of bondage 430 years after the PROMISE was made. Therefore, from the previous enumeration one can understand why the belief has continued through the years that the records were given to Abraham and were transmitted from him to his sons, Isaac, and from Isaac to Jacob, his son, and to the twelve sons of Jacob who transmitted those records to Moses.

This explanation, then, covers the total Chronological Period of 2513 years, reaching from Adam to Moses. However, the belief of some Theologians of the transmission of the SACRED RECORDS of the CREATION OF HEAVEN and EARTH and the current events of the ANTE-DILUVIAN AGE is disputable, in part, because the modern scientific and philosophical minded theologians see at a glance that if this explanation is accepted it would immediately establish ADAM as the WRITER of the BOOK OF GENESIS in which was RECORDED many HISTORICAL EVENTS which occurred five days prior to ADAM'S CREATION (see Gen. 1:1-26), and over two thousand years after his DEATH (see Gen. 5:1-5). For this reason in particular, this class of Theologians discard the idea that Adam or any of the Ante-diluvian Patriarchs wrote the BOOK OF GENESIS, and declare MOSES to be the true INSPIRED WRITER of the BOOK in question. This view brings to light another GREAT complicated QUESTION.

If Adam is to be rejected as the WRITER of the Book of Genesis on the basis that it contains many HISTORICAL events which occurred five days before his creation and over two thousand years AFTER HIS DEATH, HOW then could MOSES write the HISTORY OF THE CREATION OF HEAVEN and EARTH and the current events of the ANTE-DILUVIAN AGE which occurred over two thousand years BEFORE HE WAS BORN?


The QUESTION is ANSWERED in this way: Moses DID receive his KNOWLEDGE of the current HISTORICAL EVENTS of the Ante-diluvian Age as explained in the foregoing paragraphs but WROTE the HISTORY OF THE CREATION OF HEAVEN and EARTH as is related in the first part of the BOOK OF GENESIS by DIVINE INSPIRATION (see 2 Tim. 3:16). (See illustration on the next page).

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God, Abraham and Moses in Relation to the Children of Israel

As the time drew near for God to make the necessary preparation to deliver the Children of Israel out of the Land of Egypt, according to the Promise He (God) had made to Abraham and his Seed, God raised up Moses to deliver the Children of Israel from Egyptian bondage. Moses was reared in the house of Pharaoh, an Egyptian King. At the age of 40 Moses slew an Egyptian for smiting a Hebrew. He fled into the Land of Midian (see Ex. 2:15) and married Jethro's daughter; Jethro owned a flock of sheep and Moses became a shepherd.

After Moses had been in the Wilderness for forty years God manifested Himself to Moses through a burning bush and spoke to Moses telling him to remove his shoes from his feet because the ground on which he was standing was Holy Ground. Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, and typical Man of Sin or Son of Perdition, was reigning at this particular time. However, at that time God did not reveal to him the PURPOSE for which the ground had been consecrated (see Holy Place in Migratory Pattern, see chart on page 19). God then instructed Moses to return to Egypt and deliver the Israelites out of bondage. Moses returned to Egypt, according to God's Divine instruction and simultaneously with the pouring out of the tenth (and last) plague, God instituted the Passover.

Beginning in Egypt and very early in the morning of the next day after the stygian night of the PASSOVER, God, by the phenominal Cloud and the hand of Moses, led the twelve tribes of Israel out of the plague torn chaotic land of Egypt, through the miraculously “DIVIDED” waters of the Red Sea, and finally into the Wilderness of Sinai in the year of 1490 B.J., This statement includes GOD, the PERSONS, the DATE and the immediate GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION involved in our EXPLANATION. Shortly after Moses had led the children of Israel into the Wilderness, God, speaking from Mount Sinai, gave them the LAW (see Ex. 20th chapter). Thereafter, God called Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy of the Elders of Israel up into Mount Sinai and they saw (IN A VISION) the God of Israel (see Ex. 24: 9-10). Thereafter, Moses remained in the Mount while all the others, except Joshua (see Ex. 32:17) returned to camp. It was at this time that God MANIFESTED Himself to Moses and those that were with Moses at that time in the "Incorporeal Form of A MAN" (see Ex. 24: 9-10) or a GREAT HEAVENLY ANTHROPOMORPHIC BEING because of three reasons:

(1) He wished them to Know THAT HE was the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob----or the GOD OF ISRAEL, their GOD (see 1 Kings 18:36; 1 Chr. 29:18).

(2) He (GOD) was to MANIFEST HIMSELF in the FLESH in the form of a man and fulfill the LAW and PROPHESIES (see Matt. 5:17; Psa. 40:6-9; Heb.10:5).

(3) After God had manifested Himself in the FLESH (the Messiah) fulfilling that which was written in the Law and the Prophets which foretold His Death,Burial, Resurrection and Ascension, He re-appeared to John on the Isle of Patmos in A VISION on the Seventh Day confirming that He, the God of Israel,was the Alpha and Omega (see Rev. 1:9) the BEGINNING and END, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, the CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE.

To summarize the (a) section under the caption of the EXPLANATION above, we are referring to the DIVINE INSPIRATION by which Moses wrote the Genesis in relation to God, Abraham and the Children of Israel.

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The Vision of the Three-Fold Archetypical Pattern in Relation to the Three-Fold Tangible Sanctuary

It was also in the Mount that Moses received the VISION of the three-fold ARCHETYPICAL PATTERN in relation to the three-fold Tangible Sanctuary. The VISION of the three-fold ARCHETYPAL PATTERN is explained in this way: GOD, the GREAT HEAVENLY ANTHROPOMORPHIC BEING, instantaneously TRANSFORMED HIMSELF into a three-fold completely furnished, Intangible Sanctuary so that Moses could SEE the total structure; with its Brazen Vesseled exterior furnishings and the Golden Vesseled interior furnishings therein, and also the interior hanging curtains and the departmental DIVIDING VAIL, lavishly embellished with Angelic Figures. Thus, in this way, God was able to SHOW Moses the three-fold INTANGIBLE SANCTUARY and make him thoroughly UNDERSTAND and retain in his MIND HOW, thereafter, he was to build the (Figurative) three-fold Tangible Sanctuary for a Dwelling Place for Him (God) among the Children of Israel (see Ex. 25:8) fashioned like the PATTERN which Moses had SEEN in the Mount (see Ex. 25:40) This was necessary since God or the Godhead is threefold, namely, (1) THE FATHER (2) THE WORD and (3) THE HOLY GHOST and these THREE are ONE (1 John 5:7) ALL IN ALL (1 Cor. 15:28) SUPREME SPIRIT EMBODIMENT (Acts 17:28).

Therefore, the TRANSFORMED STATE of the GOD HEAD into the INTANGIBLE SANCTUARY or INCORPOREAL PATTERN, shown to Moses in the Mount, MUST BE threefold, or DIVIDED into THREE PARTS. These three parts are namely, (1) THE MOST HOLY PLACE (2) THE HOLY PLACE and (3) THE COURT AROUND ABOUT. These manifested three-fold parts of the Tabernacle (with the Phenominal Cloud standing above it) ARE IN REALITY one complete TABERNACLE herein called the Incorporeal Pattern of the Universe with its contents which are as follows:

(1) THE MOST HOLY PLACE (Entrance into is called Second Vail)

(a) The ark of the Covenant with its two Cherubims of Glory with their wings overshadowing the Mercy Seat thereon, and the tables of stone and Aaron's Rod contained therein. (A blue, purple and scarlet colored Vail, lavishly embellished with Angelic Figures divided the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place). See Plate No. 3 on page 29.

(2) THE HOLY PLACE (Entrance into is called First Vail or Door)

(a) The Golden Candlestick

(b) The Golden Overlaid Table of Shew-bread

(c) The Golden Altar of Incense


(a) The Brazen Altar of Sacrifice

(b) The Brazen Laver (containing water for Priest to wash)

To summarize the (b) section under the caption of the EXPLANATION, above, we are referring to GOD, the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT and THREE-FOLD ARCHETYPE INCORPOREAL PATTERN in relation to the THREE FOLD INTANGIBLE SANCTUARY, which Moses SAW in A VISION while he was yet in Mount Sinai. Thereafter, he was to construct the TANGIBLE or PHYSICAL SANCTUARY or TABERNACLE in the Wilderness according to the manifested description explained in the paragraph above. (See Sanctuary of Tabernacle in Pictorial illustrative chart, captioned, God, the ARCHETYPE (original) PATTERN OF THE UNIVERSE Series No. 1 chart).

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The Vision and History of the Creation of Heaven and Earth

Moses, while still in the Mount, and within the Midst of the Cloud, was SHOWN another VISION - this time a PANORAMIC VISION of the CREATION OF HEAVEN and EARTH. GOD MANIFESTED HIMSELF to Moses in an Incorporeal Form (see Ex. 24:9-10; see also the Transfiguration, Matt. 17:1-2) as the CREATOR OF HEAVEN and EARTH and in this VISION Moses “HEARD and SAW," within SIX SOLAR DAYS, God in the process of CREATION by HIMSELF, THE PATTERN. day by day in logical sequence until He had reached the Seventh Day. It was on this Seventh Day that GOD RESTED and sanctified it and called it the SABBATH. All of this took place during the forty day period that Moses was in Mount Sinai.

Inasmuch as we seek and desire to explain and show our concept and understanding of WHAT GOD IS . . . WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and HOW HE created or formed the Angelic Host and the Heaven and Earth, it is also necessary that we produce sufficient, concrete evidence that our concept is both Theologically and Scientifically verified by other witnesses. We have previously propounded, to some extent, that God is Spirit (see John 4:24). That is to say, God is the Ultimate Source, Infinite and Immaculate Substance, the Incomprehensible and Inscrutable Principle, the ALL IN ALL, an Eternal, Independent, Self-existing Diety without visible shape or form (see Deut. 4:12 and John 5:37). Therefore, He is, within Himself, the sum total embodiment of "ALL" of the attributes of Intelligence and Wisdom,Knowledge and Power, Mercy and Justice, Law and Order, Love and Beauty, Life and Truth, etc. (See self explanatory illustrative chart - Figure 1, part 1, and Figure 2, page 22, 23).

However, in this state or condition He is, or rather was inconceivable. Therefore, with the desire to Create the Heaven and Earth and thereafter manifest His existence to all that in them is; it was of His own volition necessary for Him to "FIRST" take on Super "INCORPOREAL FORM" (in part) which would be better known and understood by the name "Messiah or Christ" (see Figure 1, part 2, and Figure 3, pages 22 and 24, the "TRUE BEGINNING" of the Creation of God (see Rev. 3:14). In this condition He was the Universal Archetype Pattern of everything "Incorporeal and Physical" that He thereafter created. In the illustration, Figure 4, page 25, we mean that in the Realm of Eternity, he created the Spirit Beings or the Angelic Host, first before He created the physical creation.

Finally, God took on Physical Shape and Form (in part, not in totality) and manifested in the Material Creation and thereafter in Jesus, as shown in the illustrations, Figure 1, part 3 and Figure 5, pages 22 and 26 see John 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16; 1 John 5:20). As stated in John 1:1-2, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made."

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Thus, this exotic and esoteric secret was revealed to Solomon and expressed in these words, "THE LORD possessed me in the BEGINNING of His way, BEFORE HIS WORKS OF OLD. I was set up from EVERLASTING, from the BEGINNING, OR EVER THE EARTH WAS. When there WERE NO DEPTHS, I was brought forth: when there WERE NO FOUNTAINS ABOUNDlNG WITH WATER. Before the mountains were SETTLED. BEFORE THE HILLS WAS I BROUGHT FORTH: While as YET HE HAD NOT MADE THE EARTH, NOR THE FIELDS, NOR THE HIGHEST PART OF THE DUST OF THE WORLD. When He prepared the heavens, I WAS THERE: when He set a compass upon the face of the depth; when He established the clouds above; when He strengthened the fountains of the deep; when He gave to the sea His decree, that the waters should not pass His COMMANDMENT: WHEN HE APPOINTED THE FOUNDATIONS OF THE EARTH: THEN I WAS BY HIM. AS ONE BROUGHT UP WITH HIM: . . ." (Prov. 8:22-30).

Whereas Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and the seventy elders, after ascending Mount Sinai, SAW (in a vision) Him (Christ) in this Super INCORPOREAL FORM whom they recognized as the God of Israel; ("And they saw the God of Israel; and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the Body of Heaven in His clearness"' Ex.24:10), BEFORE Moses entered into the midst of the Cloud, which typified his entrance into the presence of God in "THE REALM OF ETERNITY" - wherein Moses "HEARD" the spoken words of God, "BEFORE TIME BEGAN," which SPONTANEOUSLY transformed Spirit or substance, in part, into a large super mass of inorganic and inanimate matter.

"FOR HE SPAKE, AND IT WAS DONE; HE COMMANDED, AND IT STOOD FAST" (Psa. 33:9). "Through faith we understand that the WORLDS WERE FRAMED BY THE WORD OF GOD SO THAT THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN WERE NOT MADE OF THINGS WHICH DO APPEAR" (Heb. 11:3). With the Heaven, space) and Earth in this condition, Moses "SAW", recognized and said, “In the beginning (of his vision) God created the Heaven and Earth" (Gen. 1:1). If we, as scientists. engaged in an extensive and intensified research, thoroughly understood by Divine Interpretation that God is Spirit (see John 4:24) inhabiting Eternity (see Isa. 57:15) and that God created MATTER and that MATTER IS SPIRIT MATERIALIZED, which MATERIALIZATION took place SPONTANEOUSLY, in the Realm of Eternity, BEFORE TIME BEGAN and still continues to abide within this Eternal Realm, then we could very easily UNDERSTAND that there is no solution to the Age old problem and question of "HOW OLD THE HEAVEN and EARTH IS”. ACTUALLY we must UNDERSTAND that we CANNOT TIME, or calculate the Age of Creation by the physical objects of the Creation, such as the OPERATION MOON and STARS, when it is the repeated routine function of these previously created objects that make up what we call "TIME". Or in other words. we cannot take the created objects which are necessary to establish TIME, to TIME their OWN CREATION. Therefore, scientists never will by Geological, Archaeological and other methods of scientific research, including OUTER SPACE EXPLORATION, be able to determine the Age of the Creation, without FIRST determining the AGE of the ETERNAL CREATOR - GOD, because, as we have already explained, MATTER IS SPIRIT MATERIALIZED. For example: A watch is made to tell TIME, in seconds, minutes and hours - but it was not made to TELL HOW OLD THE WATCH itself is, or the age of the Watchmaker.

A more detailed account of Moses' VISION OF THE CREATION is more fully explained herein.

"Moses went into the Mount and a CLOUD covered the Mount. And the Glory of the Lord abode upon Mount Sinai, and the CLOUD covered it SIX DAYS: and the SEVENTH DAY HE (GOD) called unto Moses out of the MIDST of the CLOUD. And the sight of the GLORY of the Lord was like a devouring fire on the top of the Mount in the eyes of the Children of Israel (no night in the Holy Place in the Earthly Sanctuary - compare with Rev. 21:1-23). And Moses went into the MIDST of the CLOUD, and gat him up into the Mount: and Moses was in the Mount forty days and forty nights" (Ex. 24: 15-18).

(NOTE - In the following copy of the above paragraph we are inserting in the proper place Moses' VISION of the CREATION OF THE HEAVEN and EARTH, which took place in the first SIX SOLAR DAYS OF THE SEVEN, while Moses was in the MIDST of the CLOUD (symbolizing his presence in ETERNITY) during the forty days he was in Mount Sinai).

Moses went into the Mount and a CLOUD covered the Mount. And the Glory of the LORD abode upon Mount Sinai, and the CLOUD COVERED IT SIX WAYS: ("In the BEGINNING (of Moses' Vision) God CREATED THE HEAVEN and THE EARTH, - see Gen. 1:1, also, the numbers preceding the following statements are referring to the verses of scripture in the first chapter of Genesis). 2 - And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 - And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 - And God saw the light, that it was good: and God DIVIDED the Light from the Darkness. 5 - And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

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6 - And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it DIVIDE the waters from the waters. 7 - And God made the firmament, and DIVIDED the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 - And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 9 - And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. 10 - And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called He seas: and God saw that it was good. 11 - And God said. Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. 12 - And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind; and God saw that it was good. 13 - And the evening and the morning were the third day. 14 - And God said, Let there be light in the firmament of the heaven to DIVIDE the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15 - And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth; and it was so. 16 - And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: He made the stars also. 17 - And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth. 18 - And to rule over the day and over the night, and to DIVIDE the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good. 19 - And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 20 - And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. 21 - And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 22 - And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. 23 - And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

24 - And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so. 25 - And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

26 - And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 - So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 28 - And God blessed them, and God said unto them: Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

29 - And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. 30 - And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so. 31 - And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them (Gen.2:1). 2 – And on the Seventh Day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. 3 - And God blessed the Seventh Day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made. 4 - These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, IN THE DAY (OR ETERNITY) that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens.

And the SEVENTH DAY HE (GOD) called unto Moses out of the midst of the "CLOUD." And the sight of the GLORY of the Lord was like a devouring fire on the top of the Mount in the EYES OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. And Moses went into the MIDST of the CLOUD, and gat him up into the mount: and Moses was in the mount forty days and forty nights (Ex. 24: 15-18).

To summarize: the (c) section under the caption of the EXPLANATION above, we are referring to THE VISION and HISTORY OF THE CREATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH - AND GOD'S REST OR SABBATH DAY.

God inhabits ETERNITY (Isa. 57:15) as indicated by His Incorporeal Form, WITHIN THE CLOUD, that covered Mount Sinai. Hence, the actual CREATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH must emanate from God and TAKE PLACE in the REALM OF ETERNITY. Therefore, these created physical objects such as the Sun. Moon. Stars and other Planets function within the REALM OF ETERNITY and cause THE REALM OF TIME TO EXIST.

Moses, having first SEEN GOD (in the VISION) before He began to create, therefore, SAW the entire process of the CREATION. When he began to write, starting with the beginning of the VISION, he wrote: “In the beginning God created the HEAVEN AND THE EARTH" (Gen. 1:1).

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(1) The above chart is intended to show for the most part, an enlarged picture systematically arranged by a three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle, described in Plate #1; the Godhead, Plate #2, the interior of the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate #3, a day by day (solar days, the Cloud covered the Mount) account of Moses' Vision of the Creation of Heaven and Earth including Plate #12, page 31, the Migratory Pattern established by the Migration of Israel from Egypt, through the Red Sea into the Wilderness and their departure therefrom through the River Jordan into Canaan Land, Plate #13, page 31, established by the Pattern shown in Plate #14, page 31, and witnessed by a three-fold witness as seen by John, in 1 John 5:7-10, Plate #15, page 31.

(2) In the picture we have tried to show and illustrate the Godhead as the Archetypal Pattern of the Universe by "Transfiguring" the Godhead into the threefold "Tabernacle" and then placing the Tabernacle along beside EACH DAY of the Six (solar) days of Moses' Vision of the Creation of Heaven and Earth, AS IS, recorded in the first and second chapters of the Book of Genesis.

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(3) Notice carefully that each day and each current event which Mose states, occurred during each day, is analogically compared with the Tabernacle and its interior and exterior furnishings and the Purpose for which everything was used, as indicated in self explanatory words in each Plate - which represents a day within itself. Remember that One Day with the Lord (not man) is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as One Day (2 Pet.3:8; Psa.90:4). Hence, 6 days are equivalent to 6000 years (see page 7).

(4) By using the Tabernacle (marked “Pattern" in Plate #1, page 29) as an imaginary loose Plate and placing it over all other Plates, noticing the wording in each Plate, you will have an idea of the current events which took place each day of Moses' Vision of the Creation of the Heaven and Earth. "For He (God) spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast" (Psa. 33:9). That is, God spoke in the Realm of Eternity before Time Began - and the "Heaven and Earth" appeared to Moses in the Vision, in its Dark Chaotic State as Moses described it in Genesis 1:1-2-as we have tried to show it most particularly at the bottom of the picture in Plate # 4, page 29, marked Cosmogony and also in Plate #5, marked "Chaosis." (Moses said nothing about his seeing the Creation of Angels, although they were shown or did appear to him within the Vision of "Intangible Tabernacle" as shown on the Second Vail, neither did he say he saw the separate Creation of each atomic element of Matter, as we have shown in the Holy Place, in the center of Plate #4, marked "Cosmogony").

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(5) By moving in an upward direction, using the Migratory Pattern, Plate #13, in the same way as we have said to use the Tabernacle (marked Pattern – Plate # 1) you will be able to understand why the Paschal Lamb was slain in Egypt, and Egypt is called the Outer Court. where the waters of the Red Sea were Miraculously "Divided" forming a door, also the waters of the River Jordan were "Divided", rending the Vail as an entrance into Canaan Land, which is called the Most Holy Place. Another example, moving from left to right, across the top-Cosmic Light, Plate #6 page 30, in the Creation, Gen. 1:1-3) is shown by the Shechinah Light (Ex.25: 22: Lev. 16:2) illustrated in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate #3, reflected between the Wings of the Cherubims within the Cloud, in the Most Holy Place, and by the "Light of the Sun" on the Fourth day, Plate #9 above, of the Vision of the Creation, seen by Moses while in Mount Sinai. The Light is also identified with the "Light of the Sun" shining upon the Temple, which was overlaid with gold and decorated with precious stones in Canaan Land, or the Most Holy Place in the Migratory Pattern, Plate #13, etc. It is the Word of God that formed the Second Vail and "Divided" the Light from the Darkness in the Creation. Compare the operations throughout the series of the illustrated pictures with the Tabernacle and the Migratory Pattern. Thus, you have the spontaneous appearance of the Heaven and Earth, and the Six days of the Creation, first by the Lord God, the Archetype Pattern, second by the Pattern of the Tabernacle, and third by the Migratory Pattern, or the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan Land.

This Panoramic Vision of God in the process of creation which Moses SAW while he was "WITHIN the CLOUD," symbolizes his presence within "THE DAY" or within "ETERNITY" during the first SIX SOLAR DAYS of the forty day period that he was in Mount Sinai. This was in the third (sacred) month and

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year of 2513 A.M. or 1490 B.J. and was recorded AS IS, in the first part of the BOOK OF GENESIS. As Moses was a witness, through the Vision of the creation we can understand HOW he could WRITE the HISTORY OF THE CREATION OF THE HEAVEN AND EARTH and compile the BOOK OF GENESIS.

Regarding the "SABBATH DAY" as a day of rest for mankind to keep, it is easy to see and clearly under- standable that since Moses WROTE the Book of Genesis in the Wilderness of Sinai in 1490 B.J. and placed the VISION, which he SAW in the Mount, in the first part of the Book of Genesis, AS IS; neither Adam nor any other of the Ante-diluvian or Post-diluvian Patriarchs prior to Moses could have known anything about the SABBATH DAY. In the second month (Ex. 16:1) after their arrival and residence in the Wilderness of Sinai, the Israelites began to murmur for food and for six days God gave them manna from Heaven (Ex. 16:23-28). They were to gather enough on the sixth day to supply them during the SEVENTH DAY or THE SABBATH. It was here in the Wilderness of Sinai at this time, 1490 B.J., that for the first time in the History of the World God FIRST mentioned to mankind anything about the REST or the SEVENTH DAY, or the keeping of A SABBATH DAY. God, in speaking the Commandments from Mount Sanai (Sinai), in the third month (Ex. 19:1) THEREAFTER, reminded the Israelites to remember the SABBATH DAY to keep it HOLY. After speaking the Commandments from Mount Sinai, God called Moses up into the Mount which the CLOUD covered SIX SOLAR DAYS and Moses SAW God in the process of CREATING THE HEAVEN AND EARTH (Gen. 1:1-31 and Gen. 2:1-4).

It was here in Mount Sinai that God (who, as previously explained, is Spirit) took on the "Incorporeal Form" of Man (Ex. 24:10) and appeared to Moses in "A VISION." Thereafter, the transmutable part of Spirit (or the three-fold Godhead) was spontaneously transformed into the APPARENT ethereal Darkness and Chaotic physical SUBSTANCE which Moses “SAW" and recognized to be the "Heaven and Earth” (Gen. 1:1). Paradoxical as it may seem, John, in his Vision on the Isle of Patmos stated that the "Lamb of God" was slain "From the Foundation of the World" (Rev. 13:8 and Rev. 17:8) which means that the "Paschal Lamb" in the Dark Chaotic Land of Egypt had to be slain therein “Before the Beginning of the migration or departure of the Israelites from Egypt.” Thus, the Heaven and Earth which Moses "SAW" in the VISION WITHIN the MIDST of the CLOUD was in the same Dark Chaotic condition as the Land of Egypt AFTER the pouring out of the “Ten Plagues" and the offering and Blood of the "Paschal Lamb" BEFORE the "BEGINNING" of the Israelites departure therefrom (see Ex 12 : 1-15).

In this "COMPARATIVE TYPE" we are using the Red Sea for a boundary line between Egypt and the Wilderness of Sinai. In other words, we are using the Mystic Darkness and waters of the Red Sea to completely surround the Plague stricken Chaotic Land of Egypt, as described in the Beginning of Moses' VISION of the Creation in Genesis 1:1-31. (See and compare Gen.1:2 with Ex. 10:21-23). From within this ethereal Darkness and Chaotic MASS, Moses “HEARD" God speak the words, "Let there be light, and there was light" (Gen. 1:2).

After the dawn of Cosmic Light and from within this great CHAOTIC MASS Moses “SAW" God (the Heavenly Anthropomorphic Being or Three-fold Archetypal Pattern) systematically create the HEAVEN and EARTH with its vegetable and animal kingdoms as Moses knew them before, and as we now know them.

In this VISION God, in "Speaking and Dealing" with this PARENT MASS, during these SIX (SOLAR) DAYS, thoroughly demonstrated that HE IS "UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LAW and ORDER WITHIN HIMSELF." Whereas, on the SEVENTH DAY He rested and Sanctified that DAY because in it HE RESTED FROM HIS WORK OF CREATION (Gen.2:1-3).

Before Moses descended the Mount after he had witnessed the CREATION OF HEAVEN AND EARTH during the first SIX SOLAR DAYS and God had RESTED THE SEVENTH DAY, God called unto Moses out of the CLOUD and gave him the FIRST tables of stone with the Law of Commandments engraved therein by the finger of GOD. God had instructed Moses to place the tables of stone with the Commandments written therein inside the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle. Moses, in descending the Mount, came within view of the Children of Israel disobeying the Commandments of God by worshipping the Golden Calf. In seeing the Children of Israel worshipping the Golden Calf, Moses waxed hot and threw down the first tables of stone and broke them. After God and Moses had chastised the Children for making and worshipping the Golden Calf, God called Moses back up into the Mount again and gave him the second tables of stones (see Ex. 34:1-2) to place in the Ark of the Covenant signifying the New Covenant (see Jer. 31:31-34). If we subtract the SEVEN DAYS which includes the SABBATH from the forty days and forty nights which Moses remained in the Mount, we will have THIRTY-THREE more days that Moses remained in the Mount after he SAW the VISION OF CREATION, which (counting one day for a year - Num. 14:34 and Ezek. 4:6) is equivilent (equivalent) to the WORD OF GOD, manifested in the FLESH, or the total (33 1/2 years) life span of Jesus the Christ or the Messiah, on the earth plane fulfilling the Law and the Prophesies (See Isa. 8:20; Matt. 5:17 and Luke 24:44).

There is quite a lot of modern, scientifical and theological, and cosmological speculation introduced under the caption of "The Theory Of The Original Or Pre-Adamic Earth."

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The Theory of the Original or Pre-Adamic Earth

Thus far, science has failed to present sufficient concrete evidence to prove the origin, (the systematical development by a definite God-given Pattern) Purpose and final destiny of the Universe. Neither have the theological exponents of the Sacred Scriptures been able to do so with any dependable degree or scientifical accuracy or intellectual infallibility. For example: Some of our theological commentators on the Sacred Scriptures express the belief that there was a Pre-Adamic earth created and inhabited by a human race of people and destroyed before the creation of Adam.

The subject is introduced in explanatory theological writings under the caption ORIGINAL OR PRE-ADAMIC EARTH. This theological idea was conceived and based on Gen. 1:1 which reads as follows: "In the beginning God created the heaven and earth." The foregoing quotation is offered and is supposed by the proponents of the doctrinal idea to be the Original or Pre-Adamic Earth with the previously created human inhabitants therein. For some reason, presumably sin, the exponents of this theological idea aim to show that God overthrew the Original or Pre-Adamic Earth by using the second verse in Genesis to prove their point which reads as follows: "AND the Earth was without form and void; and Darkness was upon the face of the deep. AND the SPIRIT of GOD moved upon the face of the waters." (Gen. 1:2).

If we are to abide by the rules of correct use of language and punctuation, we are definitely compelled to disagree with the idea of supplemental desposition of unwritten words between the first and second verses (1:1 and 2) of Genesis to modify the correct reading to prove non-scriptural, unsupported theological theory. To us the correct way to read and understand the first and second verses of the first chapter of Genesis are as follows:

Notice that the first verse and first sentence ("In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.") ends with a period; the second verse and second sentence begins with the word "AND" which is an articulation or conjunction that joins together the first and second verses of Genesis 1:1-2 to complete this thought. Hence, the second verse is Moses' actual description of the CONDITION which the atmospherical heaven (not heavens) and physical earth was in when they were spontaneously created in the REALM OF ETERNITY. That is to say, the atmospherical heaven had no cosmic light, neither did it have illuminous physical objects such as the Sun, Moon and Stars. Likewise, the physical earth first appeared in its inorganic and inanimate state as Moses also indicates in his Vision as stated in the second verse, Genesis 1:2.

As heretofore stated, Moses, while within the CLOUD atop Mount Sinai, SAW God (in a Vision) creating the Heaven and the Earth, day by day in logical seguence during the first SIX SOLAR DAYS of this Vision. Whereupon, the Creation having been finished, God RESTED the SEVENTH DAY or the SABBATH, from His work of Creation and therefore, John states that he was on the Isle of Patmos on the LORD'S DAY or the SEVENTH DAY which is the same day that Moses states that God RESTED from His work of Creation. Moses having seen God, the ALPHA and the BEGINNING of Creation and John having seen Christ in his Vision of the same God (on the Seventh Day), the OMEGA, or the ENDING - which, for this reason, we say that Moses was looking from ALPHA to OMEGA and John was looking from OMEGA to ALPHA to complete, or to confirm the fulfillment of all things which were written in the Law and the Prophesies (Luke 24: 44), which were done by THE MESSIAH or JESUS CHRIST to manifest His entire PURPOSE and PLAN through the Dispensations and Ages or from the "BEGINNING" to the "ENDING" thereof.

The Esoteric Secret and Profound Mystery of God Revealed to the Apostles

It is true that the Angels of the Invisible Realm and the Patriarchs and Prophets of the Visible Realm in the past Dispensations and Ages SAW VISIONS, SPOKE and WROTE under the influence of a Higher Power. But, it is quite clear to the divine, philosophical and scientific mind that the great esoteric "secret of secrets" and profound "mystery of mysteries" of God was not understood by them (see Col. 1:26-27). That is to say, it was "HID" in God and NOT REVEALED unto them in its utter simplicity (see I Pet. 1:10-12).

According to Biblical chronology, the Flood, or Deluge,took place in the year of 1656 A.M., after the finished creation, or 2348 B.J. The vocation of the Patriarch Abraham begins 427 years after the Flood. Jesus Christ said to the Jews, "Before Abraham was, I AM" (John 8:58). In confirmation of the above statement of Christ, the Apostles John and Paul stated that Jesus Christ, (of whom Moses and the Prophets wrote- Luke 24:44) was God, Himself manifested in the FLESH (John 1:1-4; 1 Tim.3:16). Therefore, before the beginning of Creation and many centuries before the DAYS OF HIS "FLESH" (see Ex. 24:10-11), He was the ULTIMATE and ORIGINAL SOURCE from which all esoteric “secrets and profound mysteries" had their beginning.

As such, He was the SOURCE, SUBSTANCE and the CREATOR of all inanimate and animate things and living creatures, visible and invisible. Whereas, in the DAYS OF HIS FLESH, He knew and understood all things. According to the biography of His life, in the days of His flesh (see Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)

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He proved this enescapable TRUTH by the infinite WISDOM wherewith He taught the people and by the many MIRACLES which God performed through Him (Jesus).

As for Jesus' teaching - it went a million miles over the heads of the Sanhedrin Council (teachers of Israel) and the multitudes. Today, nearly two thousand years hence, it is still as far over the heads of so-called Christendom. If this was not true, the world of mankind would have become reconciled unto God and among themselves in the beginning of the Christian era and remained so unto this day. As for His miracles which God performed through Him, He turned water into wine, told men their unexpressed thoughts, healed the sick, raised the dead, walked on the water, fed the multitudes, caused the fig tree to wither and stilled the tempest. Later on you will learn that Jesus Christ performed these miracles by "UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LAW" and according to the Divine Pattern of the Universe.

Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law and the Prophets (see Luke 24:44) and told His Disciples that they would receive the Holy Ghost from God (after His departure out of the flesh) which would REVEAL the "secrets" of the Most High God unto them and impart KNOWLEDGE and UNDERSTANDING of the MYSTERY of His WAY and WILL. After the ascension of Christ, God did REVEAL the great “secrets of secrets and mystery of mysteries” to the chosen Disciples of Christ. Thereafter, they knew by the Divine Pattern and the Law of Commandments in the Ark of the Covenant, that there was in existence an "ARCHETYPAL PATTERN" of the Universe with a "SPIRIT LAW" embodied therein. They understood the silent but POWERFUL, perpetual, routine FUNCTIONS and OPERATIONS of the "UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LAW" in relative coordination with the ARCHETYPAL PATTERN." Since then, however, few others, if any, have ever received a full profound KNOWLEDGE of the EXISTENCE of the "ARCHETYPAL PATTERN" and thoroughly understood the perpetual, routine operation of the "SPIRIT LAW" by which the Universe was methodically created and perpetually controlled, thereafter, with unerring accuracy.

The Universal Ontological Argumentation in Favor of the Existence of a Supreme Being

To speak directly of the masses of people on the earth plane, it would be absurd to say here that mankind, from his very earliest inception in the past Ages, did not BELIEVE in the existence of the "SUPREME BEING" of his IMAGINATION, simply because of his expressions and manifested ignorance of the eternal EXISTENCE of the TRUE "PATTERN" and "SPIRIT LAW" of the UNIVERSE and the fundamental principles involved in the operations of the "SPIRIT LAW" embodied therein. Even though we do have many professed skeptics, atheists, agnostics and infidels in this Present Age, the attested TRUTH and scientifically proven FACTS IN THE CASE are as follows:

(1) Many Sacred Historians or Biblical writers including the Ancient, Medieval and Modern, from Enoch, the seventh from Adam, to John the Apostle, speaking of the activities of MAN in his primitive state give rise to the conviction as well as the final conclusion that MAN actually was CREATED with sufficient intellectual capacities. He was imbued with the "POWER" to reason, a disposition to fear and serve, and an instinct to BELIEVE in the eternal existence of a SUPREME BEING, who was and remains far more superior in POWER and INTELLIGENCE than man, himself. In fact, the Apostle Paul agreed with one of the Grecian poets (or philosophers) that we are the offspring of GOD (see Acts 17: 28).

(2) Likewise, many Profane Historians and Philosophers including the Ancient, Medieval and Modern, from Herodotus to H. G. Wells and from Confucius to those of today, speaking of the CREATED state of primitive man in reference to his BELIEF in the eternal existence of a SUPREME BEING, lead directly to the same convictions and final conclusions as those of the sacred writers.

(3) To add to the abundance of testimony already given, the American and British Archaeological Expeditionary Forces, searching here and there or wherever pre-historic beast or man are thought to have existed, have unearthed plenty of incontestable evidence that since man’s inception, in every Age, he has exercised FAITH in the existence of a SUPREME BEING. So, we understand, according to the records, it IS NOT, the idea that mankind DOES NOT BELIEVE IN THE EXISTENCE OF A SUPREME BEING. We find that it is true that he has had many conceptions and imaginations regarding what he HAS THOUGHT and NOW THINKS God is - hence, the rise of the Polytheistic, Pantheistic and Monotheistic conceptions of God. These are about the oldest theories which attempt to explain and impart some KNOWLEDGE of the Great God and Creator of the Universe.

New religious theories are being born every year while millions of people throughout the world are becoming more and more confused. As heretofore stated, some have given up the SEARCH FOR GOD in despair, professing to be skeptics, atheists, agnostics and infidels. They take this attitude because they are unable to FIND GOD for themselves or reconcile themselves to honestly BELIEVE in the UNKNOWN GOD and the dogmatic religious philosophy and deception of the masses. Others are pressing on, leaving no stone unturned, honestly searching for God with renewed determination. Among this group are some of the world's most brilliant, academically trained scientists. Many of these scientists, equipped with an expansion of intelligence and new or recently improved mechanical instruments, are laboring

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in every field of modern research. They are attempting to further explore the material and psychical realm, hoping to FIND GOD and solve the unexplained, mysterious RIDDLE of the Universe.

It is generally believed that when the TRUE GOD is UNIVERSALLY KNOWN as He actually EXISTS, all strife, confusion, bloodshed, poverty, sickness and death will utterly banish from the earth. With this glorious thought in mind many of these scientists have defied death. Some have lost or freely given their lives trying to wrest the fundamental SECRET OF LIFE from the Universe for the benefit of suffering humanity. Failing to understand the secret manifestation of God in the material realm, many trained psychologists have turned their attention to the psychical realm. These trained investigations and carefully planned experiments, although not yet complete in every detail, have led to the birth and establishment of the "New Psychological Religions" of the past few years. It would be a serious mistake to confuse this "New Philosophical Psychology" with the OLD MATERIALISTIC PSYCHOLOGY. They are as far removed from each other as the Planets. Let us pause here and briefly review some of the basic teachings of the "New Psychology."

The Basic Teaching of the New Psychology

From what I am able to understand, many of these modern, academically trained, world famous psychologists have already gone on record "BELIEVING and TEACHING" that GOD is a three-fold "MIND." They do not all call the major part of the great MIND by the same name. It is also true that they do not all agree on a few minor details involved in the ramified functions of this great "MIND", but on the main issues at hand they are well agreed. Some of their presumptions are as follows:

(1) There is presumed to be a “CONSCIOUS MIND” in existence. It is supposed to operate through the “Senses” - sight, taste, touch, smell, hearing, etc. The Conscious Mind is referred to as the vibratory or creative "Thought Chamber" of the physical body where “Ideas” are formed. Hence, all "Voluntary" functions of our physical bodies and everything else connected with our material existence is said to be under the direct control of the "CONSCIOUS MIND." This means that our homes, our business and all other "Conscious" functions of our bodies are controlled or conducted by the "Conscious Mind." There are other functions attributed to the "Conscious Mind", but neither time or space will permit us to discuss them here.

(2) There is also presumed to be a "SUBCONSCIOUS MIND" in existence. The "SUBCONSCIOUS MIND" and the CONSCIOUS MIND" are said to be joined together. The Subconscious Mind has no Conscience. Therefore, it is claimed that the Subconscious Mind is NOT a respector of persons. We are also informed that the great "Subconscious Mind" is far more ethereal and powerful in it's operations than the Conscious Mind. It is said to have complete charge and control of all "Involuntary" bodily functions such as the digestion and assimilation of food, the building of new cells for reparation of the physical body and restoring of mentality, which has been impaired by illness or injury.

The Subconscious Mind is presumed to be the source of great "Wisdom and Power." We are told that there is nothing that it cannot or will not do, once it's wisdom and power has been invoked. It receives ideas, which are sent down to it by the Conscious Mind. We are informed that once an idea is registered in the Subconscious Mind, it will leave no stone unturned until it has brought into actual Manifestation the things which are laid upon it to do. Further, it is claimed that many cases of disease, heretofore pronounced incurable by Medical Science, have been miraculously healed. We are told that the lame have been made to walk and sight restored to the blind. The new discoveries of scientists and inventors - the successful career of professional and business persons, the rising in rank of the ordinary people and the accumulation of wealth in abundance and supreme happiness, all is said to be the "Materialization" of "Ideas" impressed upon the great "SUBCONSCIOUS MIND."

(3) Still "Deeper Down" there is presumed to be a "UNIVERSAL MIND" in existence. The Universal Mind and the Subconscious Mind are said to be joined together. Instead of referring to this "MIND" as the "UNIVERSAL MIND", some of the psychologists call it the great "OVERSOUL", "COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS", “SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS", “SUPERSONIC MIND" "SUBLIMINAL", "INFINITE MIND", etc. In fact there are over one hundred and seventy different scientific and professional names that have been applied to the major part of this great "MIND."

Nevertheless, the name "UNIVERSAL MIND" is very popular and quite frequently used by many of the modern psychologists. It is supposed to be the "GREAT MASTER MIND" of the Universe that embraces and sustains all LIFE, whether it be vegetable, animal, human or otherwise. In fact, we are told by some psychologists that every Cosmic phase of nature is some or other expression of the great "UNIVERSAL MIND." Moreover it is said to be infinite in “INTELLIGENCE, WISDOM And POWER." Therefore, it is from the "Universal Mind", that the Subconscious Mind draws or receives it's wisdom and power. Further, we are told that it is, within itself, far more ethereal and powerful in its functions and operations than the Subconscious Mind. Whereas, the multifarious ramifications of the great Universal Mind are far too complicated to even attempt to fully explain herein.

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The determination of these modern psychologists in their effort to “Find and Know God”, is not to be ignored or taken in a passive way. The academically trained. scientific psychologists of today are far too wise to form definite opinions or reach final conclusions before exhausting every means of scientific research within their power to command. Therefore, their disclosures demand the respect and serious attention of the public. However. many of these psychologists are not thoroughly satisfied in every respect with their present understanding and knowledge of the Psychical Realm, but they have not given up the search in despair. The progress is slow, but the “Search” still continues to press on towards the cherished goal.

To briefly summarize the present paramount objectives of the exponents of the “New Psychological Religions" of today, they are still trying to further penetrate and explore the “Psychical Realm”, analyze and give a concise, understandable definition of what the combined Conscious, Subconscious and Universal Mind really "IS" - accurately describe or explain the fundamental PRINCIPLES involved in the classifications and the ramified, departmental functions of this three-fold “MIND."

If, and when this task is accomplished they hope and fully expect to discover the "ONE" and "ONLY" true GOD and Creator of the Universe. Know "WHERE, WHEN, WHY, WHO or WHAT", He really "IS." They fully expect to learn and understand HIS manifestations, invoke HIS Almighty Power, freely partake of HIS infinite Wisdom and Intelligence, which will enable them to Reveal HIS identity to the masses. Thus, in this way, they, like the rest of the great scientific and philosophical minded leaders, hope to completely abolish forever, the present prevailing stupendous ignorance of HIS ever Presence - and lift the nations of the earth plane out of the quagmire of Ritualism and Religious Deception and become permanently established in Universal "Righteousness, Peace and Joy", which IS THE TRUE KINGDOM OF GOD (see Rom. 14:17).

Failure of the Modern--New Psychological Religions

These modern Psychologists have gone a long way up the road through their investigations of the Psychical Realm. They have come close to "finding" the ETERNAL, LIVING GOD. However, they have made three great mistakes that have impeded the progress: (1) their failure to use the GOD-GIVEN PATTERN (see Ex. 25:40 and Heb. 8:5), (2) that of leaving the Biblical, Christ given definition of God (GOD IS A SPIRIT - John 4:24) in the background, and (3) believing and teaching that there is A UNIVERSAL MIND, instead of a UNIVERSAL SPIRIT.

Acknowledgement is made without hesitation that there are many modern schools of this kind and a great number of teachers in the world that are far more capable than this author to intelligently expound their views on this and other secular subjects. Nevertheless, up to this present time they have been unable to impart a clear, concise and understandable definition of what the great intangible and ethereal, so-called "Conscious, Subconscious and Universal Mind REALLY IS; neither have they proven by the God-given Pattern, that it is what they think or say that it is.

Psychologists and teachers have failed to point out and thoroughly explain WHERE, WHEN and HOW the conscious, Subconscious and Universal Minds really work in relation to each other sufficiently for persons of average intelligence to conscientiously recognize (HIS or) ITS presence and sincerely appreciate its benefits. Neither have they successfully proven that this great ethereal, so-called Universal Mind possessed the infinite POWER of systematical materialization or transmutation in totality or in either of its two distinctive parts. (By transmutation, or metamorphosis, I mean - the POWER or POSSIBILITY of MANIFESTATION or apparent change from one substance, form, nature or species into another, and in the process of these series of changes, maintain perfect and absolute control in each and every phase or state of existence). From what we are told of the Subconscious and Universal Mind, both are far too limited to possess these infinite qualities.

Comparative Exegetical Analysis

Mind is most frequently associated with the mental state of a human being, according to reputable lexicographers. Therefore, Mind is constantly subject to fluctuating changes, for better or worse, but not so in the case of God or Spirit (John 4:24) as He said, "For I am the Lord, I CHANGE NOT" (Mal. 3:6).

Dr. Hugo Munsterburg, the former Dean of Psychology at Harvard University, made the statement that there is no such thing as a Subconscious Mind in existence. Here and now I make the unconditional statement that GOD IS NOT a Subconscious or Universal Mind. Instead, God is "ALL IN ALL." That is to say, God IS (the eternal three-fold) Universal “SPIRIT," possessing the power of transmutation in His two manifestations, Incorporeal and Physical. But in the absence of a clear, understandable definition and explanation of what "SPIRIT" REALLY IS - and how it operates, we are still compelled to remain in ignorance or jeopardy. In the pure literal sense of the word, SPIRIT is ABSTRACT. But in the true divine, etymological, concrete sense SPIRIT is the "ALL IN ALL" or the "Terminus Ad quem" of whom a direct and profound knowledge is not claimed. The expression, Terminus ad Quem, refers to God in His Abstract State or without form, being the “limit and bounds" of every conceivable and inconceivable idea of Source and Substance. Wisdom and In-

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telligence, Knowledge and Power, Law and Justice, Love and Mercy, Beauty and Glory, etc.

In the Abstract sense, absolutely nothing could exist before or independent of SPIRIT. Neither can anything with or without shape or form be pre-existent or co-eternal with SPIRIT. Therefore, as we have already said, God in this state of existence is PURE SPIRIT or ABSTRACTION. But God, in the process of taking on FORM or moving in part from the abstract into the intermediate state, conceived the idea of the Concrete CREATION and the desire to manifest or make Himself KNOWN to His Creatures of the Creation. Now, as God existed in FORM before He began His work of CREATION. He is, therefore, the true three-fold “ARCHETYPAL (SPIRIT) PATTERN OF THE UNIVERSE.”

Inasmuch as God, in this INTERMEDIATE STATE is the true, original INCORPOREAL PATTERN and SPIRIT bv which the invisible and visible parts of the Universe or creation must be systematically FORMED and given LIFE. He must possess (Prov. 8:22) both masculine and feminine generative organs (or the space of the Universe containing everything) within His "SPIRIT EMIBODIMENT." Likewise, God Himself, being the original three-fold "SPIRIT PATTERN," must be within Himself. the immaculate essence or substance, energy or life - and the IMMUTABLE LAW, intelligentlv manifesting Himself or apparently transmuted, in part, into both the INVISIBLE and VISIBLE counterparts of the Universe.

Hence, the Universe in its totality, which expression includes every CREATED object or thing, visible and invisible, animate and inanimate, known and unknown to be in existence, MUST DERIVE FROM and ABIDE WITHIN HIS GREAT "SPIRIT EMBODIMENT" (see Acts 17:28) herein called the ORIGINAL "INCORPOREAL PATTERN" whereby and wherein ALL created things are formed, shaped, animated and constantly controlled thereafter with unerring accuracy by the inviolable and immutable "SPIRIT LAW", which is a part of the great Universal INCORPOREAL PATTERN.

Now as the Universal Creation (a term comprising the whole system of created things) cannot exist independent of "SPIRIT", it is therefore, embodied in GOD and DIVIDED into two distinctive parts, the INVISIBLE CREATION and the VISIBLE CREATION. Thus, the invisible and visible parts of the Universe are the TWO transmuted parts of the great Invisible God, manifesting Himself through the Universal Creation. Here it is not meant that God in "PRINCIPLE" is changeable, but by means of the Creation the MANIFESTATION of God is multiplied and understood through the Realm of NATURE. Hence. this leaves mankind totally without a legitimate excuse for NOT KNOWING GOD AS HE REALLY EXISTS.

David, Jesus Christ and Paul hold this view regarding the Creation (Psa. 19:1-7 and John 3:21). In Romans 1:19-20 we can also find substantiation in reading, “Because that which my BE KNOWN of God IS MANIFEST in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." To a certain degree, Paul's view is very definitely confirmed by modern science through experimental Atomic Research and philosophical expression. This should furnish us with sufficient ontological proof that it is TRUE that every cosmic phase of NATURE, visible and ultra microscopic, animate and inanimate, organic and inorganic is but some or another expression of the great invisible, three-fold God (see 1 John 5:7). Viewing the facts before us we wonder why it should be necessary for us to pause here and set up delicate mechanical instruments and register "VIBRA- TIONS," or make high powered microscopic investiga- tions, trying to discover and prove the origin of MATTER in defense of this inescapable TRUTH.

It is already KNOWN and scientifically proven that MATTER, in its so-called inanimate and inorganic state, MUST and DOES DERIVE from some definite SOURCE and previously existing, infinite SUBSTANCE. As far as it is now known there is no prospective possibility of "Physical Visualization" of the "Source" or the original "substance" from which MATTER is derived. Nevertheless, if it was God's intention to manifest Himself in His Abstract. Intermediate and Concrete States of existence through the Universal Creation, then the source and the substance from which MATTER derived should not be too hard for us to determine. We should be able to solve this problem by plain, simple and logical deduction because of seven cardinal facts which are as follows:

l. If there is an ETERNAL GOD OR GODHEAD in existence, which we know there is, then NATURE should embrace and MANIFEST some permanent indisputable evidence of His ever-presence. (However, we shall let the students make their own decisions on this score, from the evidence presented herein).

2. If it is true that God did exist as I have said, first in the "Abstract State;" that is to say, He first existed as PURE SPIRIT and WITHOUT FORM or CREATIVE MOTION, then if God wished to manifest HIMSELF the SOURCE and the SUBSTANCE in the CREATION, MATTER MUST BE the direct "VIBRATION or MATTERIALIZATION" (MATERIALIZATION) of SPIRIT and appear first in the inanimate and inorganic state or WITHOUT FORM and VOID of vegetable, animal or human life.

3. If it is true that God did move from the Abstract to the Intermediate state; that is to say, HE DID exist in INCORPOREAL FORM first, before direct, concentrated, CREATIVE MOTION was established by His immutable SPIRIT LAW, then MATTER, in its organic and animated state, or in FORM and demonstration of

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vegetable, animal or human life, must be the direct, systematical TRANSMUTATION OF SPIRIT (see Gen. 1: 11- 31) .

4. If it is TRUE that MATTER is (1) the materialization and (2) the transmutation of SPIRIT, then the complete structure of each ATOMIC ELEMENT of matter as well as the entire molecular and true cosmographical structure of the PHYSICAL CREATION should manifest the existence of the GODHEAD. But we refuse to leave the analysis of matter and the solution of this technical problem up to the bias and untrained philosophical, carnal mind of modern skeptics.

We must, therefore, refer our first problem which is (a) the STRUCTURE OF THE GODHEAD to the Divine authorities. Likewise, we must refer our second problem which is (b) the STRUCTURE OF THE ATOM to the practical, scientific authorities. Our paramount objective here is to carefully compare the structure of the ATOM to that of the GODHEAD and also the ATOM to the VISIBLE and INVISIBLE parts of the UNIVERSE, both of which are embodied in God and controlled with unerring accuracy by UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LAW. Hence, the Divine and scientific, authentic explanations are as follows:

5. The Divine Authority of the Structure of the godhead, The Apostle John said, "For there are THREE that bear record in HEAVEN; the FATHER, the WORD, and the HOLY GHOST and these THREE ARE ONE" (I John 5:7).

The Apostle Paul said, "FOR IN HIM (CHRIST) dwelleth ALL the fulness of the GODHEAD BODILY" Col. 2:9). Here we have the “agreeable” statements of the Apostles John and Paul on the Structure of the GODHEAD.

6. The practical, Scientific Authority on the Structure of ATOMS. A brief investigation of scientific data compiled on (1) the ATOMIC (2) the ELECTRONIC and (3) the MOLECULAR discoveries will reveal that basically MATTER is composed of (1) the PROTON, 2) the NEUTRON and (3) the ELECTRON; and these THREE component parts form ONE of these ATOMS. In order to show the manifestation of the THREE-FOLD GODHEAD in these NINETY-ONE, three-fold, ultra microscopic particles of MATTER, our knowledge of the comparisons are as follows: Page 38a.jpg

The NINETY-SECOND and last ATOMIC ELEMENT of MATTER mentioned herein is TWO-FOLD and is composed of (1) the ELECTRON and (2) the NEUTRON and these TWO component parts form the entire physical nucleus of one HYDROGEN ATOM. The TWO component parts of the HYDROGEN ATOM represent (1) the INVISIBLE CREATION and (2) the VISIBLE CREATION, both of which are embodied in GOD and are controlled with unerring accuracy by (3) the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LAW (see illustration below). In order to show the manifestation of the GODHEAD in the NINETY-SECOND and last ultra microscopic particle of MATTER our knowledge of the comparisons are as follows: Page 38b.jpg

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Exemplifications of the comparisons on the opposite page are observed in the three-fold structure of Noah’s Ark, the Tabernacle of Moses, the Temple and the Migration of the Israelites, etc.

It is also noteworthy that the Apostle Paul used parchments (2 Tim. 4:13) to draw the “DIVINE PATTERN” or Tabernacle of Moses and to make spiritual comparative illustrations in his teaching (1 Cor. 2:13-16). The best way to understand the illustration of the GODHEAD compared to the ELEMENTS of MATTER and TRANSMUTATION are shown in examples (a) and (b) It is important that the student carefully observe and REMEMBER this THREE-FOLD arrangement. The best way to make the comparisons understandable is shown as follows: (1) THE FATHER (2) THE WORD (3) THE HOLY GHOST. (1) THE MOST HOLY PLACE (2) THE HOLY PLACE (3) THE COURT AROUND ABOUT. Page 39.jpg

7. If we accept the testimony of the Divine and scientific authorities as the TRUTH we are then compelled to AGREE that the "Structure" of the GODHEAD and of the NINETY-ONE ATOMIC ELEMENTS of MATTER are THREE-FOLD. Likewise. we are also compelled to AGREE that the structure of the Universe and the NINETY-SECOND (HYDROGEN) ATOMIC ELEMENT of MATTER is TWO-FOLD and embodied in the invisible third part of the GODHEAD. Whereas, it is apparently evident that each and every ATOMIC ELEMENT and PARTICLE of MATTER embodied in the total structure of the physical CREATION is derived from UNIVERSAL SPIRIT.

In the material realm of NATURE these NINETY ONE, THREE-FOLD, ATOMIC ELEMENTS of MATTER, systematically formed by UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LAW, apparently present sufficient concrete evidence to support the existence of the THREE-FOLD GODHEAD. Likewise, the HYDROGEN ATOM, (herein classified) the NINETY-SECOND and only TWO-FOLD ATOMIC ELEMENT of MATTER, clearly manifests that the UNIVERSE is composed of TWO distinctive parts, namely: (1) the INVISIBLE or INCORPOREAL CREATION and (2) the VISIBLE or MATERIAL CREATION. These are the TWO transmuted parts of the THREE-FOLD GODHEAD.

The apparent total absence of a THIRD part in the TWO-FOLD HYDROGEN ATOM as related to the three-fold GODHEAD and the two-fold Universe also has a very important significance. It reveals that the Invisible or Incorporeal and the Visible or Material parts of the UNIVERSE are embodied in UNIVERSAL SPIRIT, or the major Invisible THIRD part of the GODHEAD. Wherein both are accurately and unerringly controlled by Universal SPIRIT LAW.

To help you better understand our point of view and the explanation given in the foregoing paragraphs we present a few questions and suggested answers. The questions are as follows:

(1) What IS IT that caused the ethereal SPACE" of the Universe to EXIST and constantly remain intact?

(2) What caused the PLANETS to EXIST and operate in space with centrifugal force and unerring accuracy, within their orbit constantly bringing about day and night and the seasons of Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, year after year?

(3) What caused the "SEEDS" of vegetation to EXIST and grow into fruition in abundance and repeated productivity year after year?

(4) What caused the "ORNITHOLOGICAL" or bird) KINGDOM to EXIST and to know how to fly; build nests; lay eggs, hatch and properly care for their offspring?

(5) What caused all other living creatures of the Amphibious Plane (water and land) to EXIST and constantly control their disposition, activities and final destiny?

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In considering the suggested answers your attention can be focused again on the heretofore stated concept of MIND, since many of our modern, academically trained, scientific psychologists would have us believe that there is a UNIVERSAL MIND in existence. They also tell us that the UNIVERSAL MIND has TWO parts; the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND and the CONSCIOUS MIND. Further, they would have us believe that the UNIVERSAL MIND is directly responsible for the EXISTENCE of the Universe; that everything in the Universe is accurately controlled by CONSCIOUS MIND, thought impressions that are transferred to and executed by the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND.

Now, can we safely conclude and rest assured that the so-called UNIVERSAL MIND and its TWO parts are directly responsible for the EXISTENCE OF SPACE and infallible control of the planets, seeds, birds and other living creatures of this earth plane? Personally, I do not think so. Why? Because of THREE fundamental, undisputable FACTS which are as follows:

1. No one ever has or can put forth sufficient concrete, Divine and material proof that there is in existence an INTANGIBLE three-fold UNIVERSAL MIND possessed with the infinite power of total or partial systematical materialization and transmutation.

2. No one can prove that the AGREED THOUGHT VIBRATION and FINAL CONCLUSIONS of all living creatures originating in the CONSCIOUS MIND and impressed upon the so-called SUBCONSCIOUS MIND ever did or can CHANGE or OBSTRUCT the circumscribed course of NATURE. In other words, the immutable, inviolable or unobstructable SPIRIT LAW that controls NATURE cannot be changed by our thought vibrations and final conclusions impressed upon the so-called SUBCONSCIOUS or UNIVERSAL MIND.

3. Here lies the ANSWER and TRUE FACTS in the case. The very existence of the UNIVERSE, itself, and limited scientific KNOWLEDGE of its cosmographical structure and perpetual operation of its "Incorporeal and Material" parts actually proves that it is DERIVED from UNIVERSAL SPIRIT - and that it IS controlled with unerring accuracy by inviolable and unobstructable SPIRIT LAW. For example, Man, from his very earliest inception until this present time, cannot point out ONE single error or miscarriage of this infallible and ALMIGHTY SPIRIT LAW.

Year after year the planets still continue to operate in the same way, constantly bringing about day and night and the seasons of the year: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. By no possible chance or error have they ever been removed from their orbit, bumped into each other and exchanged day for night or disrupted the primordial order of the seasons. It is possible that “phenomenon” heretofore unknown to mankind may appear to us in or among the Heavenly bodies for the first time in history; but no one can proclaim with justification or prove that this phenomenal parade in the ethereal space of the Universe is an error or miscarriage of the Universal SPIRIT LAW, because it was and still is only our IGNORANCE of this presence and the true fundamental principles involved in the operation. Neither can anyone truthfully say that the "thought vibrations" of ALL living creatures impressed upon the presumed to exist, SUBCONSCIOUS MIND had anything to do with their existence, categorical operation, and timely phenomenal manifestation.

This very same immutable SPIRIT LAW which formed and caused the seed of the fruit and vegetable kingdoms to exist controls the survival and perpetuation of these "kingdoms" through the Ages by the direct process of periodical maturity and reproduction. But MIND, whatsoever IT IS said to BE, had absolutely nothing to do with the origin of the seeds or the mathematical calculation as to how many different varieties there was to be in existence, nor their natural characteristics and adaptation to environments. For example: The farmer plants the seed in the "ground" and goes away and lets it alone. His concentrated thought vibrations and impressions" upon his, presumed to exist, SUBCONSCIOUS MIND will not effect the productive capacities or quality of the seed or promote the maturity of the fruit and vegetables. However, after he plants his seeds he lets them alone and, if NOT OTHERWISE OBSTRUCTED, they will grow into fruition in abundance. At this point let us completely remove the farmer from the case and discuss the seed and the ground.

Now, can it be truthfully said that the seeds of vegetation are CONSCIOUS of the fact that they are planted and they know how to appeal their case to the so-called powerful, ramified activity of the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND to rear them to maturity? Or, is the ground CONSCIOUS of the fact that the seed is planted therein and IT immediately begins to involve the activity of the SUBC0NSCIOUS MIND to nurse the seeds to fruition? Let us recapitulate. Both you and I KNOW that MIND has absolutely nothing to do with what takes place on the part of the seeds themselves or the ground in which the seeds are planted. For example several comparisons with the three-fold Godhead and the so-called Great Master Mind" of the Universe etc., shall be made.

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Let us reconsider the ornithological (or bird) kingdom as included among the "living creatures." Who taught the birds HOW to fly and sing? WHEN. WHERE and HOW were they instructed to build their nests, lay their eggs, hatch and properly care for their offspring? No one taught the birds the sense of direction; yet in moving about from place to place according to the seasons of the year their destination is a foregone conclusion. By no possible chance or error have they flown in the wrong direction and found themselves lost far out over the Pacific Ocean, or perhaps exhausted and stranded somewhere in the icy waste lands of Labrador or the sunbaked sands of the Sahara Desert. At no time have they ever laid their eggs and hatched a nest of flying squirrels. The infallible “spirit Law" governing their existence never fools them or us in any sense of the word.

Consider one of the most incredible, instinctive dispositions manifested in the world of nature-the spawning of fish. Salmon will travel hundreds and hun-dreds of miles, pressing onward, to reach their particular ancestral spawning stream. There and there alone will they give birth to new generations of Salmon.

All the afore mentioned phenomenons are operating

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under the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT LAW which forms and maintains perfect and absolute control of the so-called inanimate objects such as the planets and living creatures which are a part of this Universe.

Keep in mind that GOD is PURE SPIRIT or SUBSTANCE without shape or form, possessing power to take on “Incorporeal Form" (Prov. 8:22; Rev. 3:14). He also has power to take on "Physical Form." This Anthropomorphic and Monotheistic Concept of God, manifesting Himself through visions in the "Incorporeal State" -- and the "Physical State" (Jesus - Messiah) is beyond question of a doubt a great mystery (1 Tim. 3:16) as stated by the Apostle Paul when he said, "For in Him dwelleth all of the fulness of the God-head Bodily" (Col. 2:9). The Apostle John confirms Paul's statement by saying, "And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true and we are in him that is true, even His Son, Jesus Christ. THIS IS THE TRUE GOD, AND ETERNAL LIFE" 1 John 5:20).

Condensed Summary of the Visions of Moses and the Apostle John in Comparative Analysis, or Apostolic Confirmation of the Creation of the Old and of the New Heaven and Earth, As Pertaining to the Purpose of God

The only reason for writing this summary is because there are many World famous Theologians and Biblical Commentators who do not believe that the Mosaic Visions and writings of the Pentateuch or the first five (5) books of the Bible have anything in particular to do with the Visions and the Book of Revelation, written by the Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos in the Aegean Sea. To entertain such an erroneous idea is to deny that ALL Scripture is given by the Inspiration of God, and is PROFITABLE for DOCTRINE, for RE-PROOF, for CORRECTION, for INSTRUCTION, in RIGHTEOUSNESS (2 Tim. 3:16).

In order to prove the fallacy of such a mistaken conclusion, we will begin this summary by "CORRELATING" the Experiences and Visions of Moses with the Experiences and Visions of the Apostle John, according to the Purpose of God, who is the ARCHETYPAL PATTERN OF THE UNIVERSE, reflecting Himself in the first three (3) of these physical Patterns as recorded in the Pentateuch, namely: (a) Noah's Ark, (b) the Exodus and Migration from Egypt through the Wilderness of Sinai to Canaan Land, (c) the Tabernacle erected by the Prophet Moses, and 4th the Temple in Jerusalem, recorded in I Kings 6:1,38; 2 Chr. 2:2 and 2 Chr. 3:1,2. According to the Purpose of God ALL Visions, Revelations, Prophesies and Experiences MUST follow the God-given Pattern of the Migration, Tabernacle and Temple.

Here and now, we intend or aim to show the experiences of Moses down in Egypt and of the visions and experiences given to him in 1490 B.J., and thereafter in the Wilderness of Sinai in correlation to the Apostle John's visions and experiences, during the 3 1/2 years from A.D.30 to A.D.33 1/2, while he was with Jesus during the time of His earthly Ministry, and to John's visions given in A.D. 96 on the Isle of Patmos, which together, depict the summation of the whole matter. It is the Migratory Pattern, or the journey from Egypt through the Wilderness of Sinai to Canaan Land with Moses, Joshua and the Children of Israel that we mainly desire to refer in showing the infinite relationship of the experiences and visions of John.

Moses-in Egypt had experienced the slaying and eating of the Paschal Lamb of the Passover, before he and the children of Israel passed through the Miraculously Divided Waters of the Red Sea and later arrived in the Wilderness of Sinai. It was here in the Cloud atop Mount Sinai that Moses SAW THE VISIONS of the God of Israel, the Tabernacle and the Creation of Heaven and Earth, the Earth being surrounded by water. It was here in the Wilderness of Sinai in 1490 B.J., that Moses wrote the Pentateuch, or the first five (5) books of the Law which were to govern the Israelites throughout their generations in the Wilderness and in THE LAND OF CANAAN.

John-in Palestine had experienced and witnessed the complete Ministeral life of Jesus, 63 years before he arrived on the Isle of Patmos in the Aegean Sea where he SAW THE VISIONS of Jesus Christ, the Tabernacle and Creation of the New Heaven and Earth which was drawn out of, or typified by the Old Heaven and Earth. It was here in the year A.D. 96, on the Isle of Patmos that John was to "bare record of the Word of God, and the Testimony of Jesus Christ, and of al things that he saw" (Rev. 1:2). Here John was told to write what he SAW and HEARD in the Vision and Revelation and send it to the seven (7) churches which were in ASIA.

We shall recall your attention to Chart Series No. 1, on which is indicated by numbered arrows, the sequence of events to be summarized in relation to Moses' and John's confirmatory Visions. All succeeding numbers indicated in this summary can be followed by the numbered arrows designated on the Charts on pages 51,52,53.

ARROW NO.1 COMPARED TO ARROW NO. 1A (See chart on page 51)

The account which Moses together with Aaron, Nadab,

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Abihu and seventy Elders saw, concerning the God of Israel in Incorporeal (Anthropomorphic) Form, and the Tabernacle which Moses saw is compared to John's Vision of Christ, on the Isle of Patmos in A.D. 96. Christ Himself, is the True Temple, which is His Incorporeal Body (see Rev. 1:12-16) in whom we live, move and have our being (see Acts 17:28,29), for God or Spirit encompasses all, for He is ALL IN ALL (see 1 Cor. 15:28).

Moses--1 "Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu,and seventy of the elders of Israel; And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the BODY OF HEAVEN IN HIS CLEARNESS" (Ex. 24:9, 10). "And look that thou make them (the Tabernacle and it's furnishings) after their PATTERN, which was shewed thee in the mount" (Ex. 25:40).

John-1A "And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword; and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength" (Rev. 1:12-16.)

Moses-1-Moses was shown in a Vision, the God of Israel in Incorporeal Form, a Great Heavenly Anthropomorphic Being, as the three-fold Archetypal (original) Pattern, transformed into the three-fold Intangible Tabernacle which he was admonished of God, to build after the Pattern shown him in the Vision while in he Mount (see Ex. 24:9,10; Ex. 25:40 and Heb. 8:5) John-1A-John IN HIS VISION on the Isle of Patmos HEARD THE VOICE that spake with him and he turned and saw Christ, (who is, as we understand Him to be the RESURRECTED and GLORIFIED SANCTUARY or TEMPLE) in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks, clothed with a garment down to the foot and gird about the paps with a golden girdle, which as typified by the garments for Beauty and Glory, and the Ephod with twelve precious stones therein, worn by the High Priest, and the furnishings of the Tabernacle, and the golden, overlaid, covering of the Temple with it's interior furnishings. His hairs were white like wool, which were symbolized by the Cloud that overshadowed the Tabernacle and the Cloud above the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place. Out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword, which typified the powerful effect of ALL the spoken Words of God, that expressed His Purpose from Alpha to Omega, or from the Beginning to the End, including the Words engraved in Tables of Stone, with the finger of God and laid in the Ark of the Covenant; and the words written in the Heart and Mind by the Holy Ghost, under the New Covenant. His Countenance was as the Sun shineth in His strength, this was typified by the Temple elevated on Mount Moriah, in Jerusalem, overlaid with gold and decked with precious stones and the Sun Light shining thereupon, sending it's dazzling rays until the BRIGHTNESS could not be looked upon with the naked eye. His eyes were as a lame of fire, typified by the Shechinah or Light that flashed in the Cloud between the wings of the Cherubims in the Ark of the Covenant, after the Atonement was made for Israel. His feet like unto fine brass typified by the Brazen Altar and Laver in the Outer Court. The Incorporeal Body of Christ, or Christ in God is the True Sanctuary of Sanctuaries (see Rev. 1:10-16).

For John wrote in Revelation 11: 1,2,3 thusly: "And here was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein. But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months. And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." In the New Heaven and Earth, "I SAW NO TEMPLE THEREIN: FOR THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY AND THE LAMB ARE THE TEMPLE OF IT" (Rev. 21:22).

ARROW NO. 1 COMPARED TO ARROW NO. 1A (See chart on Page 51)

As in the beginning of Moses' Vision of the Creation of the Heaven and Earth, by the Pattern of the Tabernacle, we also find a prophetic confirmation in the beginning of John's Vision which he recorded in Revelation, for as we have already stated, the New Heaven and Earth is drawn out of the Old just as the New Testament is drawn out of the Old.

Moses--1 "In the beginning (of Moses' Vision) God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. AND THE SPIRIT OF GOD MOVED UPON THE FACE OF THE WATERS" (Gen. 1:1,2,).

John--1A "I John-was in the isle that is called Patmos, for the Word of God, and for the testimony

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of Jesus Christ. I WAS IN THE SPIRIT ON THE LORD'S DAY, and heard behind me a great voice as of a trumpet.- And His VOICE AS THE SOUND OF MANY WATERS" (Rev. 1:9-10,15).

Moses--1-In the beginning of Moses' Vision of the creation of Heaven and Earth the Earth was covered (or surrounded) with water. Moses heard the Spirit (wind) moving upon the face of the water. Moses in his Vision SAW and HEARD God create, beginning with the first day through each day to the sixth inclusive from Alpha to Omega and then God rested the Seventh Day (or Sabbath). John-IA-In the beginning of John's Vision, he was on the Isle of Patmos which was surrounded with water, on the Lord's Day (or Sabbath) and HEARD a great voice as the sound of many waters behind him and he turned to see Him (Christ in Incorporeal Form), that spake with him (as he described in Rev. 1:10-16), and being turned around he also SAW the Angels with the seven seals, seven vials, seven trumpets, and HEARD the seven thunders utter their voices (as Moses had SEEN and HEARD in the Creation of the Old Heaven and Earth), but he was told not to write what the seven thunders uttered which represented the seven (7) days of the Creation, (because Moses had already HEARD, SEEN and WRITTEN it- Gen. 1:1-31; Gen. 2:l-4), thus John was looking from Omega back to Alpha.

ARROW NO. 2 COMPARED TO ARROW NO. 2A (See chart on page 51)

The account which Moses gives of God's Command to slay the Paschal Lamb in the beginning of the Migration of the Israelites from Egypt as recorded in Exodus 12:1-6, is a confirmation of Revelation 13:8, which John saw of Christ as a Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World.

Moses-2 “And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the Land of Egypt, saying, This month SHALL BE unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the TENTH DAY of this month they shall take to them every man a Lamb, according to the house of THEIR fathers, a lamb for an house: And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbor next unto his house take IT according to the number of souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take IT out from the sheep, or from the goats: And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the EVENING" (Ex. 12:1-6).

John-2A "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, (the beast) whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb (Christ) slain from the foundation of the world" Rev. 13:8).

Moses-2-The Lord God spoke to Moses and Aaron in the Land of Egypt, to instruct the Israelites to slay the Paschal Lamb, the stygian night of the fourteenth (l4th), before the BEGINNING of their Migration from Egypt.

John-2A-John was made to see in his Vision the events of the Passover in Egypt, and the BEGINNING of the Migration. This is compared with Moses' Vision in the Cloud atop Mount Sinai where he SAW the BEGINNING of the Creation, while in the Presence of God. Moses first heard the voice of God and then saw in the Vision, God's Incorporeal Form, which is Christ, the Archetype Pattern (see Ex. 24:29-10 and Rev. 3:14). It was from this Form that Moses SAW God create the Universe. This taking on of the Incorporeal Form from Pure Spirit, and then transforming (in part) into the Creation was God departing from the Pure State of Invisibility to a lesser state of Visibility, or the Intermediate State. Thus, this was a Passover from Pure Spirit to Revealed, Incorporeal Visibility, or being slain, which made John to understand that Christ was a Lamb slain from the Foundation of the World (see Rev.1 3:8).

ARROW NO. 3 COMPARED TO ARROW NO.3 A (See chart on Page 51)

The account of Aaron, Nadab and Abihu together with Moses and the seventy elders of Israel, seeing in a Vision, God in Incorporeal Form, which is the Word of God (Christ) transformed into the threefold Intangible Tabernacle, is comparable to the experiences of Peter, James and John witnessing in a Vision the transfiguration and also the ascension of Christ in Incorporeal Form, in fulfillment of the Law and Prophets as recorded in Matt. 17:1-3; Mark 16:19; Luke 24:51 and Acts 1:9.

Moses-3 "Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders af Israel; And they saw the God of Israel (the Archetype Pattern) : and there was under His feet as it were a paved work of a sapphirestone, and as it were the body of heaven in His clearness" (Ex. 24:9-10). "And look that thou make them (the Tabernacle and it's furnishings) after their pattern, which was shewed thee in the mount" (Ex. 25:40).

John-3A "After six days Jesus taketh Peter, James and John his brother, and bringeth them up into

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an high mountain apart, and was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun and his rainment was white as the light. And behold, there appeared unto them Moses, and Elias (John the Baptist) talking with him. Then answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make here THREE TABERNACLES; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias. While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him... And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the VISION to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead" (Matt. 17:1-9).

In fulfillment of the Law which Moses wrote, the Messiah, or Jesus Christ did come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, as He said in Matt. 5:17,18. The same Incorporeal Form which Aaron, Nadab and Abihu together with Moses and seventy elders SAW in Mount Sinai, had to be seen in a Vision, in fulfillment, by Peter, James and John at the transfiguration of Jesus Christ in Incorporeal Form in the Mount of Transfiguration, and also at the Ascension of Christ which was a Resurrected, Incorporeal Body.

As Moses saw in The Vision, the Incorporeal Form (Christ) transform into the three-fold Intangible Tabernacle, being the first Prophet to Prophesy under the Law; and John the Baptist was the last to Prophesy to the coming of Jesus Christ, who was also under the Law, then it was necessary for Moses and John the Baptist to appear in the transfiguration. Since Moses was shown the Vision of the Tabernacle, Peter, James and John heard his conversation concerning the Tabernacle which caused Peter to make the statement. Let us make here THREE TABERNACLES, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias (John the Baptist).


The slaying and eating of the Paschal Lamb at the Feast of the Passover, instituted in Egypt, as recorded in the l2th chapter of Exodus, whereas in speaking of the Body and Blood, we will refer to Exodus 12:22,23, as a type of Jesus Christ, The True Lamb of God, that fulfilled this type by eating the Memorial of the original Passover with His Disciples (see Matt. 26:26-28 and I Cor. 11 :23-25). Jesus Himself, being our Passover (see I Cor.5:7), was crucified and hung on the Cross as experienced or witnessed by John, before he was on the Isle of Patmos, and again revealed to him in Rev. 11:8.

Moses _ "And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the bason, and strike the lintel and two side posts with the blood that is in the bason; and none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. For the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you" (Ex, 12:22-23).

John - “And their dead bodies shall lie in the Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified" (Rev. 11:8).

Moses - Before the Migration of the Israelites from Egypt, they were instructed by Moses at the Command of God to slay the Paschal Lamb in the evening, without breaking any of his bones (see Ex. 12:46), and with a bunch of hyssop, dipped in the Blood of the Lamb in the bason, they must strike the lintel and two side posts of the door. The Lord passed through that night and when He saw the Blood He passed over.

John - John, in the Vision, looking at this event as well as at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, of which the slaying and eating of the Passover in Egypt was a figure, and seeing the nails in the hands and feet of Jesus and the crown of thorns upon His head, and the soldier piercing Him in the side, which produced Blood in like places as it was placed on the lintel, two side posts and in the bason, as the Paschal Lamb was eaten the night of the Passover, likewise, it turned dark (night) from the 6th to the 9th hour, when Jesus was on the cross.

ARROW NO. 5 COMPARED TO ARROW NO. 5A (See chart on page 52)

The experience of Moses receiving the Law from God to be placed in the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle, where God dwelt among the Children of Israel recorded in Ex. 25:8-9, as compared to the Spirit of God (New Covenant) written in the Heart and Mind in the Tabernacle of our bodies as revealed to the Apostle John in the 2lst chapter of Revelation.

Moses 5 - And let them (the Children of Israel) make me a sanctuary (Tabernacle); that I may dwell among them. According to all that I shew thee, after the Pattern of the Tabernacle, and the Pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it" (Ex.25:8-9).

John 5A- "And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for

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the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God Himself shall be with them, and be their God" (Rev. 21:1-3).

Moses-5-After the Children of Israel had passed through the Red Sea and later entered the Wilderness of Sinai, and at the end of forty days and nights in which Moses was in Mount Sinai, the Lord gave him the FIRST TABLES of Stone containing the LAW, written with the finger of God. Moses descending the Mount with the LAW, and seeing Israel's disobedience of the previously spoken Words of the Law. which was done by the Israelites building and worshipping the golden calf, waxed hot, threw down the Tables of Stone and broke them. Thereafter. Moses was again called up into the Mount and he received the SECOND TABLES of Stone with the Law of Commandments written thereon, after descending the Mount, and because of the brightness of his countenance from having been in the Presence of God (by Vision), he put a vail over his face, until he had finished speaking all the Words of the Lord to the Children of Israel (see Ex.34:29-33 and also 2 Cor. 3:10-18). He had been given instructions by the Lord God to require the Israelites to build a Physical Tabernacle in the Wilderness, fashioned exactly like the Intangible Tabernacle, which he had seen in the Vision, while he was within the Cloud atop Mount Sinai. The LAW which had been given to him was to be placed inside of the Ark of the Covenant within the Most Holy Place, where the Presence of God was to abide in the Cloud between the wings of the Cherubims above the Mercy Seat in the Tabernacle, which thereafter was pitched in the Wilderness of Sinai, according to the Divine Specifications of God (see Ex. 34th chapter; Ex. 39.42 and Heb. 9:2-5).

John-5A-In the 2lst chapter of Revelation, John recorded this incident, which also pertains to the New Heaven and Earth. The FIRST HEAVEN and the FIRST EARTH which John saw pass away in the experiences of the Israelites passage through the Red Sea from Egypt, was a type of the world, death, darkness and ignorance; while the Israelite is burial in the Red Sea, and passage into the Wilderness of Sinai was a figure of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And John in the Vision, seeing the true meaning of Moses descending the Mount with the SECOND TABLES of Stone in his hand, containing the LAW (Commandments), which was to be placed within the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle, which is a symbol of man's body, recognized that the SECOND TABLES of Stone contained the LAW, which signified that the NEW COVENANT would be, and was, placed in the Heart and Mind of man, (not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God - see 2 Cor.3:3; Heb. 8:10), AFTER the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ (see Heb. 9:17), in fact this event began to take place on the Day of Pentecost (see Acts 2:1-4), as it is recorded in Jer. 31:31-33,

“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a NEW COI/ENANT with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my Covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the Lord: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people."

John in the Vision on the Isle of Patmos also recognized that Moses had within his mind the specifications for the building of the Tabernacle, when he descended the Mount, which was later pitched by the men of Israel in the Wilderness or the Holy Place of the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle (the Universe). Wherefore, John, after seeing the Vision, wrote "Behold the Tabernacle of GOD IS WITH MEN" (Rev. 21:1-4).

John, in the Vision also knew that the body of Israelites, who had received the Law, particularly those who had been born in the Wilderness, is compared to those who had received, or were born of the Holy Ghost in this Present Dispensation of Grace, is New Jerusalem, or the bride of Christ, which is the Church, Congregation, or General Assembly of God, which includes all that are in Heaven (see Rev. 14:4-5 and also Heb. 12:22-23). He also knew that God, who had power to transform Himself, in part, into the Incorporeal Body of the Messiah or Christ, whom Moses, in the Wilderness and the Prophets of Israel saw in Visions, communicated with, and later wrote of (see Deut. 18:15 and compare with John 1:45).

It is also recorded by the Apostle John, that while He (the Messiah) was in the flesh He spoke thusly: "I am the true vine and my Father is the husbandman" (John 15:1). He also stated that: "Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me" (John 14:11). Therefore, Israel in the Wilderness was typical of this "bride" which was being better prepared for the services of God, her husband (see Isa. 54:5).

John understood the spiritual meaning of the Israelites' experiences in the Wilderness and also in Canaan Land, before he arrived on the Isle of Patmos. He knew that their experiences in the present earth state were but a type and shadow of the NEW HEAVEN and

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EARTH which is eternal and is spiritually discerned; it is Inconceivable and Intangible except it be revealed by the Spirit of God in man (see I Cor. 2:10:11).

John, who also had the HOLY GHOST as did the Apostle Paul, understood the meaning of Paul's statement in 2 Cor. 5:17; "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, (that is, Ceremonial Laws and Carnal Ordinances, instituted under the Mosaic Law, physical Tabernacles and Temples of boards, pillars and posts, mortar, stone and wood overlaid with gold, etc., also the old heaven and earth itself will be rolled up as a scroll and passed away see Isa. 34:4; 2 Pet. 3:12 and Rev. 6:14), behold, all things are become new" (that is, spiritual, through the sacrificial Body and Blood of Jesus Christ).

The Tabernacle in the Wilderness where God dwelled" and wherein the Tables of Stone containing the Law was placed, is symbolical to the Body of Man, wherein the Holy Ghost dwells, having the Law of the Spirit of Life written in his Heart and Mind (see Rom.8:2; Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 10: 16 and 2 Cor. 3:3). This condition or state began on the Day of Pentecost and will prevail until the taking off of the mortal body of man (being pre-figured by moving the furnishings of the Tabernacle into the interior of the Temple-see I Kings 8:1-9), leaving the immortal body, which has been formed by the Holy Ghost (see Gal. 4:I9), being present and recognized by the Spirit of God within man as the Incorporeal Form (see Phil. 3:20-21 and Col. 1:14-15), which will be manifested to those NOT HAVING THE SPIRIT WHEN CHRIST IS REVEALED FROM HEAVEN.

Wherefore, as the Apostle Paul said in 2 Cor. 5:1, "If our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God, and house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."

ARROW NO. 5 COMPARED TO ARROW NO. 5A (See chart on page 52)

(Explanatory Note: The following quotations are not fully illustrated in the photograph, but are shown in the illustration).

The instructions of the Lord to Moses and Aaron was to Command the Children of Israel to pitch by their own standards (or banners, which were four in number, three tribes represented on each banner) with the ensign of their father's house, on each of the four sides of the Tabernacle. This is compared to the Revelation shown to John in his Vision on the Isle of Patmos of the four beasts that surrounded the Throne of God. Moses-5-Refer to Numbers 2nd Chapter.

“Then the tabernacle of the congregation shall set forward with the camp of the Levites in the midst of the camp: as they encamp: so shall they set forward, every man in his place by their standards" (Num. 2:17). Page 47.jpg

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Judah was on the East side with Issachar and Zebulun. Ruben was on the South side with Simeon and Gad. Ephraim was on the West side with Manasseh and Benjamin. Dan was on the North side with Asher and Naphtali.

John-5-We quote Rev. 4:6-8, "And before the throne there was a sea of glass (brazen laver) like unto crystal and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a LION, and the second beastlike a CALF, and the third beast had a face as a MAN,and the fourth beast was like a flying EAGLE. And the four beasts had each of them SIX WINGS about him and they were full of eyes within; and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come."

Moses-5-Each of the twelve sons of Jacob (Israel) with their families in their generations comprised the assembly or the congregation of Israel. They formed the twelve tribes, under the twelve heads which composed the great army of the Lord. There were four standards with ensigns under which the twelve tribes were divided, having three tribes to each standard encamped around the Tabernacle in the Wilderness. The camp of the Levites, (located as shown in the diagram on page 47) who officiated within the Tabernacle, were ordained to carry out the Divine Services of the Lord (see Num. 2nd chapter). Thus, according to the Comcandment of the Lord to Moses, the Israelites encamped in the Wilderness with their respective ensigns, surrounding the Throne of God.

John-5A-The four beasts in John's Vision are representative of the FOUR HEAD TRIBES and the FOUR STANDARDS of the Children of Israel. These FOUR BEASTS which John saw with the SIX WINGS each, making a total of twenty four (24) wings, are compared to the four (4) standards, of three tribes to each standard, having two (2) wings each, making a total of eight (8) wings surrounding the Tabernacle on four (4) sides, plus Moses, the Prophet, representing the Law with two (2) wings; and Aaron representing the Priesthood with two (2) wings, both of which equaled four (4) wings, included with the 8 wings of the 4 beasts of the other ensigns of the 12 tribes would make a total of 12 wings altogether. Whereas, the 12 tribes with their respective heads of physical Israel under the Dispensation of the Law and the 12 Apostles of Spiritual Israel, under the Dispensation of Grace, both of which would make a grand total of 24 wings, or 24 Elders, represented by the 4 beasts with 6 wings each, which John saw around the Throne of God (see Rev. 4:4-8).

As there were twelve orders of the Angelic Host in the Angelic Creation, likewise, there are twelve orders in the physical creation.

The Post-diluvian Age contained the twelve tribes and the Present Age contained the twelve Apostles. Their eyes before and behind represent their visibility and presence throughout the Ages from Alpha to Omega.

As regarding the appearances of the 4 beasts which John saw, recall to mind that each of the 4 beasts are figurative of Jesus Christ, the fulness of the Godhead bodily (see Col. 2:9) in this respect, He was the LION of the tribe of Judah (see Gen. 49:9-10; Rev. 5:5); He was the RAM which was caught in the thickets, which Abraham was told to use as a substitute for the sacrifice of Isaac to the Lord (see Gen. 22:13); He was a MAN, born of a woman (see Gal. 4:4) and came in the likeness of sinful flesh (see Rom. 8:3) and, "As an EAGLE stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings: So the Lord alone did lead him, and there was no strange God with him" (Deut. 32:11-12).

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ARROW NO. 6 COMPARED TO ARROW NO. 6A(See chart on page 53)

The significance of the Vision revealed to John on the Isle of Patmos of the TREE OF LIFE ON EACH SIDE OF THE RIVER was typified by the Divine Pattern of the Tabernacle with it's Priesthood and ceremonies given to Moses by the Lord God in the Wilderness of Sinai, situated on one side of the Jordan River, and the Promise Land of Canaan on both sides of the Jordan River, inherited by the Israelites with the Temple built by King Solomon. See Chart, page 53.

Moses-6- "Get thee up into the top of Pisgah, and lift up thine eyes westward, and northward, and southward, and eastward, and behold it with thine eyes: for thou shalt not go over this Jordan. But charge Joshua, and encourage him, and strengthen him: for he shall go over before this people, and he shall cause them to inherit the land which thou shalt see" (Deut.3:27-28).

John-6A- "And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God, and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and ON EITHER SIDE OF THE RIVER, WAS THERE THE TREE OF LIFE, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it: and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face; and his name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and the Lord God of the holy prophets sent his angels to shew unto his servents the things which must shortly be done. Behold, I come quickly: blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book" (Rev. 22: 1-7).

Moses-6-Moses in his experience, communication and guidance by the Lord God, led the Children of Israel from Egypt through the Red Sea into the Wilderness of Shur, Sin, Rephidim, Sinai, and finally to the Land of Moab, a place somewhere near the region of Mt. Nebo (see Ex. 15:22; 16:1; 17:1; 19-1 and Deut. 1:5,9,18-see also Num. the 33rd chapter for the complete journey of the Israelites from Egypt). It was here that Moses was permitted to view the Promise Land (see Deut. 32:49), with 40 years of experience and 120 years old that God would not allow him to continue to lead Israel over the Jordan River, but commissioned Joshua in Moses" stead. Moses retired by going up into Mt. Nebo where he died (see Deut. 34:5). Wherefore, God buried him in Mt. Nebo in the Land of Moab over against Bethpeor (see Deut. 34:4-6) and Joshua (a type of Jesus) led the Israelites through the (SECOND VAIL) River Jordan into Canaan Land (see Deut. 34: 1-9 and also Joshua 3:1-17), wherein Solomon later built the Temple (see I Kings 6:1,38).

John-6A-John in his experiences with Jesus, before and 40 days after His crucifixion, burial, resurrection and ascension, (which was a passing through the SECOND VAIL, or the apparent visibility of His flesh into Heaven itself), was typified by Joshua passing through the Divided waters of the River Jordan or SECOND VAIL into the Promise Land of Canaan, which Salem or Jerusalem was the capital, wherein the Temple of the Lord had not been constructed at that time, signifying as revealed to John in Rev. 21:22, "And I saw no Temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and, the Lamb are the Temple of it."

See the Arrows on the Charts, from No. 1 through No. 6 inclusive, on pages 51, 52 and 53. Arrows No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 are on the first Chart, page 51. Arrow No. 5 is on the second Chart, page 52. Arrow No. 6 is on the third Chart, Page 53.

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The Number Seven (7) Denotes Perfection

There are seven (7) steps, dimensions or planes often referred to as Heavens, whereas there are but three (3) Heavens (see 2 Cor. 12:1-4) which leads to Perfection. The seven steps, dimensions or planes are revealed in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, and in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle, the Universe (called the Migratory Pattern) which was pitched by the Lord God and not the man, Moses (Heb. 8:2). "Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto PERFECTION; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God. Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of Eternal Judgment" (Heb. 6 :1,2). Page 54.jpg

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The seventh plane is represented in the Migratory Pattern by the Israelites entering Caanan or the Promised Land, their final earthly inheritance. and is compared to the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle, a type of Heaven and was fulfilled by Jesus Christ, who entered not into the Holy Places made with hands, but into Heaven itself (Joshua 14:1-3, Ex. 26:34; Heb. 6:19-20 and Heb. 9:24)

The sixth plane is represented in the Migratory Pattern By the parting of the River Jordan forming the SECOND VAIL between the Wilderness of Sinai and Canaan Land. and is compared to the dividing Vail of Blue, Purple and Scarlet which hung between the Sanctuary and Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle and was fulfilled by Jesus Christ when He took off the Vail of His flesh and ascended into Heaven (Joshua 3:1-17: Ex. 26:31-34 and Heb. 10:20).

The fifth plan is represented in the Migratory Pattern By the Wilderness of Sinai where Israel received the Law and Tabernacle with its ceremonies, with the Presence of God among them, and is compared to the Sanctuary of the Tabernacle with its furniture for ceremonial purposes, overlaid with gold and fulfilled by Jesus. who said, I am the Light of the world, the Bread of Life and Intercessor (Ex. 19:1-3; Ex. 24:-12-14; Ex. 30:45-46; John 8:12; John 6:35; John 17th chapter).

The fourth plane is represented in the Migratory Pattern by the parting of the Waters of the Red Sea forming an entrance into the Wilderness, and is compared to the FIRST VAIL or DOOR of the Tabernacle, and was fulfilled by Jesus Christ, who said, I am the DOOR, by me if any man enter he shall be saved (Ex. 14:21; Ex. 36:37; John 10:7) .

The third plane is represented in the Migratory Pattern By the Baptism of the Israelites in the Cloud and in the Sea as they fled from the Egyptians, and is compared To the Brazen Laver in the Court of the Tabernacle for washing and cleansing purposes and fulfilled by Jesus by washing the disciples feet (Ex. 13:21; Ex. 14:15-16; Ex. 30:18-21 and John 13:4-5).

The second plane is represented in the Migratory Pattern by the slaying and eating of the Paschal Lamb in preparedness to leave out of Egypt, and is compared to the Sacrifice of Sin offering on the Altar in the Outer Court of the Tabernacle, and was fulfilled by the prepared body of Jesus, the Passover Lamb, slain for the Sins of the world (Ex. 12:1-12; Ex. 20:24 and I Cor. 5:7).

The first plane is represented in the Migratory Pattern By the DOOR or entrance into the houses of the Israelites, on which the Blood of the Lamb was put on the lintel and two side posts and is compared to the GATE or entrance into the Tabernacle, and was fulfilled by Jesus when He said, enter in at the STRAIT GATE (Gen. 12:22; Ex. 40:8; Ex. 28:16 and Matt. 7:13).

The Number Seven in Jewish Theology Denotes Perfection

The Jews were commanded of God to observe Seven (7) events which ended in a week of days, week of weeks, week of years, week of week of years, week of millenniums, and a week of Ages which are as follows:

1. There are Seven (7) days in a week of days which ends with a Sabbath Day (Saturday) Ex. 20:8-11; Lev. 23.3.

2. There are Seven (7) Weeks in a week of Weeks which ends with the Feast of Pentecost (Lev. 23: 9-14 and Lev.15:22).

3. There are Seven (7) months in a week of months which ends with a Feast of Tabernacles (Lev. 23:1-44).

4.There are Seven (7) years in a week of years which ends with a Sabbath Year (Ex. 21:2 and Lev. 25: 1-7).

5. There are a week of weeks of Years which ends with a Year of Jubilee (Lev. 25:8-17).

6. There are Seven (7) millenniums in a week of Millenniums which ends with a Sabbath of Immortality (2 Pet. 3:8 and Psa. 90:4).

7. There are Seven (7) Ages in a WEEK of Ages which ends with a completion of the Purpose of God before ushering in a new order of things, as God is Eternal ( Eph. 2:7) .

There are other references of Seven such as:

Seven days of Creation (Gen. 2:2; Ex. 20:11)

Seven Priests with seven trumpets (Jos. 6:4).

Seven Branched Candlestick (Ex. 25:31-38; Rev. 1:12).

Solomon's Temple was seven years in building (1 Kings 6:38)

The Blood was sprinkled seven times before the Mercy Seat (Lev. 4:6)

There were seven Feasts of Jehovah which lasted seven days each (Lev. 23:1-44)

The book of Revelation was addressed to the seven churches (Rev. 1:4)

There are Seven Spirits before the Throne of God (Rev. 1:4; Rev. 5:6)

Seven Stars (Rev.1l:16; 2:1; 3:1 and Rev. 1:20)

Seven Seals (Rev. 5:1)

Seven Angels (Rev. 15:1-6)

Seven Trumpets (Rev. 8:2)

Seven Vials (Rev. 21:9)

Seven Heads (Rev. 17:3)

Seven Crowns (Rev. 12:3)

Seven Thunders (Rev. 10:3)

Seven Eyes (Rev. 5:6)

There are other references to Seven (7) denoting Perfection.

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The Hundred and Forty and Four Thousand

God promised Abraham while he was in Canaan Land that He would make his Seed as the dust of the earth; so that if a man can number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed also be numbered (see Gen. 13:16). And He further showed Abraham in a vision (or dream) how that He would send his posterity down into a strange land (Egypt) where they would be held in bondage for awhile and then come out with great substance and inherit Canaan Land (see Gen. 15:12-14; Acts 7:6-7). According to God's word, Abraham's posterity did go down in Egypt, about 70 souls, and were in bondage for about 400 years and God multiplied them exceedingly so that at the end of the 430 years (see Ex. 12:40) some 600,000 of them left Egypt under God's and Moses' guidance (see Ex. 38:25-27 also Num. 1: 46-49).

When this number (600,000 reached the Wilderness of Sinai, and God gave them the Commandments from atop Mount Sinai, and thereafter, despite the perils of deadly serpents, wild beasts, manifold hazards, and disobedience to God which resulted in death to all of them but two (Caleb and Joshua), God had continued to multiply them, for in a short space of 40 years, notwithstanding the high death rate, 144,000 of them were born in the Wilderness (typifying the new birth – see John 3:3-6) and went over the River Jordan into Canaan Land under the leadership of Joshua. To further point up the rapid birth rate with which they multiplied, if one considers that 40 years in our time is about 1 hour in God’s eyesight, (see Psa. 90:4 and 2 Pet. 3:8 – where a thousand years IS AS one day in God's time) then one sees that in the short space of *1440 minutes, (or 1 day in God's eyesight, for the Israelites in the Wilderness, under the burning Cloud were NEVER IN THE "DARK", which is as a day - Rev.2I:25) God multiplied the Israelites an hundred fold to 144,000 of them that were still alive and reached Mount Sion (see Heb. 12:22-24), (Read the parable of the sower, where the SEED that fell on good ground brought forth a HUNDRED FOLD - Matt. 13:8.23; Mark 4:8,20).


1440 minutes: l day

24 hours (1 day) = 1000 Years

1 hour = 41 years

God said, after Moses had numbered Israel in the Wilderness (see Ex. 30:12-13) that Israel was not to be numbered again, without taking from them a ransom of half (1/2) shekel for the Sanctuary from each person because God had promised Abraham that he would multiply his seed as the sands of the sea and as the stars of heaven. Joshua in taking command to lead the Israelites, did not number them before, nor after they crossed the River Jordan, consequently no one knew the number of them that were born in the Wilderness and had passed over the River Jordan from the Wilderness into Canaan Land and had finally reached Mount Zion. until John in his vision on the Isle of Patmos in A.D. 96 heard the number of them called, an hundred and forty-four thousand, that had been sealed, twelve thousand from each of the twelve tribes of Israel (see Rev. 7:4).

Please take cognizance at this particular point of the perfect working and carrying out of God's Purpose according to His Infallible Spirit Law that the Israelites could not go over into the Promised Land until the last one of each of the Twelve Tribes to make twelve thousand apiece had been born in the Wilderness!! (This passing through the River Jordan in the Greater and More Perfect, Tabernacle is allegorical to the passing through the Second Vail in the Tabernacle - see Heb. 9:I1).

Still the Promise of God to Abraham to multiply his seed exceedingly did not stop with the prolific birth rate in Egypt and the Wilderness, for after John had heard the number of the Tribes of Israel called, while he yet looked he saw a great multitude which no man could number of all nations, kindreds, and people and tongues dressed in white robes and with palms in their hand. These were they who have washed their robes and made them white in the Blood of the Lamb (see Rev. 7:9-14). This countless number which John saw in his vision fulfilled God's Promise to Abraham that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then shall thy seed be numbered and definitely points up the abundant fertility of Jerusalem above, the Mother of us all, spiritually so (see Gal.4:26).

Is There Life After Death?

According to the "FOREKNOWLEDGE and PURPOSE OF GOD" as revealed by the Scriptures and the Pattern, the answer to the question posed in the above caption is YES, there IS LIFE AFTER DEATH, ETERNAL LIFE. Before we could even do justice to the discussion of LIFE after DEATH, we first MUST understand the real meaning of what Mortal Life and Death and Immortal or Eternal Life actually IS. For without a true Knowledge and understanding of what these words - Mortal Life and Death and Immortal or Eternal Life is, it is impossible for us to arrive at a reconcilable or agreeable conclusion.

For example, Job believed in the Promise of Immortal Life after Mortal Life and Death, accomplished by the coming of the Messiah, for he said, "For I know that my REDEEMER LIVETH, and that He shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me" (Job 19:25-27, see and compare Ezek. 37:

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1-10: Matt. 27:52-54; Heb. 11:39,40 and Heb. 12:1,2,22-24. Jesus also said unto Martha concerning Life and Death “I AM THE RESURRECTION, and THE LIFE: he that believeth in me, though he were DEAD, Yet shall he LIVE: And whosoever LIVETH and believeth in me SHALL NEVER DIE. Believest thou this?" (John 11:25,26). The Apostle Paul speaks to the Ephesians of being Spiritually Dead (asleep) while Mortally Alive, saying “Awake, thou that sleepest, and arise from the DEAD, and Christ shall give thee Light" (Eph. 5:14). Again Paul said, "But she that LIVETH in pleasure IS DEAD while she LIVETH” (1 Tim. 5:6).

The true answer to the question, “IS THERE LIVE AFTER DEATH” has confused countless numbers of intelligent people for many centuries, not only in the past, but also right up to this present time. We read of the first mention in the Bible of the word Death in the Command of God to Adam in Genesis 2:16.17. which reads as follows: "And THE LORD COMMANDED THE MAN, SAYING OF EVERY TREE OF THE GARDEN THOU MAYEST FREELY EAT: BUT OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL, THOU SHALT NOT EAT OF IT: FOR IN ‘THE DAY' THAT THOU EATEST THEREOF THOU SHALT SURELY DIE." But the Estoteric Secret regarding LIFE after DEATH was hidden in God, and NOT DISCLOSED to the first man Adam. God formed Adam’s body from the ground, (as shown in the Outer Court, page 31, Plates 11 and 12) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, (see also John 20:22) making him a Living Soul, and placed him in the Holy Place in the Garden to dress and keep it. Wherein, thereafter God caused Adam to fall into a "Deep Sleep", equivilent to Death which he was ignorant of, not knowing what Life or Death was by practical experience, and the woman Eve was formed from a rib taken from Adam’s body and God presented her to him as his wife or bride (see Gen. 2:21-24 and also Plates 11 and 12, page 31).

It was in the Garden that God EXALTED or gave them power or dominion (see Most Holy Place, Plate 12, page 31) over the LIVING EARTHLY CREATURES, without explaining the meaning of Life and Death or Mortality and Immortality.

Even though God did create the earthly Adam and Eve, Holy in body and INNOCENT IN CONSCIENCE or SOUL and gave them dominion over the Created Creatures of the earth plane (see Gen. 1:28), He DID NOT TELL them that they or any of the rest of the physical Creation had been created "Immortal" or beyond the possibility of DEATH. Because it is apparent from the spoken words of the Lord, that Adam's life span DEPENDED upon his OBEDIENCE to the Commandment of the Lord, as we have previously stated. However, many theologians have assumed that Adam was created Immortal and would have lived forever, if he had not partaken of the fruit of the TREE OF KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL. They further assume that AFTER Adam sinned or transgressed the Commandment of God, then God had to begin to devise a Plan for his Redemption and Restoration.

But this is not the case in either instance, for IT IS WRITTEN that God instructed Moses to slay the Paschal Lamb, (see Migratory Pattern, Plate 13, page 31) "Before" he and the children of Israel left Egypt, which was “BEFORE" Moses HEARD and SAW the Vision of the whole Earthly Creation (by the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate No. 1, page 61) which took place in the Wilderness of Sinai, (see Chart, Series No. 1 on page 53) which also proves beyond a doubt that God "Foreknew" what Adam and Eve would do, and the Sacrificial Lamb of God was prepared "Before" He created them. Therefore, the provision and Sacrifice for Adam's Redemption was prepared from the Foundation of the world, as verified by the Prophet Isaiah and later fulfilled by the Lamb of God (see John 1:29,36) or Jesus Christ, and then confirmed by John on the Isle of Patmos (see Rev. 13:8; Rev. 17:8 and also Matt. 25: 34 and Eph. 1 :4-12).

To point out the verification by Isaiah, it is written in the following words: "Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, DECLARING THE END FROM THE BEGINNING, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, MY COUNSEL SHALL STAND, and I WILL DO ALL MY PLEASURE: Calling a ravenous bird from the east, 'THE MAN' that executeth My Counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have PURPOSED IT, I WILL ALSO DO IT" (Isa. 46:9-11, see also Eph. 1:5-11).


Let us stop here and examine (by the Pattern, Plate No. 1, page 61 some of the events which occurred after Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden. Speaking of the Serpent, Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden, we are told by Moses in the 3rd chapter of Genesis, "NOW THE SERPENT (which was cast out of Heaven - see Rev. 12:9; Rev. 20:2; Ezek 28:13,14 and Isa 14:12 and see also Plate No. 14, page 61) WAS MORE SUBTIL THAN ANY BEAST OF THE FIELD WHICH THE LORD GOD HAD MADE. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said unto

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the serpent, We may EAT of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not EAT of it, neither shall ye TOUCH it, lest ye DIE. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in THE DAY ye EAT thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did. EAT, and. gave also unto her husband with her; and,he did EAT" (Gen. 3:1-6).

The body of the first man Adam was created from the ground, that is, in the Outer Court, (see Plate 11, page 31 also Gen. 2:7 and I Cor. I5:47) which means that God "Foreknew" that Adam, because of his instinctive love, wherewith he was created, WOULD SACRIFICE his life for his wife, Eve, by partaking of the forbidden fruit after he was placed in the Garden of Eden. (Thus, Adam, unconscious of being a figure of Him that was to come, showed by his actions that Jesus, who was made to be Sin, WOULD SACRIFICE His Life for us, His Bride - see Eph. 5:25-33). The woman, Eve, being formed from the rib, which was in the allegorical Holy Place of the physical body of Adam, was therefore made subject to vanity when she was taken out of Adam in the Garden of Eden. Adam was delegated the DIVINE AUTHORITY to rule over the earthly, created creatures, before the woman was formed from the rib taken from his body. This authority was allegorical to the rulership of God, in the Most Holy Place (see Gen. 1:28 and Plate No. 1, page 61). Eve, the earthly creature, like the Serpent or the Heavenly creature, was created IN VANITY, and because of their beauty and glory, wherewith they both were created, and by the Serpent’s lie, caused her to be DECEIVED. Therefore, she was in the transgression (see 1 Tim. 2:14).

Nevertheless, the first man, Adam, because of his instinctive Love for his offspring or bride (see John 3:16) did partake of the fruit of the tree of KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL and became guilty before God, and DIED INSTANTANEOUSLY in HIS CONSCIENCE or SOUL the SAME SOLAR DAY in which he partook of the fruit. Likewise, the second Adam, Christ, being sacrificed on the cross in A.D. 33 for His Offspring or Bride (the Church) that the PURPOSE OF GOD might be fulfilled (see Eph. 1:10), partook of death to restore the woman BACK unto himself, as prefigured by Eve being clothed in and taken from Adam, and John said in Rev. 12:1, "There appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." After Adam had sinned in the Garden of Eden, God waited until the COOL OF THE DAY, as the SUN in the sky was going down, casting the shadow of DARKNESS over the face of the earth, and God sent forth the Angel with a FLAMING sword (see Golden Candlestick in Holy Place, Plate No. 1, page 61) and drove Adam out of the Garden (see Holy Place and Outer Court in Plate No. 15, page 61), to till the soil in the sweat of his face until he returned to the ground (see Gen. 3:19; Ex. 30:18-21, also see Brazen Lava and Brazen Altar in Outer Court, Plate No. 1, page 61). Adam did eat bread by the SWEAT OF HIS FACE until he died a PHYSICAL DEATH and returned to the ground from whence he was taken (see Gen. 3:19) at the age of 930 years (see Gen. 5:5). Thus, the total life span of Adam was 70 years short of the 1000 year day with the Lord (see 2 Pet.3:8 and Psa. 90:4).

Likewise Jesus, in fulfillment of His work of Redemption, DID EAT BREAD at the Last Supper, washed the disciples feet, sang a hymn and went out. From thence, He PASSED OVER the Brook Cedron and entered the "Garden of Gessemane" where he began to pray (see John 13:4,5, John 18th chapter and compare with the Outer Court and Holy Place of Plate No. I and Plate No. 15, page 61), and great drops of SWEAT LIKE BLOOD dropped from His brow (see Luke 22:44), when He was betrayed by Judas' band and was finally offered up, went to the GROUND, or was buried in Joseph's New Tomb (see Matt. 27:59,60).

Speaking of the appointment of Death caused by the Adamic Transgression, Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 3:20, "All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again." The Apostle Paul, also looking at the same appointment of Death, said in Romans 5: 12-14, "Wherefore, as by ONE MAN Sin entered into the World, and Death by Sin: and so Death passed UPON ALL MEN, for that all have Sinned: for until the Law Sin was in the world: but Sin is not imputed where there is no Law. Nevertheless, Death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not Sinned after the SIMILITUDE of Adam's transgression, WHO IS THE FIGURE OF HIM (Immanuel, the Messiah) THAT WAS TO COME". Isaiah, speaking of HIM THAT WAS TO COME, said in Isa. 7:14, "Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold, a Virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel (see Most Holy Place in Plate No. 27 and compare with the Pattern, Plate No. 1, page 61.

In Plate No. 27 in the Most Holy Place is shown the Archangel Gabriel, one of the Cherubims of Glory whose wings overshadowed the Mercy Seat, which is the Throne of God upon the Ark of the Covenant, wherein the Law, engraved in Tables of Stone was laid (see Plate No. 1, page 61. Therefore, comparing Plate No. 27 with the Pattern, Plate No. 1, the Archangel Gabriel is shown making the announcement of the "Divine Conception" to the Virgin Mary, who also is shown being OVERSHADOWED by the Holy Ghost (see Luke l:26-35); her body being the physical Ark

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wherein the Word (being made flesh) was laid, Thereafter, the Word was transmuted into (see John 1:14), prophetically called Immanuel, pressed through the loins (or second Vail) of the Virgin Mary into the Holy Place, Bethlehem of Judae (see Matt. 2:1) and she became the Mother of Jesus as shown in the center of Plate No. 27, page 61.

We have shown, according to the Purpose and Pattern, that the first man, Adam was the ONLY earthly created Son of God (see Luke 3:38 and Gen. 5:1,2), whom God formed from the Virgin Mother Earth and gave him Universal dominion over all the rest of the living creatures of the Earth Plane (see Gen. 1:26), which dominion except over his wife (Gen. 3:16) Adam lost by his transgression and was cast out of the Garden of Eden. Therefore, we can see why, in the course of time, God revealed to Moses and influenced him to write in Deut. 18:15 these words, concerning the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, "The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me: unto him ye shall hearken." The birth of the Messiah, the ONLY begotten Son of God, the nullification of death. the restoration and re-establishment of dominion and a Kingdom, was confirmed by the rest of the Prophets (see Dan. 2:44 and Dan. 9:24-26). For example, Isaiah confirmed the prediction of Moses by saying, "For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulders: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace" (Isa . 9:6).

Thus. the Apostle Paul said the FIRST ADAM WAS A FIGURE OF THE SECOND ADAM (see Rom. 5:14 and I Cor. 15:21,22,45), the ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD, who was born of the Virgin Mary (according to the Pattern) and who, after His earthly Ministry, crucifixion and burial, had overcome DEATH by His Resurrection (as shown in the Holy Place or in the center of Plate No. 31, page 61), was given dominion over all principality and power (see Matt. 28:18 and Col.2:10) as shown in the Most Holy Place or in the top of Plate No.31, page 61). Also it is shown in the Holy Place, that AFTER the Resurrection of Christ, the Vail of the Temple was rent and many of the Saints which slept in the dust of the earth, arose and went into the Holy City (Jerusalem) and appeared unto many (see Matt. 27:51-53).

Wherefore, the RESURRECTION IS STILL GOING ON, meaning each person who receives the Holy Ghost in his heart, (as shown in the Holy Place in Plate No. 32. page 61) throughout this Present Age HAS BEEN RESURRECTED in his CONSCIENCE or SOUL FROM THE DEAD. This is in harmony with what Jesus said in John 11:25,26, "I AM THE RESURRECTION, and THE LIFE: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die." This also means that those who DO RECEIVE THE HOLY GHOST or CHRIST, (that is, having Christ, a Quickening Spirit in his heart or mind) who ONLY hath "IMMORTALITY" dwelling in the Light. which no (flesh and blood) can approach unto (see I Tim. 6:16).

This is confirmed by John in Rev. 6:9-12 which reads thusly: "I saw under the Altar (see the Altar in Holy Place. Plate No.1. page 61. THE SOULS of them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the Testimony which they held: And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that DWELL ON THE EARTH? And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, (see middle of Plate No. 38, page 61) until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled" (see also I Pet. 1:4).

Paul in speaking of the creature being delivered from the bondage of corruption into the Glorious Liberty of the children of God, said, "For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain TOGETHER until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the FIRSTFRUITS OF THE SPIRIT, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit. THE REDEMPTION OF OUR BODY" (Rom. 8:22,23, see also Col. 3:1-3; Eph. 4:30 and Plate No. 38, page 61).

Paul speaking of the Resurrection said, "SO ALSO IS THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD. It is shown in CORRUPTION; it is RAISED IN INCORRUPTION: It is sown in DISHONOUR; it is RAISED IN GLORY: It is sown in WEAKNESS; it is RAISED IN POWER: It is sown a NATURAL BODY; it is RAISED A SPIRITUAL BODY. There is a NATURAL BODY, and there is a SPIRITUAL BODY. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a Quickening Spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is OF THE EARTH, EARTHY: the second man is the LORD FROM HEAVEN. As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have borne the IMAGE OF THE EARTHY. we shall also bear the IMAGE OF THE HEAVENLY. Now this I say, brethren, that FLESH and BLOOD CANNOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD; neither doth CORRUPTION INHERIT INCORRUPTION. Behold, I SHEW YOU A MYSTERY; We shall not all SLEEP, but WE SHALL ALL BE CHANGED, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the DEAD SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTABLE, and WE SHALL BE CHANGED. For this CORRUPTIBLE must put on INCORRUPTION, and this

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The first man, Adam DIED in his CONSCIENCE or SOUL first, and 930 years later this was manifested by the death of his physical body and its return to the ground. Therefore man must be REGENERATED in his conscience or soul first and the manifestation of his physical REGENERATION will take place later. This REDEMPTION or CHANGE or "GLORIFICATION" of the body positively does not take place in individuals, one at a time or at different intervals, as claimed by some so-called Christians, but as the Apostle Paul says, we shall ALL be CHANGED or GLORIFIED TOGETHER (1 Cor. 15:52 and Rom. 8:22,23). Furthermore, this Physical Regeneration will not be in the likeness of the first Adam, who was earthy, but in the likeness of the second Adam, who is the Lord from Heaven, who shall CHANGE our vile bodies like unto His GLORIFIED BODY (see Phil. 3:21), and for which He has already paid the price (see Acts 20:28 and I Cor. 6:20).

That is, since Jesus has already shed His Blood and risen from the Dead, we are NOW standing in the Holy Place, as Jesus said in Matt. 24:15, looking forward to the rending of the SECOND VAIL or the taking off of the Physical Body, and taking on our "IMMORTAL or GLORIFIED BODY like unto His, at the Revelation of Jesus Christ from Heaven (see Plate No. 38B and Plate 38A and compare with Plate No. 1B and Plate NO. 1A, page 61).

This conclusively proves that there IS LIFE AFTER DEATH. Thus, by the Resurrection of Christ, according to Paul, who wrote, "DEATH WAS ABOLISHED and LIFE and IMMORTALITY was brought to LIGHT through the Gospel (see 2 Tim. 1:10) or the Power of God to raise Him from the dead (see I Cor. 6:14) and, thereafter, many of the Saints which slept in the dust of the earth arose and went into Jerusalem (see Matt.27:52-53 and 1 Cor. 15:5.6).

“IF IN THIS LIFE ONLY WE HAVE HOPE IN CHRIST, WE ARE OF ALL MEN MOST MISERABLE. But now IS CHRIST RISEN FROM THE DEAD, AND BECOME THE FIRSTFRUITS OF THEM T H A T SLEPT. For since by man CAME DEATH, by man CAME ALSO THE RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD. For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at His coming. Then cometh the END, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power. For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death" (I Cor. 15:19-26).

Not only do we look for a NEW, IMMORTAL or GLORIFIED BODY, we also as Peter said in his second epistle, look for a NEW HEAVEN and a NEW EARTH, "Looking for and hasting unto the coming of THE DAY of GOD, wherein the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, (the Church) according to His Promise, look for NEW HEAVENS and a NEW EARTH, wherein dwelleth RIGHTEOUSNESS" (2 Pet. 3:12,13, see also Most Holy Place, Plate 38A, page 61). See also Revelation the 2lst and 22nd Chapters.

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"God -- The Archetype (Original) Pattern of the Universe"

By Henry Clifford Kinley, D.D., Ph.D.

Founder and Dean of the Institute of Divine Metaphysical Research, Inc.

Circa 1961

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Introduction To: The Mystery of God - the Mystery of Iniquity and the Mark of the Beast

In this volume, I have attempted to reveal the Mysteries 0f God, the Mystery of Iniquity, and the Mark of the Beast. I fully realize that in reading this material, the reader may become somewhat startled as to the real truth of the matter, but try to understand this, that God has revealed these mysteries to me, and having done so, it is my personal responsibility to reveal them unto you, no matter who may feel that he has been hurt, slandered, spoken wrongly of, or however he may describe his concept and attitude in regards to this subject.

There is no animosity in my heart to cause me to have a belligerent attitude toward the Jews, Roman Catholics, Protestants, Buddists, Mohammendans, etc., or any human being on earth because of their nationality or religious origin. But, since I, too, am a minister of the True Gospel of God - teaching with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven, it is with a conscientious feeling of humility, sincerity and divine obligation that I am compelled to teach the "Truth of God" to every human being I am able to contact under any circumstances or conditions, on this Earth Plane.

As expressed in the words of the Apostle Paul, "Brethren, my hearts desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved (that is, saved by the Grace of God through Faith in Jesus Christ, instead of trying to be saved by the Works of the Law). For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to KNOWLEDGE. For they being IGNORANT of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, (by practicing carnal ordinances and ceremonialism as a form of Godliness) HAVE NOT SUBMITTED THEMSELVES unto the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone that BELIEVETH" (Rom. 10:1-4). That is, they error because they teach Salvation is obtained or earned by meritorious Works of Righteousness (see Titus 3:5), instead of by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Peter calls such doctrines "Damnable (destructive) Heresies" (see 2. Pet. 2:1), while Paul calls them "Doctrines of Devils" (see 1 Tim. 4:1).

Of course, I realize it will appear that I am sacrilegious, since I am saying, that as far as the true teachings of the Holy Bible are concerned, neither the Jews, Roman Catholics or Protestants can prove that the Holy Bible fully supports any of their present doctrines (other than the Doctrine of Devils) taught by their so- called ecclesiastical organizations in this Present Dispensation of Grace. Immediately I will be judged by some, as misinterpreting some quotations within the Bible, according to their erroneous concept of the true meaning of the quotation to which they referred. And, as a result of my accusations against so-called Christendom, I will be condemned without an opportunity to defend myself, by Roman Catholics and Protestants alike; and then I will be branded as being a "Communist" or an "Atheist." Well, I am neither a Communist or an Atheist, but a firm believer in the existence of God and that He executes His will without obstruction, according to His Eternal Purpose.

I admit without hesitation, that prior to the year of 1931, I, too, would have felt, believed and said that such accusations as contained herein were unfair and unjust. Neither, would I have known better now, if it had not been that God showed me the difference by a Vision, accompanied by a Divine Revelation. I still cannot boast that I learned it at the feet of some Roman Catholic or Protestant theological teacher, although I did study their concepts for many years. I must also confess that the things God showed to me in the Vision and Revelation were also contrary and revolutionary, to my own previous carnal religious convictions, which I was taught and had learned to believe from my childhood up, through previous so-called Church Organizations.

Let me take advantage of this opportunity to tell you, the reader, that both YOU and I have justifiable reasons to firmly "Believe" that there are millions of people throughout the world, in every so-called religious Faith, Denomination or Church Organization, known to mankind on the face of the earth, regardless of NAME, DOCTRINE or PHILOSOPHY, who are NOT thoroughly satisfied in Heart or Mind with his or her present understanding and knowledge of God. Nevertheless, they have accepted the idea of an existing Diety (Deity) of some sort or kind, according to what they have been taught. Why? Because, they have nothing definite, abstract, or concrete, upon which to base their Religious concept, except what they have been taught to "Believe," or their own personal convictions to try and prove to themselves, or anyone else as to that matter, that their idea or concept of God is either true or false. They have not learned of God and His Purpose by a definite God-given Pattern. What do I mean by this statement?

Well, out of my thirty years of personal experience,

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plus an intensified and inexhaustible, scientific and philosophical research; or since God showed me the Divine Vision with the Revealed interpretation of it’s meaning. I have NOT found one so-called religious Faith that fully realized that God IS, a “Universal Spirit Pattern” with an IMMUTIBLE (IMMUTABLE) SPIRIT LAW embodied within Himself, established the perfection of the operation of His Revealed Eternal Purpose. Or in other words, God declared the end from the beginning. This same Universal Spirit Pattern with the Spirit Law embodied therein was revealed to Moses, the Prophets and Apostles by His Spirit, which is sufficient to RECONCILE the world to the ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD and the ONE and ONLY TRUE WAY to Universal Truth, Righteousness, Joy and Perfect Peace. Frankly and honestly speaking, the true knowledge and understanding of the “Divine Pattern” and it’s unerring “Spirit Law” operation, manifesting God and his Purpose through every cosmic phase of nature, and throughout the Dispensations and Ages is the “Supreme Test” of every human creature’s personal experience, understanding and knowledge of God and His Kingdom.

There is no person or persons in the world, except those whom God has chosen to Reveal or Manifest Himself to, and make His Purpose Known, that clearly understands these Esoteric Secrets and Profound Mysteries of the Kingdom of God. All others that have chosen or adopted the profession of teaching theology, are, as Christ said, "Many false prophets are gone into the world-they shall arise and deceive Many" (not a few), but Many (see Matt. 24:24). These false prophets and the Anti-Christ, who as a natural brute beast had already (in A.D. 90) gone out into the world, and have continued even from the days of the Apostles until now (see 1 John 4:1 and 2 Thess. 2:7-10.

In the Book of Revelation-Rev. 13:1,15-18, which reads as follows: "And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a Beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of BLASPHEMY. And he had power to give life unto the image of the Beast, that the image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would NOT worship the IMAGE of the Beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a Mark in their RIGHT HAND, or in their FOREHEADS: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the 'MARK', or the NAME OF THE BEAST, or NUMBER OF HIS NAME. Here is WISDOM. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast: for it is the number of 'A MAN'; And his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

Now, we realize that for many centuries of this Present Age, the Roman Catholic Church and all other religious denominations of every description and sort have tried to find and identify this Mysterious "Man of Sin or Son of Perdition." Ever since the Apostle John wrote the Book of Revelation, they have tried to correctly calculate and apply this number (666) to the Head of some Political or Ecclesiastical Power, geographically located somewhere in the world.

The Roman Catholics, who boldly make the claim that they are the one and only true Christian Church founded by Jesus Christ upon the Apostle Peter, have in like fashion speculated with this Satanic Number (666) They insist that this number (666) rightfully belongs to Nero Caesar, the ruler of Pagan Rome, who was born in A.D. 37, and died in A.D. 68, or two years BEFORE the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem by Titus in A.D. 70. However, the Carnal Mnided (Minded) Roman Catholic Hierachy (Hierarchy) does not know the real truth of the matter, but they do know that there are many things wrong and lacking with the (Babylonian) Roman Catholic Religion. Many of these officials, abiding within the Roman Catholic Church believe themselves to be this Beast mentioned above, but they refuse to publicly admit it. If they do not SECRETLY feel this way, why then, may I ask you, did they feel the necessity of calling so many Ecumenical Councils, including the 21st Ecumenical Council called by Pope John XXIII, himself, which is supposed to convene sometime in 1961, 1962 or 1963? Is it not because the Roman Catholic Hierarchy think that it is possible for the "Pope" to be the Dispensational continuation of the "Man of Sin" or the "Beast", that rose up out of the sea with the seven heads, ten horns, and ten crowns upon it's heads with the "Name Blasphemy" written upon it's heads, etc.? (See Rev. 13th chapter).

Do you Suppose that the 2nd Pope John XXIII, whom they say spoke of calling the 21st Ecumenical Council, did so because he wishes to ASK THE QUESTION, as did the disciples of Christ at the Last Supper, when Jesus said, "Verily I say unto you, that ONE of you shall betray me," (Matt. 26:21) or does the 2nd Pope John XXIII wish to ASK the question, LORD IS IT I? Or do you suppose that he already "KNOWS" that he is the "Man of Sin or Son of Perdition" bearing the Mark of the Beast-666--and wishes to say, as Judas said, "I have Sinned in that I have betrayed the Innocent Blood?" (Matt. 27:4). If so, in either case why wait until 1961, 1962 or 1963? That may be too late.

Why wait and look forward to the latter part of 1961, 1962 or 1963 for another "Day of Atonement", which was under the Dispensation of the Law, when the High Priest went "ALONE", once each year with BLOOD into the Most Holy Place and made an offering, first for his own sins, and then for the errors of the people? Today is the Day of Salvation-1961, 1962 or 1963 may be too late. Jesus Christ, who through the Eternal Spirit once offered His own Blood, ONCE FOR ALL, and entered into the Most Holy Place, NOT MADE WITH HANDS, from whence. He shall appear the

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second time without Sin unto Salvation, taking flaming vengeance upon his adversaries and them that "KNOW NOT GOD."

If he chooses to wait until 1961, 1962 or 1963 to make his personal confession, before the judgement seat of Christ-he may have to plead his case along with the rest of his Cardinals, Bishops, Priests, and the Hypocrite Preachers-"LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN THY NAME? AND IN THY NAME CAST OUT DEVILS? AND IN THY NAME DONE MANY WONDERFUL WORKS?

For example: IN THY NAME, LORD, have we not restored again every jot and tittle of the Moral, Sacrificial and Ceremonial Law, which you said (Matt. 5:17) you came to FULFILL-and which you said was "FINISHED" (John 19:30) and was nailed to your cross (Col. 2:14)? Have we not restored again ALL of those "Carnal Ordinances", such as Physical Water Baptism, and etc.? And aside from all of these we were nice enough to add many more IN THY NAME, which we do not even have Scripture to prove that you instituted them.

For instance, Lord, what about the Wonderful Work or stupendous Eucharistic Miracle of "Transubstantiation" or changing the "Bread and Wine" into your actual Body and Blood, which we did IN THY NAME right before the very eyes of the congregation, by the true Jannes and Jambres fashion of uttering Ceremonial Prayers (or should I say, uttering lies) to the "Unknown God" of this World? Of course Lord, we know that for some reason you did not perform this "Miracle of Transubstantiation" when Satan asked you to change or make Bread out of stones during the time of your Temptation in the Wilderness of Judea (Matt. 4:1-4), neither was that the way you did it at the Last Supper as you explained beforehand, after you delivered your sermon to the Jews and murmuring disciples in the Synagogue in Capernaum, concerning this matter, which you explained by saying, THE FLESH PROFITETH NOTHING: THE WORDS THAT I SPEAK UNTO YOU, THEY ARE SPIRIT, AND THEY ARE LIFE (John 6 :63). Transubstantiation by repeated prayers is our more modern way of performance, now Lord, don't you think it a "Wonderful Work" which we did in your name?

And Lord as for some of the many, many lies and other "Wonderful Works" which we did in your name; since you have ascended into Heaven and did not return; (now since Titus, the ruler of Pagan Rome tore down the Temple in Jerusalem which you (Jesus) said would happen-Matt. 24:2) and after Peter's death, WE built a physical church, St. Peter's in Rome upon him, (Peter or flesh and blood) and named it the Roman Catholic Church, instead of the Church of Christ, in God.

We declared Peter to be our first Pope, the head of our Church instead of YOU and ourselves his successors. We also made Peter our "Foundation Stone," instead of you, now wasn't that WONDERFUL? Another "Wonderful Work" which we did IN YOUR NAME was to make the Blessed Virgin Mary OUR ONLY MEDIATOR between the Pope, ourselves and you. Lord, we decided to make Mary our only mediator anyhow in place of you or the Holy Ghost, which you said the Father would send in YOUR NAME which is JESUS CHRIST, (see John 14:26; 1 Tim. 2:5) whom Paul said you were the only mediator between God and man. Now don't you think this was a Wonderful Work which we did in your name?

Lord, we made the Blessed Virgin Mary, your Mother also to be the Mother of God, your Father, even though you did say that your Father, God, is a Spirit (John 4:24). Now don't you think that this was a Wonderful Work which we did in thy name? And Lord, we think it is just Great how the Protestants have adopted our re-established carnal ordinances, heretical doctrines and all other forms of our religious Godliness! Now Lord, don't you think all these were Wonderful Works which we did in your name? Now Lord, you said yourself we would do greater things than you did because you were going unto your Father. Now your Father by you brought 600,000 people out of bondage in Egypt, and we have brought 500,000,000 people out of worldly corruption unto the Roman Catholic Church! You know that you also said that the people must enter in at the strait gate, and you most surely know that there is no straighter gate than the doors of the Roman Catholic Church!

And for all of these things that the Roman Catholics call "Wonderful Works," Christ said that He will profess unto them, I never knew you: Depart from me ye that work iniquity (see Matt. 7:22-23).

The reader will notice that Satan, the Father of Lies, approached Jesus in the Wilderness of Judea and suggested that Jesus "fall down" and worship him, and he (Satan) promised to give Him (Jesus) all of the kingdoms of the world. Satan incarnated in the Pope of Rome, claiming that he has the Keys to the Kingdom of God is still demanding that the true Sons of God "fall down" and worship him in order to gain enough Indulgences to satisfy him to grant their departure from Purgatory, and finally their admittance into Heaven.

In reality the Roman Catholic Church authorities are always telling the Protestant Churches what they teach is a "Religious Dogma", or an Article of Faith. HERE and NOW we wish to clarify this one particular point-"THE TRUE CHURCH OR BODY OF CHRIST" DOES NOT TEACH-IT IS THE HOLY GHOST THAT TEACHES (see John 14:26; 1 John 2:27)-and NOT THE CHURCH, as claimed by the Roman Catholics. In reality the Catholic Ministry and the Protestant Ministry do not believe the things that they are TEACHING their congregations.

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It is stated in "My Catholic Faith", written by the Most Reverend Louis La Ravoire Morrow and reviewed and acknowledged by Dr. Francis J. Connell C.S.S.R., Dean of the School of Sacred Theology of the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., revised edition, 1958, page 105 that "The Church MUST TEACH, otherwise men would not know the sacred truths taught by Christ". (Note: Jesus said, "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE"--John 14:6--NOT Ways, Truths and Lives).

As afore stated, this idea of the Church teaching anyone is diametrically opposed to what Jesus TAUGHT and the Apostles UNDERSTOOD about the matter. Jesus told His disciples, "But the comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, HE SHALL TEACH you all things, and BRING ALL THINGS TO YOUR REMEMBRANCE, whatsoever I have said unto you" (John 14:26). And the Apostle John wrote. "But the anointing (the Holy Ghost) which you have received of Him ABIDETH IN YOU, and ye need not that ANY MAN TEACH YOU; but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie. and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him" (1 John 2:27).

Since it is the Holy Ghost which does the teaching, and the Holy Ghost is Jesus Christ (or the Comforter), who is the HEAD of the Body (Eph. 1 :22,23) then the Church which is the Body of Christ, emphatically does not teach. The Apostle Paul also said the same thing in a way not understood by Christendom when he stated, "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence" (1 Tim. 2: 11,12) . Remember that the Apostle Peter said this of the Apostle Paul, "As also in all his (Paul's) epistles speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned (not taught by the Holy Ghost) and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scripture unto their own destruction" (2 Pet. 3:16). So the above mentioned statement of Paul's in regard to the woman not teaching is one of those things that is not understood by the theologians of this day, for Paul is not talking about a woman of flesh and blood, but the spiritual body of Christ which is the Bride or the woman. Hence, he is actually saying that the Church (the Body, the Bride or the Woman) does not teach.

Here is an actual example of what happens when the Church rather than the Holy Ghost tries to teach. When Peter went unto the Gentiles (Cornelius' House) and began to preach to them, while he yet spoke, the Holy Ghost fell on those Gentiles, and Peter, somewhat surprised commanded them to be baptized in water (Acts 10:47,48) which was definitely against Christ's teaching, for John the Baptist had definitely said, "I indeed Baptize you with water unto repentance; but He (Christ) that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire" (Matt. 3:11). John's words were confirmed by Jesus in Acts 1:5, after His resurrection. This commandment of Peter's for the Gentiles to be baptized in water issued from his mouth before he knew it, and definitely was not prompted by the Holy Ghost, for no sooner than Peter gave the commandment he remembered the words of the Lord (that is the Holy Ghost brought to his memory what John the Baptist had said - Acts 11: 16) and he immediately repudiated the commandment for them to be baptized with water. The Holy Ghost brought to his remembrance, or the Holy Ghost taught him that water baptism was out, and baptism by the Holy Ghost was the new order of the day and still is.

The above mentioned case was one that did not prove disastrous for those concerned for Peter did have the Holy Ghost and the Gentiles did receive the Holy Ghost through his preaching, but had not the Holy Ghost been in Peter the results could have proved disastrous in regards to his teaching the Gentiles and all could have been lost.

The situation of the so-called Christian world today is to be likened unto the case of the Jews during the time of Jesus' Ministry when He described them as "Whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness" (Matt. 23:27). Church membership is at an all time high and there is a so-called Church of some sort in every community, and the ministry are continually soliciting new members and carrying on missionary work in this and foreign countries and conducting mammoth evangelistic services wherever they feel that there is a need for them. This would seemingly point up the fact that all is well with the ministers and their congregation, but all is NOT well with them; this is just the kind of hypocrisy for which Satan is noted.

To back up the above statement that all is not well with them, allow me to cite an article which appeared in the December issue, 1959, page 86 of Cosmopolitan Magazine by T. F. James entitled the "Agony of Religious Doubt". In this article appears the words of the ministers of both Protestant and Catholic faiths expressing the doubts in their minds as to some of the things that they preach from their pulpits, for example, the Virgin birth of Christ, the belief that Jesus' resurrection is our pledge of assurance of eternal life, etc. The article states that this doubt reaches from the pulpit to the pew. The Gallup poll states that twenty six percent (26%) of all Americans either disbelieved or doubted the existence of life after death, and thirty nine percent (39%) had the same attitude toward the existence of a devil.

The percentage of such doubters among the ministers and the congregation is startling, so the article states, although outwardly they present a lovely picture of re-

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ligious unanimity worshipping together in the faith of their choice. The article further states that "Pastors and laity are all playing a solemn game of 'Let's Pretend'. The members confide to each other that they no longer believe their church's doctrines, but "would not dare let their minister know they felt that way'. The minister tells his confidents that he does not believe the doctrines either, but 'would not dare to say so from the pulpit'."

Such theological and ecclesiastical giants in so-called Christiandom as Episcopal Bishop James A. Pike and foremost protestant thinker Paul Tillich admit openly that they have religious doubts. The former said this, "There have been times in the middle of a service, when I have been assailed by the most appalling thoughts. I find myself saying; what am I doing here?" Does this make sense? The latter said this in the article, "No man can escape from the torment of doubt, but the answer to doubt is courage." The Catholic ministry all admits to these doubts.

Father Leonard Feenery, who was the Catholic chaplain at Harvard University withdrew from the church and formed a separate religious society because he could not reconcile his beliefs about salvation with the official teaching of Catholicism. Biship (Bishop) Fulton J. Sheen admits that doubt exists among his congregation. The Roman Catholics even have retreat houses throughout the country where laymen go for contemplation and faith renewal. The Rev. Arthur M. Tingue of the Religio-Psychiatric clinic at the American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry in New York admits that MUCH OF HIS WORK IS COUNSELING MINISTERS who get discouraged and HAVE DOUBTS.

Such is the state of affairs in so-called Christendom today which definitely and positively points up the fact that something is amiss for it is written in Revelation 21:8, "But the FEARFUL, and UNBELIEVING (doubtful), and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and ALL LIARS shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimestone: which is the second death." But there is no need for such doubt, for if the present day ministry were preaching the True Gospel of Jesus Christ such doubt would not exist, for God has abolished all of our excuses before we concocted them in the way that he has revealed Himself to those who sincerely seek out HIS WAY and not theirs. For he said in Isaiah 35:8, "And a highway shall be there, and away, and it shall be called The Way of Holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those, the wayfaring men, THOUGH FOOLS shall not err therein." And Paul states in Romans 1:19,20, "Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; FOR GOD HATH SHEWED IT UNTO THEM: For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so THAT THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE."

If all of the ministers understood the Purpose of God as it functions through the ages, according to the Divine Pattern, it would eradicate all doubts, skepticism, atheism and agnosticism or else God WOULD NOT be able to judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he has ordained, Jesus Christ. So there is NO EXCUSE as far as God is concerned, for our doubts, and we must definitely get rid of these doubts and disbelief or else "hell will be moved from beneath to meet us at our coming." (Isa, 14:9).

It is now in the succeeding pages, that I will try to convey to you the truth of the Gospel as pertaining to the Anti-Christ in this present age. It is my desire to try by these writings, to convey to you the reality of just who Satan and his angels really are, that you may become wise enough to be able to recognize the Pope of Rome as being the Spirit of the Anti-Christ long hidden in the Mystery of Iniquity, since Lucifer (or Satan) appeared to Eve in the Garden of Eden.

I sincerely hope that in the following pages that the reader will grasp the real significance and spiritual truth of what is written, for in so doing it will definitely and positively bring him from darkness into the Glorious Light of the Knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and save his Soul from an everlasting destruction.

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The Mystery of God - The Mystery of Iniquity and the Mark of the Beast

If the authors are to explain The Mystery of God, The Mystery of Iniquity and point out The Mark of The Beast and the ORIGIN of Satan, we must first understand God as He really is, and as He actually exists as defined by Jesus, who said, "GOD IS A SPIRIT" - from whence all things emanate. (John 4:24).

God Is Pure Spirit or God Is All in All

(1) In the accompanying illustrations, Figure 1, part 1 and Figure 2, pages 68 and 69, the authors intend to show and prove the existence of God. God first existed (in totality) as Pure Spirit (see John 4:24). That is to say, God is "The Ultimate Source, Infinite and Immaculate Substance, The Incomprehensible and Inscrutable Principle, the ALL IN ALL, an Eternal, Independent, Self Existing Deity without Visible Shape or Form" (see Deut. 4:12; John 5:37). Therefore, He is, within Himself, the sum total embodiment of "ALL" of the attributes of Intelligence and Wisdom, Knowledge and Power, Mercy and Justice, Law and Order, Love and Beauty, Life and Truth, etc., etc. He is the Limit and Bounds, the Source and Substance. God is the "Terminus Ad quem and Terminus Ad quo."

God In Super Incorporeal Form

(2) Next in the illustrations, Figure 1, part 2 and Figure 3. pages 68 and 70, we are showing how that God, the process of Transmutation, took on Super Incorporeal Form (in part, not in totality) before He began to create the Angelic Host. After the physical creation, God, in this Super Incorporeal Form, was sent by Moses and the Prophets in Visions and communicated with them (see Ex. 24:9-10; Prov. 8:22 and Rev. 3:14).

In this condition He was the Universal Archetype Pattern of everything, "Incorporeal and Physical" that He thereafter created. In the illustration, Figure 4, page 71, we mean that in the Realm of Eternity, He created the Spirit Beings or the Angelic Host FIRST, BEFORE He created the Physical Creation. Angels are MINISTERING SPIRITS, created to Serve, Honor, Obey and Glorify God (see Dan. 3:28; Dan. 7:27; Luke 1:19 and Heb. 1:14). Lucifer, an angelic spirit creature, the Son of the Morning, because of his great Beauty and Wisdom, wherewith God had created him, lifted himself up or rebelled against God. This caused a rebellion in Heaven among the Angels, and therefore, Lucifer and his host were found guilty before God, and were cast out of Heaven into the Ethereal Darkness that surrounded the Earth after the beginning of the physical creation. This was the ORIGIN of Satan, the Evil Spirit Creature, and one of the principle subjects of this discourse.

God Manifested In Physical Form of Man and the Creation

(3) Finally in the illustrations, Figure 1, part 3 and Figure 5, pages 68 and 72, God took on Physical Shape and Form (in part, not in totality) manifested in the Material Creation and thereafter (thereafter) in Jesus, as shown in Figure 1, part 3, page 68 (see John 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16 and 1 John 5:20).

To summarize as heretofore explained, this downard (downward) operation or process as indicated in Figure 1, page 68, shows God (in part, not in totality) coming from Pure Spirit, which is His Inconceivable and Incomprehensible State of existence, through Super Incorporeal Form and then into materialization of Spirit in Physical Bodily Form of Jesus and the material creation.

Now according to His Purpose as indicated in Figure 1, page 68, there is a similar upward process, from materialization returning back through Incorporealization or Incorporeal Form to Pure Spirit, manifesting His Purpose to mankind to make a New Creation and a New Creature in Christ. (See 2 Cor. 5:17) .

We will show and prove that according to the Scriptures and the "Divine Pattern" that God showed to Moses while he was in Mount Sinai (see Ex. 25 :40 and Heb. 8:5), that the Serpent, Lucifer or Satan - a Beautiful, Self Exalted and Evil Spirit Creature, and His Host were cast out of Heaven. The Apostle Peter and Jude, the servants of God, tell us that Satan and His Angels, who were cast out of Heaven (into the Darkness, in the Beginning of the Creation of the Ethereal Heaven and Physical Earth) will never be saved, but are "RESERVED" in chains of darkness through the Dispensations and Ages to the Day of Judgment to be punished (see 2 Pet. 2:4 and Jude 6). It is impossible for us to know and identify Satan and his host incarnated in mankind after the finished Creation, operating in the Earth Plane without a PROFOUND "KNOWLEDGE" of the Divine Pattern.

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As we look upon the POLITICAL and RELIGIOUS confusion of so-called Christendom or Modern Day “Babylon,” caused by Satan, the “Father of Lies” – we honestly and sincerely feel that it is absolutely necessary for us, the true people of God to expose and identify him by the MARK 666 (see Rev. 13:18) and geographically locate him, incarnated in “The Man of Sin or Son of Perdition” of this Present Age.

Moreover, as we ponder this subject in our minds we are reminded of the words of Jesus: “When ye therefore shall see the ‘ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION’, spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, STAND IN THE HOLY PLACE, (whoso readeth, let him UNDERSTAND:) Matt. 24:15

This brings us to ask YOU – THE “TRUTH SEEKER” – some very important questions in relation to our subject, which are as follows:

(1) Do you know what the "Abomination of Desolution" (Desolation) in this present age REALLY IS?

(2) Do you really know what Jesus (the second Adam 1 Cor. 15:45: Rom. 5:14) meant when He told His

disciples to stand in the HOLY PLACE?

(3) Do you know what or where the HOLY PLACE IS?

(4) Do you know where the Unholy Place and Most Unholy Place is and where you NOW STAND?

These questions cannot be answered nor understood without a profound knowledge of God and His Purpose in Operation through the Dispensations and Ages, according to the "Divine Pattern" or Plan. Neither can the Unholy Place nor the Most Unholy Place be located without understanding and knowledge of the Divine Pattern. Otherwise, we would not know what or who Satan is, neither would we know HOW or WHERE to begin to LOOK and LOCATE the Beast Man of Sin, and identify him by the Satanic Number, "666".

Therefore, when we speak of Lucifer and his host being cast out of Heaven or the Most Holy Place, we are referring to the figurative Most Holy Place in the Pattern of the Tabernacle as seen by Moses in a VISION in Mount Sinai and shown in Chart, Series No.1, page 75, describing God - the true Archetypal (original) Pattern of the Universe. Let us learn what this Pattern is, and how it came about.

Beginning in Egypt, God instituted the First Passover with Israel on the night of the 14th day of Abib (April). The next day after the stygian night of the Passover, God by the Phenominal (Phenomenal)Cloud and the hand of Moses, led the twelve tribes of Israel out of the plague torn, Chaotic Land of Egypt, through the Miraculously Divided Waters of the Red Sea and later into the Wilderness of Sinai in the year of 1490 B.J. Fifty (50) days thereafter, they came to Mount Sinai where God spake to the Israelites the Ten Commandment Law from the Cloud that covered the Mount. Thereafter, God called Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy (70) of the elders of Israel up into Mount Sinai and they saw (in a Vision) the God of Israel (see Ex. 24:9-19) in the Incorporeal Form of A MAN or a Great, Heavenly, Anthropomorphic Being. God in this Form, manifested the three-fold Archetypal (original) Pattern of the Universe. It was also in the Mount, in the midst of the Cloud that Moses, in a Vision, saw, God, the Great, Heavenly, Anthropomorphic Being (see letter A on Chart, page 75) instantaneously Transform Himself into a three-fold, completely furnished Tabernacle (see letters B and E on Chart, page 75) with its Brazen vesseled, exterior furnishings and Golden vesseled, interior furnishings with interior hanging curtains and the departmental dividing Vail, lavishly embellished with Angelic Figures.

Thus, in this way, God was able to show Moses the three-fold, Intangible Sanctuary or Tabernacle and make him thoroughly understand and retain in his mind HOW, thereafter, he was to build the Figurative, three-fold, Tangible Sanctuary or Tabernacle for a dwelling place for Him (God) among the children of Israel (as shown in the center of the Chart on page 75) fashioned like the Pattern which Moses had seen in the Mount (see Ex. 25:40). Thus, it was necessary for the Tabernacle to be three-fold, since God or the Godhead is Threefold (see 1 John 5:7).


(1) The Father

(2) The Word

(3) The Holy Ghost


(1) The Most Holy Place

(2) The Holy Place

(3) The Outer Court

God, The Archetype Pattern (Elohim, Christ) of the Universe

While Moses was still in the Mount, in the midst of the Cloud, he was shown another Vision. Moses Heard and Saw, within Six Solar Days, God in the process of Creating by Himself (The Pattern), day by day in logical sequence, until He reached the Seventh Day (see letter D on Chart, page 75, whereupon this Day, God Rested and Sanctified that Day and called it the Sabbath. Carefully notice this Great, Heavenly, Anthropomorphic Being which Moses saw transform Himself into the Intangible Tabernacle, and whom Moses, thereafter, saw in the process of creating the Universe in Six Solar Days by Himself; This Heavenly Form was Elohim or Christ, the Archetype Pattern of the Universe by whom the Worlds were framed, as previously explained and illustrated in Figure 1, part 2, page 68 and Figure 3, page 70 (see Prov. 8:20-30; John 1:3; Col. 1:16-17 and Heb. 11:3). All of this took place during the Forty (40) Day period that Moses was in Mount Sinai (see Ex. 24:18).

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The life of the Apostle John was spared until A.D. 96, so that he could appear on the Island of Patmos on the Sabbath or Lord's Day for a witness or Revelation of Jesus Christ, who is the beginning of the Creation of God (see Rev. 3:14). As shown by the Chart, Series No. 1, page 75, Moses saw in a Vision, the Creation of Heaven and Earth, by the Pattern, and John confirmed Moses' Vision, by a Vision and Revelation of the PURPOSE OF THE CREATION, as revealed in Christ, of both The Mystery of God and The Mystery of Iniquity from Alpha to Omega. This revelation is recorded by the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation.

Since, God is Spirit, invisible, inconceivable, it was His (God's) way, by creating the Visible Universe, to make Himself and His Purpose KNOWN to mankind, as the Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:19-20: "Because that which MAY BE KNOWN OF GOD is manifest in them; for God hath SHEWED IT unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse."

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The Divine Pattern of the Universe

A clearer, more detailed Chart, Series No.2, page 172, illustrating forty (40) Plates, including the six days of creation, plus, other historical events in the physical creation which were inspired and controlled by Elohim (Christ), the Archetype Pattern, as shown in Plate No. 3 and confirmed by the Divine Pattern of the Tabernacle, as shown in Plate No. 1. Every event in the past, present and that which is to come were Foreknown and predestined by the Lord God of this Stellar Universe, and precisely carried out, according to the design and operation of the Divine Pattern of the Tabernacle. These events as illustrated on the Chart, Series No.2, reveals the identity and proves the existence of God, the Mystery of Iniquity and the Mark of the Beast, through the Dispensations and Ages of Time.

The performance of the Levitical Priesthood, according to the Law in the daily and yearly ministration, operating in and out of the Tabernacle (and Temple) as shown in Plate No.1, was given to the Israelites under the Dispensation of the Law. It is by a knowledge of the operation of this Pattern that we can know, how, God has carried out His Purpose from the beginning or before the earth was, down to the Present Time, and what will be ITS ultimate end (see Eph, 1:10-11). We will show a few of the many correlations, using the Pattern of the Tabernacle, with other Plates to prove the Infallibility of God's Purpose of the Creation by the Pattern (see 1 Cor. 2:13-15). Time and space will not permit every comparison in detail, but we will show a few of the most important comparisons, and correlations.

In Plate No. 1A is shown the Most Holy Place of the Tabernacle, a type of Heaven with the Ark of the Covenant containing the Ten Commandment Law therein; and the Mercy Seat thereon, overshadowed by the two Archangels, is a figure of the Throne of God. Coming from the Most Holy Place, Plate 1A to Plate 1C, is the Holy Place, divided by a blue, purple and scarlet colored Vail, Plate 1B, lavishly embellished with Angelic Figures. The Holy Place, Plate 1C, represents the Intermediate State containing the Altar of Incense, Table of Shewbread and the Golden Candlestick. Finally, coming through the Door or the First Vail, Plate ID, we enter the Outer Court, Plate 1E, containing the Brazen Laver (with water therein) and the Brazen Altar of Sin Offering. In an upward motion the entrance to the Outer Court is made through the Gate.

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The three-fold witness of Jesus Christ by the Pattern, REVEALED IN THE EARTH, was expressed by the Apostle John in his writings (see John 19:30-34; 1 John 5:7-9,20, also Plates 1 and 36). The Apostle John had witnessed many things being with Jesus Christ, who proved by the miracles that He performed that He was the same God, manifested in the flesh (see 1 Tim. 3:16), that created the Universe (see Gen. 2:1-4 also Col. 1:14-16). John also knew that the Tabernacle and Temple were figurative of his BODY, which Jesus said would be destroyed and raised again in THREE DAYS. John stated in his epistle (John 19:30-34), the soldier pierced Jesus' side and forthwith came there out BLOOD and WATER and He gave up the Ghost (Spirit). John

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recognizing the similarity of his body to the Pattern of the Tabernacle with BLOOD on the Altar, WATER in the Laver, and Spirit pre-figured by the Holy Anointing OIL and the HOLY PLACES, as a Pattern by which the Universe was created.

According to the Apostle John's statement in 1 John 5:7-9 which reads: "For there are THREE that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost, and these THREE ARE ONE (see Lev. 16:2; Isa. 66: 1 and also Col. 2:9). And there are THREE that bear witness in the Earth, the Spirit, and the Water, and the Blood: and these THREE AGREE IN ONE. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is Greater: for this is the Witness OF GOD WHICH HE HATH TESTIFIED OF HIS SON" (JESUS CHRIST). Also, according to John's Vision on the Isle of Patmos of the Creation by the Pattern, as seen and described by Moses, John confirmed the proof of the existence of God, by Jesus Christ and the manifestation of God's Purpose by the Physical Creation.

Theosophy or Divine Wisdom

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This group of Plates has been selected from the Chart, Series No.2, to define God which is Spirit (John 4:24). He is the Ultimate Source, the Infinite and Immaculate Substance, the Incomprehensible and Inscrutable Principle, the ALL IN ALL, an Eternal, Independent, Self Existing Deity without shape or form (see Deut. 4:12; John 5:37). In Plate 3, God was manifested in two invisible parts which could be seen only by Visions, as the Word and the Holy Ghost to make Himself and His Purpose known to mankind.

Plate No.2, called Theosophy or exposition of the three-fold Godhead is shown in Plate No. 3 as the Anthropomorphic Being, illustrating the combined or sum total of all the ATTRIBUTES embodied in God, the True ( original) Archetypal Pattern. The three-fold Godhead, Father, Son and Holy Ghost are revealed in the three-fold composition of man, being Spirit, Soul and Body, also the Attributes of God are revealed by the principles imbued in man, such as, Intelligence, Wisdom, Knowledge, Beauty, Love, Justice, Foundation, Power, Strength and Kingdom, etc.

God was manifest in Jesus, the Messiah or Christ as Paul states in 1 Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy, great is the Mystery of Godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of Angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory." Jesus Himself said, "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father, for I am in the Father, and the Father in Me" (see John 14:9-12 see also Plate No. 40).

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Plate No.4, illustrates the generations of the Heavens and Earth, called Cosmogony, an exposition of the Creation as compared to the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate No. 1. In Plate 4A, we recognize God in Eternity as SPIRIT, being Universal Spirit LAW and SUBSTANCE, the SOURCE from which all things emanate, both visible and invisible, and is compared to the Most Holy Place in Plate lA, a type of Heaven with the Ark of the Covenant therein and the Mercy Seat thereon, overshadowed by two Archangels, containing the Law of Commandments with the invisible presence of God in the CLOUD above, which is the Throne of God (see Ex. 24:22 and Lev. 16:2).

On the Vail, Plate 4B is seen figures of Angels, typifying the invisible Angelic Spirit Creatures, who were created before the physical creation, indicating the division between Spirit and Matter. This is proven by the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1B, with the Vail embellished with Angelic figures. Coming through the Vail to Plate 4C, the Holy Place, we find God which is Spirit or Substance, taking on the invisible gaseous form of Atoms existing in ethereal space known as the Second Heaven; as compared to the Holy Place in Plate 1C, an Intermediate Holy Place.

Finally, coming through the First Vail to Plate 4E, we find the amalgamation of these invisible Atoms into molecular structures, without taking on shape and form in the creation of the material, inorganic (inorganic) earth, as compared to the Outer Court, Plate 1E, with its Brazen Vessels for sin atonement, a figure of Christ as the atonement, from the foundation of the world (see Rev. 13:8). The inferno of Molten Lava in the center of the earth, Plate 4E, is compared to the Brazen Altar with fire thereon for Sacrifices, Plate 1E. The hot springs and steam, Plate 4E, caused by the intense heat of the internal Lava and the clouds and water surrounding the earth is compared to the Brazen Laver in Plate 1E, containing water for washing and cleansing purposes.


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Plate No. 5 illustrates the three-fold Ethereal Darkness that covered the face of the deep surrounding the Chaotic Earth in the beginning of the creation as seen by Moses, as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate No. 1. In Plate 5A, representing the Most Holy Place, occupied by the Lord God on His Throne, in which is hidden the deep secrets of the Mysteries of God pertaining to Himself and His Universal Spirit Law operating in His Creation, making Darkness His Secret Place (see Psa. 18: 11). Coming through the Second Vail into the Holy Place, Plate 5C, is expressed by the thick carboniferous blackness that covered the face of the deep and reveals the wind or Spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters (see Gen. 1:2).

Finally, coming through the First Vail into the OUTER COURT is the Ethereal Darkness surrounding the face of the waters, that covered the Chaotic Earth, wherein Satan and his host were cast in the beginning of the Physical Creation (see Brazen Altar and Lava, also Eph. 2:2; Eph. 6:12),

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The Creation-First Day - Gen. 1:1-5

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Plate No.6 illustrates the division between light and darkness on the first day of Creation that Moses saw in the VISION, as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate No. 1. Beginning in the Outer Court, Plate 6E, with the darkness which God called Night, covering the face of the deep, and the inorganic earth surrounded by water is compared to the Altar of Sacrifice and the Waters in the Lava, Plate IE, Passing (upward) through the First Vail, Plate 6D, a division between evening and morning, we come to the Holy Place where Moses said that the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, symbolizing a semi,or evening light, as compared to the Candlestick in the Holy Place of the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1C.

Finally, passing through the Second Vail, Plate 6B, indicating a division between light and darkness, we come to the Most Holy Place, a type of Heaven wherein is the Throne of God. It was here, Plate 6A, that at the Command of God, the darkness was abolished by Cosmic Light, as compared to the Most Holy Place, Plate 1A, where God, who is identified by Light (see Shechinah and also 2 Cor. 4:6), abode in the Cloud above the Mercy Seat, between the Cherubims of Glory, their wings overshadowing the Mercy Seat, a symbol of the Throne and presence of God thereupon. Thus, the evening and the morning were the first day. This is as the Apostle Paul said, looking at the Pattern in 2 Cor. 4:6, "For God, who commanded the Light to shine out of darkness, hath commanded the Light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the LIGHT OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GLORY OF GOD IN THE FACE OF JESUS CHRIST." This is confirmed by the threefold witness in the earth, shown in Plate No. 36, which God hath testified of His Son (see 1 John 5:8).

The Creation-Second Day - Gen. 1:6-8

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Plate No.7 illustrates the division between the waters above the firmament and the waters beneath the firmament on the Second Day of Creation, as seen by Moses in a Vision, as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate No. 1. In the Outer Court, Plate 7E, the waters beneath the firmament covered the Inorganic Earth, as compared to the Outer Court, Plate IE, to the Altar of Sacrifice and the water in the Laver. Coming through the First Vail is the Holy Place, Plate 7C, where we have the Clouds containing much water in a semi-liquid form divided by the First Vail, Plate 7D, dividing between the waters in the Heaven and the waters covering the face of the deep.

Finally, passing through the Second Vail, also called the Firmament, or Heaven, we enter the Most Holy Place, Plate 7A, a type of the third Heaven where we have moisture in a gaseous substance and invisible to the naked eye, operated by the Law of the Spirit as reflected in electric energy, causing Lightning to flash as comparable to the Shechinah or Light that flashed above the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the Law within, as shown in Plate 1A. Thus, the evening and the morning were the second day.

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The Creation-Third Day - Gen. 1:9-13

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Plate No.8 illustrates the Creation of the vegetation on the Third Day of the VISION, as seen by Moses, compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle. In the Outer Court, Plate 8E, we still have the inorganic earth impregnated with lifeless or inanimate substance from which the seed of vegetation was formed, sealed or surrounded with the more dense waters beneath the firmament, covering the surface of the earth, as compared to the dead sacrifice on the Altar and the water in the Laver in the Outer Court of the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1. The SEED of vegetation on the Third Day, is also definitely compared to the Death and Burial of Jesus Christ, Plate 31E, the True Seed of Abraham, of the Anthropological Kingdom, buried in Joseph's new tomb after His Crucifixion and the door thereof sealed with a stone, as the waters covered or sealed the Virgin Mother Earth. The entrance through the Door or First Vail, Plate 8D, was shown by the DIVIDING of the waters that covered the earth, gathering them into Seas (Rivers) permitting the DRY LAND TO APPEAR, as compared to the entrance through the First Vail into the Holy Place in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1D, and also the rolling away of the stone, by the Angel (see Matt. 28:2), Plate 31D, that sealed the tomb of Christ.

The Priests were annointed (anointed) with Oil (or Spirit) prior to their entrance into the Holy Place to perform the services thereof. This is compared with the Seed of Vegetation, being quickened and penetrating the soil thereof on the Third Day of Creation; just as Christ, the Seed of Abraham was Quickened on the Third Day of the Resurrection. As the vegetation on the Third Day of Creation was the firstfruits, so also does this represent Christ in His Resurrection, being the Firstfruits (see 1 Cor. 15:20) of them which slept in the dust of the Earth, shown by the opening of the graves after His Resurrection, and many of the Saints rising and entering on into Jerusalem, (see Matt. 27:52) as shown in Plates 1C, 8C, and 31C or the Holy Place.

The Second Vail, Plate 1B, DIVIDING the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place, Symbolizes the BUD concealing and thereafter revealing the DIVISION between blossom and fruition (see Plate 8B). The BLOSSOMS on this same Vail compare to the Angelic Figures woven on the Second Vail in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1B, and the entrance through or removal of the Vail of the flesh of Christ, Plate 3lB, who arose a Quickening Spirit. This is proven by the rending of the Vail in the Temple as evidence, being a figure of His Body (see Matt. 27:51), see illustration of Spiritual Temple, page 49.

Finally, entering the Most Holy Place, Plate 8A, the vegetation, unerringly controlled in all its operations by the Law of the Spirit, grows into fruition, as comparable to the Most Holy Place of the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1A, wherein we find the Law of the Spirit symbolized by the Tables of Stone in the Ark of the Covenant, which governed the entire body of the Children of Israel, from conception to maturity, which represented Christ, who is a Quickening Spirit, wherein He HAS NOW ascended into Heaven and has become the Only Potentate. King of Kings and Lord of Lords (see 1 Tim. 6:15). Thus, the EVENING and the MORNING were the THIRD DAY. This is a confirmation of the three-fold Witness in the EARTH. as shown in Plate No. 36, which God hath testified of His Son, Christ.

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The Creation-Fourth Day - Gen. 1:14-19

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Plate No. 9 illustrates the Creation of the Sun, Moon and Stars in the Firmament, to give Light upon the earth, on the Fourth Day of Creation bringing about the DIVISIONS between day and night and the seasons of the year-Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer, and for signs of the TIMES as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate No. 1.

At the top of Plate 9A, in the Most Holy Place is shown the Ten Commandment Law, signifying God. being the Law of the Spirit, the direct Source by which all things in the Universe originated and function. It is also verified in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1A, where God told Moses to place the Tables of the Law in the Ark of the Covenant which is a figure of the Throne of God. By this Law of the Spirit of God the Planets were Formed and Placed in their Orbits to rotate and revolve in relation to the Purpose and Plan of God. The Sun, Moon and Stars were to bring about Day and Night along with the seasons of the year and signs of the times, in comparison to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle as seen in the Vision of the Creation by Moses, Plate No. 1.

The earth revolves once every twenty four (21) hours bringing about a day and a night. As previously shown in Plate 6E, of the First Day of Creation, DARKNESS which He called NIGHT is comparable to the Chaos in the Outer Court that covered the face of the deep. This also is revealed in the Outer Court of the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1E, where physical sacrifices were offered for sin, because where sin is, there is darkness or ignorance of the Purpose of God. This is also compared to the dark rainy seasons of Fall and Winter, as shown in the Outer Court, Plate 9E, on the FOURTH DAY, before the creation of the Moon or Lesser Light was created in the Holy Place to rule the night and the Sun was created in the Most Holy Place to rule the day. Likewise, as previously shown in Plate 6C and A, of the first day of creation the darkness or night was abolished by Cosmic Light, represented by the Sun in the Most Holy Place and the Moon, or Lesser Light, is compared to the Priest Lighting the Golden Candlestick in the Holy Place, Plate 1C, and the Light within the Cloud in the Most Holy Place above the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant, Plate 1A. In Plate 9C and A, the darkness is abolished by the Light of the Sun, a type of Righteousness, the Greater Light that rules the day.

The Earth revolves around the Sun once a year, bringing about the seasons of the year, Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. Shown in the Outer Court, Plate 9E, is Fall and is comparable to the Fall of the Sacrifices, slain on the Altar in the Pattern of the Tabernacle. Plate 1E. Likewise, the inorganic earth. Plate 8E, and also the crucifixion of Jesus, Plate 31E, a Sacrifice for the sins of the world. Next, we have Winter with a blanket of snow and water that covers or seals the earth, as comparable to the water in the Laver, Plate 1E.

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Likewise, water that covered the face of the deep in Plate 8E, and also the Stone that sealed the tomb of Jesus, Plate 31E.

Passing through the First Vail, Plate 9D, marked the DIVISION between Winter and Spring, we enter the Holy Place, Plate 9C, marked Spring. Herein is where the warm rays of the Sun, (symbolic of the Spirit) removes the covering of snow from the face of the earth and quickens the Seed of Vegetation, causing it to sprout, just as the Priest was anointed with Oil (symbolizing Spirit) and entered into the Holy Place, Plate 1. Likewise, the waters were removed from the face of the earth, Plate 8C, on the third day and the seed of vegetation was quickened or resurrected by the Spirit that moved on the face of the waters. Also Plate 31C, the stone was rolled from the door of the tomb of Jesus, and Christ arose, a Quickening Spirit.

Passing from the Holy Place, Plate 9C, to the Most Holy Place, Plate 9A, we have Summer when the vegetation grows into maturity bringing forth fruit as the Psalmist David said in Psalms 1:3, "And He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that bringeth forth his fruit in his season." This was also shown on the Day of Atonement when the High Priest entered the Most Holy Place, Plate 1A, and his offering was accepted of the Lord. Again on the Third Day, Plate 8, when the vegetation groweth into fruition and likewise of Christ, Plate 31A, ascending into Heaven being the First Fruits of them that slept. God made the stars and placed them in the firmament as shown on the Second Vail in Plate 9B, representing Angels, as compared to the Angelic Figures woven on the Second Vail and around the four sides of the interior walls of the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1B. Likewise, the Creation of the Angelic Host, Plate 4B, before the material creation, which is shown in the vegetable kingdom by the many color blossoms on the Second Vail, Plate 8B, of the Third Day of Creation.

As seen on the Second Vail, Plate 9B, among the many stars is shown one special planet, Saturn, surrounded by rings or Halos. As the stars represent the Angelic Host, created before the Physical Creation, Saturn, with its Halos, represent Lucifer, the Beautiful Archangel, who exalted himself above God because of the Beauty and Wisdom with which God had created him. The self exalted disposition of Satan which is incarnated in the Present Dispensational Man of Sin, and the like disposition of his host also incarnated in the so-called ministers of righteousness (see 2 Cor. 11:14-15), forbidding their converts to read certain literature or attend certain meetings, etc., are innoculated (inoculated), brainwashed and circumscribed (or surrounded or hedged in) in their own Pagan doctrines or Papalism as shown by the Halos surrounding the Planet, Saturn, Plate 9B.

God made two great Lights, the Sun and the Moon to give Light upon the earth and set them in the firmament as shown in the Holy Place and Most Holy Place of Plate 9C and A, the Greater Light (the Sun) to rule the day and the Lesser Light (the Moon) to rule the night, as seen in the Vision of the Creation by Moses. We do know that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was manifested in the earth in the end of the fourth (4th) day or four thousandth (4000th) year (one day with the Lord is as a thousand years-see 2 Peter 3:8), as compared to the Sun, being Created on the fourth (4th) day as seen in Moses' Vision of the Creation.

The Sun which was manifested in the Earth on the fourth day established the DIVISION between the seasons, according to the Purpose of God, from Darkness called Night to Light which is called Day as the Son of God, also manifested in the Earth on the fourth day (or 4000th year) showed forth the DIVISION between unrighteousness and righteousness, The Darkness extended back to the black chaos that covered the face of the deep in the beginning of Creation, and the fall and death of the first man, Adam, who brought death or darkness upon all mankind. For in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive (see 1 Cor. 15:22). The Dispensation of the Law, which was by works is typified by the Moon, and the Dispensation of Grace which is by Faith is typified by the Sun with Christ, the True Light or Son, married to His wife, the Church, which is His Body. This was revealed to John in Revelation 12:1 which reads," And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven; a Woman (the Church) clothed with the Sun (Christ), and the Moon (Law) under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:" thus, the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

The Creation-Fifth Day - Gen. 1:20-23

Plate No. 10 illustrates the Creation of living creatures of the waters, fish, great whales, etc., and winged fowls that fly in the open firmament to multiply in the earth, on the fifth (5th) day of Creation, as seen in the Vision by Moses, as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate No.1.

Beginning at the bottom of Plate 10E, in the Outer Court, we illustrate the Amphibian Plane which means both in the waters and upon the earth, wherein and whereupon the three-fold manifestation of God, began upon the Physical Earth Plane. Here the small inanimate creatures were formed as compared to the lifeless sacrifice on the Altar in the Pattern, Plate No. 1E. Like as the Priest was anointed with Holy anointing oil (representing the Holy Spirit), before he entered the Holy Place, Plate 1C, so were these inanimate creatures, Plate 10E, quickened by the Spirit of animation and they became animated or living creatures, as shown in Plate 10C, which the waters brought forth after their kind, of moving creatures, great whales; and winged fowl

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after his kind, that fly in the open firmament of the Heaven, Plate 10B.

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The birds of many colors on the Second Vail, Plate 10B, that fly in the open firmament are compared to the Angelic Figures woven on the Second Vail and around the four sides of the interior walls of the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1B. Finally, shown in the Most Holy Place, Plate 1A, the Law of the Spirit proceeding from God, imbues and establishes the Kingships among these creatures with instinct to care for their young and replenish the Earth, as shown in Plate 10A. Each of these living creatures has a King and Queen among them, as reflected by Christ and Jerusalem above, which is His Bride. Thus, the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

The Creation-Sixth Day - Gen. 1 :24-31

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Plate No. 11 illustrates the creation of living creatures, Cattle, Creeping things and Beasts of the earth after its kind and man on the sixth day of creation, as seen in the Vision by Moses as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate No. 1.

Beginning at the bottom of Plate No. 11E, the Outer Court, God brought forth both man and animal from Mother Earth. God breathed into them the Breath of Life or the Spirit of Life entered into them, a DIVISION between body and soul (Plates 11D and 1D), and they became living creatures as shown in the Holy Place, Plate 11C.

Finally, the Divine Law. as shown in the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place, being the Throne of God or seat of authority, proven by the Pattern of the Tabernacle, was imbued in the mind of both animal and man establishing an instinct to care for their offspring, to multiply and replenish the earth. This shows a DIVISION between soul and Spirit, as shown on the Second Vail, Plate 11B and Plate 1B. Whereas, the man innocent in Conscience or SOUL was made in the Image and Likeness of God, having Divine control or dominion over the fish of the sea, fowl of the air, the cattle and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, he was made a little lower than the Angels, with a disposition to serve God, as shown in the Most Holy Place, Plate 11A. As Paul wrote in Hebrews 4: 12, "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the DIVIDING asunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart". Thus, the evening and the morning were the sixth day (Gen. 1:31).

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Division Between Male and Female - Gen. 2:21-23

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Plate No. 12 illustrates the DIVISION between Male and Female as seen by Moses, as compared to the threefold Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1. Unlike the beast of the field and fowl of the air that God formed out of the ground, He, according to His Purpose to make the first Adam, a figure of the second Adam, Jesus Christ (see Rom. 5:14), made the woman from a rib taken from Adam.

Adam being created in the image of God, possessed both masculine and feminine hormones within himself, a figure of God that gave birth to, or created the Universe. As shown in Plate 12E, God caused a DEEP SLEEP to fall upon Adam, a figure of death and burial or Spiritual Immersion, and took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. (The Deep Sleep falling upon the first Adam, the taking of the rib from his side and formation of the woman, and her presentation to him was a figure of the soldier piercing Jesus in the side (see John 19:34), the deep sleep or after His death and resurrection, the presentation of the woman to Him was fulfilled by the Saints that slept in the dust of the earth and arose and went into the Holy City (see Matt. 27 :52 and also Plate 31, on the next page). The rib which the Lord God had taken from man made he the woman causing a DIVISION of the sexes, as shown in Plate 12C. After God formed the woman from the rib taken from the man, He brought her to the Man and Adam said, "This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man," which manifested the unity of the Masculine and Feminine sexes, as shown in Plate 12A, a figure of the union of the Spirit of God and the Spirit of Man or Christ and His wife, the Church, which is His Spiritual Body (see Eph. 5:29-32, see also Plate No. 32).

This limited explanation of the Creation in the six (6) days, as seen in a Vision by Moses, as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1, shows how the OPERATION of the GOD-GIVEN PATTERN is used to detect, identify and prove the existence of God, the Mystery of Iniquity and the Mark of the Beast.

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The Migratory Pattern

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Plate No. 13 illustrates a perfect three-fold Pattern, established by the Migration of the Israelites from Egypt to Canaan Land in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle (the Universe), which the Lord Himself built and not the man, Moses. In the Outer Court, Plate 13E, is Egypt where the Israelites were in bondage to Pharaoh, the typical MAN OF SIN, having the Mark of the Beast. After God had poured out nine (9) plagues upon the Egyptians, He (God) instituted the First Passover with Israel, and simultaneously with the pouring out of the tenth (10th)and last plague in which the First Born of all the Egyptians were slain when the Angel of the Lord passed over Egypt. The slaying of the Paschal Lamb in Egypt is comparable to the Sacrifice slain on the Altar in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1E. The slaying of the Paschal Lamb and sprinkling of the blood of the Lamb, Plate 13E, on the side door posts and over the lintel of the door, and the blood in the basin, was figurative to Jesus Christ, as shown in Plate 31E, our Passover, the Lamb of God, nailed to the cross, with nails in His hands, a crown of thorns on His head, and nails in His feet. As it was night in Egypt when the Passover Lamb was slain, likewise, it turned dark over the face of the earth when Jesus was on the cross from the sixth (6th) to the ninth (9th) hour. After the slaying of the Firstborn in the Land of Egypt, Plate 13E, Pharaoh let the Israelites go, but afterward he pursued them to the Red Sea.

The Red Sea, Plate 13D, is compared to the Brazen Laver in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1, and to Joseph's new tomb in which Jesus was laid, Plate 31E. The records reveal, as shown in Plate 13D, that God by the Phenominal Cloud and the hand of Moses, brought the Israelites through the Miraculously divided waters of the Red Sea, (immersing or baptizing them in the Cloud and in the Red Sea - see 1 Cor. 10 :1.2) overthrowing the pursuing Pharaoh (the typical BEAST MAN OF SIN, and his host therein - see Psa. 136:15). This Baptism in the Cloud and in the Red Sea is compared to the priests washing in the Brazen Laver, Plate 1, and Jesus being buried or Baptized in Joseph's new tomb, Plate 31. Judas, the Beast Man of Sin, having committed suicide, and buried in the Potters Field, is compared to Pharaoh, who was drown and buried in the Red Sea.

Three days after the slaying of the Paschal Lamb, the Israelites came into or were resurrected into the Wilderness or Holy Place, Plate 13C, just as the Priests entered into the Sanctuary or Holy Place, Plate 1C, and as Jesus raised from the dead, Plate 31C, three days after His crucifixion. The Wilderness of Sinai, Plate 13C, represents the Holy Place in the Migratory Pattern. Herein the Israelites received THE MANNA from Heaven and then the Ten Commandment Law and the Divine Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1. During the total time of their sojourn therein, they were led by the Phenominal (Phenomenal) Cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, while they were being tempted of the devil forty (40) years - one day for a year (see Num. 14:34). The Wilderness was comparable to the Holy Place, Plate 1C of the Pattern of the Tabernacle, where the Priests performed the daily services of the Lord. The Children of

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Israel being baptized in the Red Sea and tarrying in the Wilderness for forty (40) years is also comparable to Jesus tarrying in the Wilderness of Judaea for forty (40) days following His Baptism after which He was tempted of the devil (see both Plates 29C and 31C and also Matt. 4:3) and after His resurrection from the dead. After Christ appeared to His disciples in Incorporeal Form, He tarried on earth for forty (40) days before He ascended through the Second Vail, Plate 31B and entered into Heaven, Plate 31A. The DIVIDING of the River Jordan, or Second Vail, Plate 13B, permitting the Israelites to pass over into Canaan Land led by Joshua, served as a DIVISION between the Wilderness and Canaan Land just as the Vail, Plate 1B, DIVIDED the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. The Vail is also shown in Plate 31 by the removal of the flesh of Jesus, being sown a natural body and raised a spiritual (see 1 Cor. 15:44-48; Heb. 10:20), this was proven by the rending of the Vail in the Temple when Christ rose from the dead.

The Promise Land of Canaan, Plate 13A, is a type of Heaven where David was anointed King of Israel and sat upon his throne in the city of Jerusalem. Canaan Land is compared to the Most Holy Place in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate lA, where the Presence of God appeared in the Cloud above the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant between the Cherubims, representing the Throne of God. Also comparable to the Promise Land of Canaan is the Ascension of Christ, Plate 31A, with Christ sitting upon the Throne of God in the Heavenly Jerusalem, being Lord of Lords and King of Kings (see 1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14).

Angelic Transgression

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Plate No. 14 illustrates the Angelic Transgression, showing Satan, an Evil Spirit Creature cast out of Heaven into the earth, as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1. Beginning with the Most Holy Place, Plate 14A, is a type of Heaven. As heretofore stated, the invisible Angelic Realm was first created before the Physical Creation. It was here that Lucifer or Satan was first one of the Anointed Cherubims or Angelic Spirit, the wings of which covereth or overshadowed the Mercy Seat or Throne of God (see Ezek. 28:14). This is compared to the Most Holy Place in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, a type of Heaven, Plate 1A, with the Ark of the Covenant therein and the Mercy Seat thereon overshadowed by the two Archangels, which is figurative of the Throne of God (see Ex. 24:22; Lev. 16:2).

Coming through the DIVIDING Vail, Plate 14B, Lucifer or Satan was cast out of the Third Heaven or the Most Holy Place into the Second Heaven or Holy Place or from Plate 14A to 14C, which is the Intermediate State in the unfinished Heaven and Earth in the beginning of the physical creation, where the Light or Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters in the (Ethereal) Darkness, and the Darkness, (which is Lucifer or Satan) comprehended it not. This transformation from invisibility to Incorporeal Form, made it possible for him to appear in a Vision to Eve, Moses and the Prophets in the same way that the Righteous Angels appeared to Abraham, Jacob and others.

This operation is compared to coming through the DIVIDING Vail, Plate 1B to the Holy Place in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1C, the Intermediate State where the Light from the Golden Candlestick burned throughout the night, representing the Light or Spirit of God moving upon the face of the waters and the Light that shined in (Ethereal) Darkness and the Darkness comprehended it not (see and compare Gen. 1:2 with John 1:1-5).

Finally, passing through the door or First Vail, Plate 14D, we come to the Outer Court. Plate 14E, which reveals the DIVISION between invisibility and visibility, signifying this spirit (Lucifer) was cast out into the earth where we find him, Plate 14C to 14E, described as the Serpent that appeared in the Garden of Eden and was seen by Moses, AFTER the finished creation (see Gen. 3:1), and later became incarnated in THE MAN, Cain, Adam's son (see Gen. 4:6,15; 1 John 3:12 and Jude 11). This is compared to the Outer Court in the Pattern of the Tabernacle, Plate 1E, with the services performed for Sin Atonement.

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If we are to prove that this invisible Angelic Spirit Creature, Lucifer, and his host were cast out of Heaven into the Darkness in the beginning of the physical creation, and later appeared in the Garden of Eden, as described by Moses, who saw him in the Vision while in the Mount (see Gen. 3:1) and later incarnated in Man, then we should be able to look at the visible manifestation in the beginning of the Migratory Pattern, shown in Plate 13, with Satan incarnated in Pharaoh, the typical Beast Man of Sin and his host in Egypt (the Outer Court), BEFORE and AFTER the Stygian Night of the Passover.

Thereafter, Pharaoh and his host were overthrown in the Red Sea (see Ex. 14:28 and Psa. 136:15). This was also confirmed by John in his Vision while on the Isle of Patmos and is recorded in Rev. 12:9 which reads, "And the great dragon was cast out, that old SERPENT, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH the WHOLE WORLD: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him." John further confirms this in Rev. 13:1 as follows: "And I stood upon the sands of the sea, and saw A BEAST rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of BLASPHEMY."

This abased, self exalted, evil angelic spirit creature, incarnated in "A MAN" is further typified in the scriptures by the King of Babylon referred to in Isaiah 14th chapter and 12th verse, which reads: "HOW ART THOU FALLEN FROM HEAVEN, O LUCIFER, SON OF THE MORNING! HOW ART THOU CUT DOWN TO THE GROUND, WHICH DIDST WEAKEN THE NATION!" And again he is referred to by the Prince of Tyrus in Ezekiel the 28th chapter and the 13th through the 19th verses reads thusly:

"Thou hast been in Eden the Garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipe" was prepared in thee in the day (or eternity) that thou was created. Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth ; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou was PERFECT IN THY WAYS from the day that thou wast created, TILL INIQUITY WAS FOUND IN THEE. By the multitude of thy MERCHANDISE they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast SINNED: therefore I will cast thee as PROFANE out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, 0 covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Thine heart was lifted up because of THY BEAUTY, thou hast CORRUPTED thy wisdom by reason of THY BRIGHTNESS: I will cast thee to the ground I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee. Thou has DEFILED THY SANCTUARIES BY THE MULTITUDE OF THINE INIQUITIES. by the INIQUITY OF THY TRAFFICK; therefore will I bring forth a fire from the midst of thee, it shall DEVOUR thee, and I will bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that BEHOLD THEE. All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a TERROR. and never SHALT THOU BE ANY MORE."

Jesus Christ, who was God (that created all things) incarnated in the flesh said, "I beheld Satan as lightning fall from Heaven" (Luke 10:18). This Satanic Spirit was revealed to the Apostle John as a Dragon or SERPENT of whom he wrote in Revelation 12th chapter and 9th and l0th verses reading thusly: "And the great dragon was cast out, that old SERPENT, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world; he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ; for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night."

Names Applied To This Satanic Spirit

He is referred to in the Bible as the following:























This Satanic Spirit, incarnated in "A MAN", manifesting himself in the flesh as SUPREME HEAD over all Christendom, Political and Ecclesiastical in the Earth Plane, is an "ABOMINATION" to the true seekers of God.

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Identifying Titles of the Christ and the Anti-Christ

In the following illustration, we will show comparative and identifying titles of the Christ and the AntiChrist.

(l) THE CHRIST (Matt. 16:16)

     ANTI-CHRIST (l John 4:3)

(2) CHRIST THE ADVOCATE (1 John 2:1)

     SATAN IS THE ADVERSARY (1 Pet. 5:8)

(3) THE MIGHTY GOD (Isa. 9:6)

     THE GOD OF THIS WORLD (2 Cor. 4:4)

(4) CHRIST IS ALL AND IN ALL (Col. 3: 11)

     ACCUSER OF OUR BRETHREN (Rev. 12: 9-10)

(5) BREAD OF LIFE (John 6 :35)

     MURDERER (John 8:44)

(6) HOLY ONE (l John 2:20; Acts 3:14)

     ANOINTED CHERUB (Ezek. 28:15)

(7) HORN OF SALVATION (Luke 1:69)

     SEVEN HORN BEAST (Dan. 7:8; Rev. 13:1)


     DEVIL AS A ROARING LION (1 Pet. 5:8)

(9) KING OF KINGS (Rev. 17:14)

     WILFUL KING (of Babylon - Isa. 14:4)


     FATHER OF LIES (John 8:44)

(11) MAN OF SORROWS (Isa. 53:3)

     MAN OF SIN (2 Thess. 2:3)


     THE MARK OF THE BEAST (Rev. 13:17-18)

(13) ALPHA AND OMEGA (Rev. 1:8)

     SERPENT (Gen. 3:1) BEAST (Rev. 13 :18)





(EXPLANATORY NOTE: The Chart, Series No. 2 and ALL references to Plate numbers and alphabets referred to in Volume 2, captioned, "The Mystery of God, The Mystery of Iniquity and The Mark of The Beast" are found on page 172.

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The Fall of Lucifer - Adam and Eve In The Garden of Eden

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After God had finished the physical Creation, this evil, invisible Angelic creature (Lucifer) entered the Garden of Eden, and Moses referred to him as the "SERPENT" in Genesis 3rd chapter and 1st verse which reads as follows: "Now the SERPENT was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the Garden? (See also Rev. 12:9-10). The Serpent appearing in this condition or (apparitional) form, in the earthly Most Holy Place (the Garden of Eden), near the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; Lucifer (or the Serpent), DECEIVED Eve by persuading her to TOUCH and EAT OF THE FRUIT OF THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD and EVIL and to give it to her husband (see Gen. 2:16-17), which brought about the transgression and fall of Adam, and caused his expulsion from the Garden of Eden, as shown in Plate 15 and compared to the Pattern, Plate No.1, and also Plate No. 14.

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The expulsion of Adam and Eye from the Garden of Eden is illustrated by the Divine Pattern as shown by the illustration in Plate No. 15. The Most Holy Place in Plate 1A. is a type of Heaven, containing the Ark of the Covenant with the Archangels, their wings overshadowing the Mercy Seat. symbolizing the Throne of God (see Lev. 16:2: Heb, 9:5). Likewise, the Garden of Eden is a type of Heaven, Plate 15A, with Adam, the son of God (see Luke 3:38) in HIS INNOCENT HOLY STATE whom God had appointed ruler over ALL THE EARTH including the beasts of the field (see Gen. 1:26-28. Hence, Paul states that the first Adam was a figure of the second Adam, Christ (see Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:45). For example, Christ is set on the right hand of the Throne of the majesty in the heavens (see Heb. 8:1), and all power in heaven and in earth is given unto him (see Matt. 28:18).

The fall of Adam, by DISOBEDIENCE TO THE COMMAND OF GOD, influenced by Satan, in the Garden of Eden, caused his expulsion from the Garden by the Angel as shown from Plate 15A to 15C. The fall of Adam, the Earthly Father of all living and his expulsion from the Garden of Eden was a figure of the invisible Angelic Spirit creature, Lucifer (Satan) and his host which KEPT NOT their FIRST ESTATE and were cast out of Heaven (see 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6) by Michael and His Host through the DIVIDING VAIL into the Holy Place or Intermediate State, which shows a coming out from Heaven or degeneration as shown in Plate 14, from 14A to 14C. God pronounced a CURSE upon the Serpent and the ground, and a PENALTY upon Eve to bring forth children in sorrow, and upon Adam to till the ground and in the sweat of his face shall he eat bread until he return to the ground as shown in the Outer Court, Plate 15E bringing about Death upon all mankind, For in Adam all die (see 1 Cor. 15:22). This was a FIGURE of the Angels that lost their first estate, and were cast into the earth, Plate 14E, and ARE RESERVED in everlasting chains UNDER DARKNESS UNTO THE JUDGMENT OF THE GREAT DAY.

After the expulsion of Adam from the Garden of Eden, it came to pass that Adam knew his wife, Eve and she conceived and bare Cain, and she said, I have gotten "A MAN" from the Lord. And she conceived again and bare his brother Abel. Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground (see Gen. 4:2) see Plate 15E.

Cain the First Murderer and the Mark (666) of the Beast or Serpent

As shown in Plate No. 16, page 90, Cain was born with an inherited "Consciousness" of his Parental Disobedience, wherewith, in the process of time it came to pass, that he brought of the fruit of the GROUND an offering unto the Lord. And Abel. also brought of THE FIRSTLINGS OF HIS FLOCK and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had RESPECT unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and his offering he had NOT RESPECT. And Cain was very wroth, and his COUNTENANCE FELL. And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy COUNTENANCE FALLEN? If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him. And Cain talked with his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him (see Plate 16E). And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And he said, What hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand: When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.

Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear. Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that everyone that findeth me shall slay me. And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengence (vengeance) shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a Mark (666 - see Rev. 13:18) upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him. And Cain went out from the presence of the Lord, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden. And Cain knew his wife; and she conceived, and bare Enoch; and he builded a city, and called the name of the city, after the name of his son, Enoch, as shown in Plate 16 (see Gen. 4:3-17).

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The Evil Angelic Spirit or Satan Incarnated in Man

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Plate No. 16 illustrates CAIN, THE FIRST MURDERER, whom God placed a Mark upon, establishing an event in the visible earth plane. It was the Purpose of God to place a Mark on Cain to reveal the Mystery of Iniquity and Mark of the Beast - 666 - operating through the Ages and will continue to the end of time when he shall be destroyed.

The accompanying group of illustrations will reveal the contrast between the Mystery of God and the Mystery of Iniquity as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle. The second Plate from the left (not illustrated on the large Chart, shown on page 172 illustrates the True Spiritual Temple or Body of Christ with Christ officiating as High Priest and King in the Kingdom of God, which was established on the Day of Pentecost, Plate 32, revealing the Mystery of God as contrasted to the Mystery of Iniquity, shown in Plates 16 and 37.

Satan was not only the instigator of Abel's murder, he was the author of Cain's religion, spoken of by Jude, AS THE WAY OF CAIN (see Jude 11, and also 1 John 3:12). Therefore, Satan, the wicked Angelic Spirit incarnated himself in "A MAN" - Cain, whom God MARKED in his FOREHEAD and in his HAND (see Gen. 4:15) with the SATANIC NUMBER "666". Because of his jealous and depraved "MIND," Cain slew his brother Abel with his HAND. This was the first physical murder; (referred to by Jesus Christ in John 8:44) which was caused by "Satan or the Beast," incarnated in the Man - Cain. The disposition and life of Cain as in the murder of his brother Abel, shown in Plate 16E, was as the Sacrifices on the Altar in the Outer Court, Plate 1E, and the death of Adam, Plate 15E.

In Plate No. 2E, illustrates the Sacrifice of Jesus' blood (the second Adam) as the Atonement for the transgression and death of the first man Adam, caused by Satan and typified by the death of Abel (see Luke 11:51).

In Plate 32E, at the Last Supper, the night before Jesus was crucified, He ate the Passover with His disciples in the upper room in fulfillment of the memorial of the First Passover, which was instituted in Egypt in B.J. 1491, and observed each year thereafter. The Original Passover Lamb in Egypt was a figure of Jesus the Lamb of God, who at the Last Supper took bread and break it, and the cup and supped, saying, this is My Body, which is broken for you and My Blood of the NEW TESTAMENT which is shed for you for the remission of sins (see Matt. 26:26-28).

Jesus Himself, being the "Word of God" made Flesh, rose up after he had ended the Supper, laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded Himself. After that He poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded (as Moses did Aaron and his sons at the Brazen Laver, and anointed them with Holy Anointing Oil, symbolizing the Holy Ghost, before they could begin to minister in the Sanctuary - see Ex. 29:4-30). Judas, who was to betray Him, had already departed. Then cometh Jesus to Peter to wash his feet, and Peter saith unto Him, Lord, dost thou wash my feet?

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Jesus answered and said unto him, WHAT I DO thou knowest NOT NOW, but thou shalt know HEREAFTER. *Peter saith unto him, thou shalt never wash my feet. Jesus answered him, IF I WASH THEE NOT, thou hast no part with me. Simon Peter saith unto Him, Lord, not my feet only, but also my hands and my head. Jesus saith to him, He that is washed needeth not save to wash his feet, but is clean every whit: and ye are clean, but not all (see John 13:1-11).

(*Peter at that time, having NOT YET received the Holy Ghost DID NOT UNDERSTAND that Christ Jesus, being the Word of God made flesh (see John 1:1,14), had to fulfill the Law and the Prophets as reflected in the Pattern (Plate No. 1) before he could receive the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost as shown in Plate 32. However, as Jesus said he (Peter) did understand through the Holy Ghost that Christ's Body was broken, His Blood shed, and that he had to receive the washing of Regeneration, by receiving the Holy Ghost - see Titus 3:5).

A Testament is of force AFTER MEN ARE DEAD, that is, it did not become of effect in the heart or mind until the Day of Pentecost, establishing the New Covenant, fulfilling the PROMISE made to Abraham, which was after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (see Heb. 9:17. See Heaven or Jesusalem above in Plate 32A, see also Heb. 12:22) .

In Plate 37E, is illustrated the Apostasy of Pagan and Papal Rome which John spoke of in Revelations represented by a great Red Dragon (Rev. 12:3-9), which was cast out of Heaven into the Earth, and the Beast like unto a leopard (Rev. 13:2) that rose up out of the sea, which made war with the saints and overcame them (Rev. 13:7). The Papacy being the Mother Church, represented by the woman that sat upon the scarlet colored beast with a name written upon her forehead, "Mystery Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots, and Abomination of the Earth" (Rev. 17:5), followed by Protestantism and others, have restored Carnal Ordinances, such as Water Baptism, Foot Washing, Lord's Suppers, etc., which were practiced under the Dispensation of the Law and fulfilled by Jesus and nailed to the Cross (Col. 2:14 ). They that practice such things (worship the beast and his image and receive his mark in their forehead and in their hand) shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God - and shall be tormented with fire and brimestone and cast into the Lake of Fire, as shown in Plate 38E, page 172) .

For committing this imbecillic (imbecilic) and hideous crime, God placed "A MARK" (666) upon Cain, the Man of Sin or Son of Perdition and he departed for the Land of Nod on the east of Eden as shown in Plate 16C, being like unto the Priest entering into the Holy Place, Plate No. 1C.

In Plate No.2, the entering in from the Outer Court to the Holy Place, 2E to 2C, through the First Vail, 2D, represents Christ, the Door as He said, I am the Door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved (John 10:9). In the Holy Place, Plate 2C of the True Spiritual Temple is shown the functioning of Christ as High Priest in the Temple of our body as the illumination of our heart by the Spirit of Christ (Holy Ghost) as Jesus said, "I am the Light of the world; he that followeth me SHALL NOT WALK in the darkness but shall have LIGHT OF LIFE" (John 8:12), as compared to the CANDLESTICK, shown in Plate 1C, Next is illustrated the nourishment of our inner man (see Eph. 3:6), being fed by the Words of God recorded in the Law, for man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth man live (Deut, 8:3, see also Matt. 4:4); as compared to the Priests eating of the SHEW-BREAD, shown in Plate 1C. Next is illustrated the INTERCESSION made within us by the Spirit of Christ or Holy Ghost, for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: (not by vain repitions (repetitions) said on a rosary, or words written in a so-called prayer book), BUT THE SPIRIT ITSELF maketh INTERCESSIONS for us with groanings which cannot be uttered, as compared to the INCENSE offered on the ALTAR OF INCENSE, during the hours of prayer, as shown in Plate 1C (see Article on Prayer later on in the script, page 165).

In Plate 32C is illustrated the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost, writing the Law of the Spirit in the heart and mind, establishing the True Spiritual body of Christ which is the Church (see Eph. 1:22-23; Eph. 2:20-22; Col. 1:24; 1 Pet. 2:5).

In Plate 37C, is illustrated the "FORMS" of Religious Apostasy, and shown as Mystery Babylon, composed of Roman Catholics, Protestants, Jews and others, having a FORM of Godliness (by their own righteousness, which is of the Law of works), BUT DENYING the Power thereof (of God): from such turn way (2 Tim. 3:5).

This Satanic Spirit or Satan himself, incarnated in "A MAN," as stated by John in the 13th chapter and 17th and 18th verses of Revelation, which reads thus: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the MARK, or the NAME OF THE BEAST, or the NUMBER of his NAME. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath UNDERSTANDING count the NUMBER OF THE BEAST: for it is the NUMBER OF A MAN; and his NUMBER is six hundred threescore and six" or 666. In Plate 37, shows the Pope of Rome in his self exalted position, trying to take the place of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost (see 2 Thess. 2:4), as compared with the True which is shown in Plate 32, according to the Pattern, Plate No. 1.

In Plate No. 16A, we have Cain, the former agriculturist, who turned his attention to architecture and without any "Divine Pattern or Instructions" from God, he with an Evil and corruptible MIND builded the earthly City of Enoch; as shown in Plate 16A. This Most Unholy earthly City, like Vatican City, Plate 37A,

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in a figure falsely corresponds with the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle, Plate 1A, also Satan's self exalted Seat of Authority BEFORE being cast out of Heaven, Plate HA. This earthly city (the wicked capitol of the Earth) with Cain in complete control, did not stand very long before the WICKEDNESS of man on earth was exceedingly great. The city of Enoch founded, built and controlled by Cain, who had the Mark (666) placed upon him was a FIGURE of the Pope of Rome, in the Vatican (see Plate 37A) has the Mark of the Beast in his FOREHEAD and in his HAND, sitting upon HIS THRONE in the earthly city of Rome, firmly establishing the Mystery of Iniquity and Mystery Babylon in this Present Age.

In Plate 2A and also 32A, is illustrated Christ, who having entered through the Vail of His flesh into "Glorification" is NOW sitting upon His Throne in the Heavenly Jerusalem, being made a King and High Priest after the order of Melchisedec, having established by His Blood the New Covenant or Testament in our heart and minds by the Holy Ghost.

This was prefigured in the Most Holy Place, Plate 1A, with the invisible Presence of God in the Cloud above the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant between the wings of the Cherubims, representing the Throne of God, having the Ten Commandment Law written on tables of stone which were placed within the Ark of the Covenant.

WARNING to the True People of God-Remember there is NO PLACE for CORRECTION or REPENTANCE to be found for Satan and his angels incarnated in physical bodies, THEY MUST BE CAST OUT OF THOSE POSSESSED WITH THESE SATANIC SPIRITS by the TRUE MINISTERS OF CHRIST. SATAN AND HIS ANGELS ARE RESERVED TO THE DAY OF JUDGMENT TO BE PUNISHED (see 2 Pet. 2:4 and Jude 6).

Satan the Cause of the Flood - Noah and the Three-Fold Ark

After Cain with the Mark of the Beast (666), which the Lord had placed upon him, and with Satan incarnated within him had built the corruptible city of Enoch in the Land of Nod, the WICKEDNESS of mankind with the Satanic Spirit incarnated in them upon the earth, continued to increase (see Gen. 6:1-8). Nevertheless, Noah, one of the sons of Lamech (see Gen. 5:28-29) FOUND FAVOR in the sight of God and "Warned the Wicked" for 120 years. As illustrated at the bottom of Plate No. 18E, page 172, being dead in their conscience, as Adam was after his transgression as shown in Plate No.15E and the sacrifices on the Altar in Plate No.1E. Noah was born in the year 1056 A.M. or 2948 B.J. which was 126 years after the death of the first man, Adam. It was to Noah that God gave the Vision and Divine detailed specifications to build the three-fold Ark for the preservation of "Seed" to replenish the Earth, after the destruction of man, beast and fowl from the earth plane by the overwhelming Deluge or Flood. The Ark was to be three stories high, being constructed with (1) the Lower Story, (2) the Middle Story and (3) the Upper Story (see Gen. 6:16). According to the RECORD, this was the FIRST physical structure that God had given mankind the command with Divine specifications to build, since God created the Universe. Let us pause here and compare the structure of the THREE-FOLD ARK to the TABERNACLE and SOLOMON'S TEMPLE.

ARK (3) The Upper Story (2) The Middle Story (1) The Lower Story

TABERNACLE (3) The Most Holy Place (2) The Holy Place (1) The Outer Court

TEMPLE (3) The Oracle (2) The Sanctuary (1) The Porch

Noah began to build the Ark in the 480th Year of his life or in 1536 A.M. or 2468 B.J., whereas he was engaged 120 Years in the building thereof (see Gen. 6:3), and gathering everything of beast, fowl and man therein, and finished his work in the 600th Year of his life in 1656 A.M. or 2348 B.J. Illustrated in the center of Plate No. 18C, entering the Ark is also compared to the priests entering into the Holy Place in Plate No. 1C. "In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, (Zif or May 17, 2349 B.J.) the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

In the selfsame day entered Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, into the Ark (eight souls altogether); They, and every beast after his kind, and all the cattle after their kind, and every creeping thing after his kind, every bird of every sort. And they went in unto Noah into the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life. And they that went in went in male and female of all flesh, as God had commanded him: AND THE LORD SHUT HIM IN (as illustrated at the top of Plate No.18A, God being in authority is also shown by the Throne of God in the Most Holy Place in Plate No. 1A. And all flesh died that moved upon the earth, both of fowl, and of cattle, and of beast,

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and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, and every man: All in whose nostrils was the breath of life, of all that was in the dry land, died. - And the waters prevailed upon the earth an hundred and fifty days" (see Gen. 7:11-16,21,22,24).

The Flood - Duration of Time

The Total duration of the Flood, according to Genesis 7:11-12 and Genesis 8:14, was ONE YEAR AND TEN DAYS, which reads as follows:

"In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month (Zif or May 17, 2349 B.J., the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights. And in the second month, on the seven and twentieth day of the month (Zif or May 27, 2348 B.J.), was the earth dried"

After the Flood - Post Diluvian Age - Noahic Covenant

After the Flood the Ark rested up in the top of Mount Ararat, see Plate No. 20A. Noah, thanking God for the preservation of his life and that of his family, "BUILT AN ALTAR" and offered up Sacrifices unto God (see Gen. 8:4; Gen. 8:20). And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth (as God had said unto Adam and Eve - compare with Plate 15A, see Gen. 1:28). And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon all the fish of the sea; INTO YOUR HAND ARE THEY DELIVERED. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herbs have I given you all things. But BLOOD WHICH IS THE LIFE THEREOF OF FLESH, SHALL YE NOT EAT (see Lev. 17:14 and Acts 15:20-29). And surely your Blood of your lives will I require; at the HAND OF EVERY BEAST WILL I REQUIRE IT; AND AT THE HAND OF EVERY MAN'S BROTHER (see Cain and Abel - Gen. 4:8) WILL I REQUIRE THE LIFE OF MAN. Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the Image of God made he man (see Gen. 1:27).

And God spake unto Noah, and his sons with him saying, and I, behold, I will establish My Covenant with you, and with your seed after you; and every living creature that is with you, of the fowl, of the cattle, and of every beast of the earth with you; from all that goeth out of the Ark, to every beast of the Earth. - Neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by THE WATERS OF A FLOOD; Neither shall there any more be a FLOOD TO DESTROY THE EARTH. And God said, This is the token of the Covenant which I will make between ME and YOU and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations; I DO SET MY BOW IN THE CLOUD (see God dwelling between wings of the two Cherubims in the Most Holy Place, compare Plate 20A with Plate 1A) and it shall be for a token of A COVENANT BETWEEN ME AND THE EARTH. And it shall come to pass, when I bring a Cloud over the Earth, that the "Bow" shall be seen in the Cloud - and God said unto Noah, This is the token of THE COVENANT which I have established between ME and ALL FLESH that is upon the Earth (see Gen. 9:1-19, Plate No. 1A, Most Holy Place).

Noah was the grandson of Methuselah, who had lived 243 years of Adam's life and died at the age of 960 years or in 1656 A.M. or 2348 B.J., at which time Noah was 600 years old and the time of the Flood. And Shem, the youngest son of Noah was 98 years old. Thus, Noah and his whole family had lots of experience and knowledge of the Sin of the Post Diluvian Age and they all knew why God had sent the Deluge or Flood to destroy mankind from the earth. Therefore if there ever was a "TIME" in the History of the world when the Human race had an opportunity to work out the theory of "Human Government", it was after God had established the Covenant with Noah, and during the 350 years of Noah's life and his posterity after the Flood or in the Post Diluvian Age. Noah, in the Post Diluvian Age started right by "Building an Altar" and offering sacrifices unto God for himself and his immediate family.

Thereafter Noah began to be an "Husbandman" (Noah a type of God, dealing with man) and he (Noah) PLANTED A VINEYARD (see God, Adam, Eve and Garden of Eden, Gen. 2:8, Plate No. 21A and compare with Plate 15A). And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, saw the Nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren. And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and covered the nakedness of their father (compare Plate 21C with the Holy Place in Plate 1C). When Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his Brethren. And he said Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tent of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant. And all the days of Noah were nine hnudred (hundred) and fifty years (950); and he died (see Gen. 9:20•29). "Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah; - Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. - By these were the isle of the GENTILES DIVIDED in their lands; everyone after his tongue, after their families, in their nations" (see Gen. 10:1,5).

It was by the Flood that God had cast Satan and his host OUT OF MANKIND and destroyed Satan's Earthly Ante-diluvian Kingdom, built by Cain without a "Divine Pattern and Divine Specifications" (see City of Enoch in the Land of Nod; Plate 16, page 172; Gen. 4:16-17),

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leaving Satan after the flood without residence in MANKIND. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? and he answers, From going to and fro in the earth and walking up and down in it (see Job 1:7). And Satan, walking to and fro in the Earth through dry places (see Dry Earth after Flood-Gen. 8:13 and 14) and seeking rest, findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out (that is in man), and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the LAST STATE OF "THAT MAN" IS WORSE THAN THE FIRST. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation (see Matt. 12:43-45). Jesus said in John 12:31, "Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world (the Post Diluvian) be cast out." "And after the sop Satan entered into him (Judas Iscariot). Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly" (John 13:27). Judas with Satan incarnated within him, after negotiating with the Sanhedrin Council or his (Satan's) angels, betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver, committed suicide, releasing Satan from that physical body. According to Paul in Ephesians 2 :2, this is the same spirit that now (in this Present Age) worketh within the children of disobedience, which we must locate and expose by the Satanic Number 666.

After the Flood, Ham, the second son of Noah begat sons, one of whom was Cush, and Cush begat Nimrod. And Nimrod began to be a "MIGHTY ONE" in the Earth (see Gen. 10:6-8).

The Beginning of the Satanic Kingdom of Babylon

(Note: See also the Second Babylonian Empire headed by Nebuchadnezzar recorded biblically in 2 Kings and the Book of Daniel).

Nimrod was a Mighty Hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord. And THE BEGINNING OF "HIS KINGDOM" was Babel (City of Babylon - see marginal reference), and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar (see Gen. 10:9-10). "And the WHOLE EARTH WAS OF ONE LANGUAGE, and of ONE SPEECH. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. (It was here they failed to honor the Covenant that God had previously made with Noah and all the Earth - see Gen. 9:11).

And they said one to another, (as Satan said to Eve) Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. And they said, Go to, let US BUILD US A CITY and a TOWER, as shown in Plate 22C (without Divine Specifications or a Pattern as Cain had previously done), WHOSE TOP MAY REACH UNTO HEAVEN; and let US MAKE US A NAME (see Name of Beast Rev. 13:1-17 and Rev. 17:5), lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men (not of God) builded. And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all ONE LANGUAGE: and THIS THEY BEGIN TO DO (without God's instructions or approval): and now nothing will be restrained from them, which THEY HAVE IMAGINED TO DO. Go to, let us go down, and there CONFOUND THEIR LANGUAGE, that they may NOT UNDERSTAND one another's SPEECH (see Plate 22A). So THE LORD SCATTERED THEM THENCE upon the face of all the earth; and they left off to build the city. Therefore is the name of it called Babel; (see Tower of Babel and Confusion of Tongues - Tongues reversed at Pentecost, see Acts 2:6-8 and Plate No. 32) because the Lord did there CONFOUND THE LANGUAGE OF ALL THE EARTH: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth" (see Gen. 11:1-9).

Thus, the building of the Tower of Babel, influenced by Satan, manifested the failure of the posterity of the sons of Noah to Trust or continue to Believe in the Noahic Covenant of God. That is: God had PROMISED Noah and his posterity that He (God) would NEVER AGAIN TOTALLY DESTROY THE EARTH BY ANOTHER FLOOD. Both Sacred and Profane History shows that in ancient times Babel or Babylon had become the immediate Post Diluvian seat of Pagan Idolatry and Corruption, unrivaled or unequaled only by Pagan and Papal Rome, the Mystic Babylon and Mother of Harlots (or so-called Christendom) in this Present Dispensation (see Rev. 17:5).

After the building of the Tower of Babel, the confusion of tongues, and the scattering abroad of the posterity of the sons of Noah upon the earth, the compiler of contemporary Sacred History, begins again with the descendants of Shem (see Gen. 11: 10), from which Abraham sprang through his father, Terah, in Ur of the land of the Chaldees (see Gen. 11 :26-28). Terah took Abram, his wife Sarai, and Lot and they went forth from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan. After Terah's death they journeyed on into Canaan Land (see Gen. 11:31 - Gen. 12:5).

The Priesthood and Kingship of Melchisedec and the Abrahamic Covenant of Promise

According to the Purpose and choice of God In the Dispensations of time, it was to "Abraham and his Seed" (not seeds - see Gal. 3:16) that God made the Covenant of Promise (see Gen. 12:1-3). That is, in his (Abraham’s) Seed (who is the Messiah or Christ) He

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would "Bless" all of the families of the Earth (see Gen. 17:7; Gen. 18: 18). The Promise was made four hundred and thirty (430) years before the giving of the Law (see Ex. 12:40; Gal. 3:17).

It was after Abraham went down into Egypt, because of the famine, and returned to Caanan (see Gen. 12:10), that Melchizedek, the High Priest and King of Salem who was ordained of God (see Plate 23A), met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the Kings and Blessed him while the Seed was still in his loins (see Gen. 14:19 and compare with Heb. 7:1-10).

(EXPLANATORY NOTE: Let us take advantage of this opportunity HERE and NOW to say that the scriptures do not say that God, who was manifested in the Messiah or Jesus Christ, would set up an Earthly Kingdom or Church upon FLESH and BLOOD, or any man on the Earth Plane. Moreover God said through Daniel, before the birth of Jesus or the Messiah that the Kingdom would not be left to others (or sub-ruled by man - see Dan. 2 :44). During the time of his ministry, Jesus Himself said, "The Kingdom of God, cometh not by observation" (see Luke 17 :20). The Apostle Paul said in 1 Cor. 15:50, "Neither can Flesh and Blood inherit the Kingdom of God." Furthermore, the Scriptures DO NOT SHOW that His Kingdom or Church would at any time be "Ruled Over" by any man on earth, but would be "Ruled" by the Holy Ghost ONLY, whom the Father, God, would send in THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST (see Isa. 9:6), and He, the Holy Ghost would teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I (Jesus Christ, not Satan or the Anti-Christ) have said unto you (see John 14:26). Even Peter, who was married to an earthly wife (see Matt. 8:14) said in his own words, There is NO OTHER NAME GIVEN UNDER HEAVEN whereby man can be saved, saving the Name of Jesus Christ (see Acts 4:10-12). Surely Christ would not leave the Church or His bride (a Chaste Virgin) in the hands of mortal man).

"Now Sarai, Abram's wife bare him no children: and she had an handmaid, an Egyptian, whose name was Hagar. And Sarai said unto Abram, Behold now, the Lord hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sarai. And Hagar bare Abram a son: and Abram called his son's name, which Hagar bare, Ishmael. And Abram was fourscore and six years old, when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram" (Gen. 16:1-2, 15-16).

When Abram was ninety nine years old, God appeared to him again, and said, I am the Almighty God; walk before me and be thou Perfect. And I will make My Covenant between Me and thee, and will multiply thee exceeding (see Gen. 17:1-9). Abraham at the age of one hundred (100) years was given a son (Isaac) by Sarah, as God had promised, see Plate 23C. After Isaac was weaned, Sarah saw the son of Hagar mocking and said to Abraham, Let it not be grievous in thy sight because of the lad, and because of thy bondwoman; in all that Sarah hath said unto thee, hearken unto her voice; FOR IN ISAAC SHALL THY SEED BE CALLED. And also of (Ishmael) the son of the bondwoman will I make a nation, BECAUSE HE IS THY SEED" (see Gen. 21:12-13).

God had given Abraham the Covenant of Circumcision, saying unto him to circumcise himself, Ishmael and all of his household, which Abraham did that day, as the Lord had commanded (see Gen. 17:23-29). Issac was circumcised on the eighth day after he was born (see Gen. 21:4). As the scripture saith, for in Isaac shall thy "Seed" be called (see Gen. 21:12). The scriptures clearly set forth that God chose Abraham to establish the Dispensation of Faith, under Melchizedek, King and High Priest of Salem; 427 years after the Flood. God made the Covenant with Abraham (430 years before the Mosaic Law of Commandments and sacrifices were given, see Plate 23) that in his seed (Christ), He would bless both Jew and Gentile by Faith, after the fulfillment and removal of the Mosaic Law, by the giving of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost, after the Resurrection of Christ. "Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ" (see Gal. 3: 16).

Suffice us to say here that Paul said, "By Faith, Abraham when he was tried, offered up his only begotten son, see Plate 23E, of whom it was said, That IN ISAAC (not Ishmael) SHALL THY SEED BE CALLED. Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence HE RECEIVED HIM IN A FIGURE" (Heb. 11:12-19).

Notice, in the above quotation of the Apostolic statement, how by faith Abraham's (psychological) crucifixion) burial (baptism) and resurrection of Isaac took place in a figure, typifying that of Jesus as shown in Plate 23E.

Esau Prefiguring The Satanic Beast Man or Man of Sin

Isaac became the father of twins, Esau and Jacob, by Rebekah (see Gen. 25:21). And when her (Rebekah's) days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold there were twins in her womb. And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name Esau, And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's HEEL: and his name was called Jacob: And the boys grew: and Esau was a cunning

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hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents (see Gen. 25:24-27).

Esau, the first born of the twins with the robust, hairy body (like the body of the Natural Brute Beast, without the Spirit of Righteousness, see 2 Pet. 2 :12-19, prefigured the Satanic body of the "Beast Man of Sin" and "Sold" his birthright to Jacob for a MORSEL of BREAD and LENTILES and he did EAT and DRINK (see Gen. 25:30-34).

By Esau selling his birthright for a morsel of bread, under that Dispensation between Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or before the Law was given, prefigures the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, with Satan incarnated in him, that the scriptures might be fulfilled, "I speak not of you all: I know whom I have chosen: but that the scripture may be fulfilled, He that EATETH BREAD with me hath lifted up HIS HEEL AGAINST ME"-see John 13:18 and also Psa. 41:9 and Matt 26:19-25).

Remember Satan left his created estate and was cast out of Heaven (see Jude 6 and 2 Pet. 2:4) and as Eve allowed Satan to persuade or cause her to TOUCH and EAT of the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil; likewise Satan and his ministers, or his so-called Priests are causing the people to BE DECEIVED and "Sell" their Spiritual Birthright by Teaching them to believe that they are Transubstantiating the Bread and Wine into the actual physical Body and Blood of Christ. In so doing, they are EATING and DRINKING damnation to themselves, not discerning the Lord's Body (see 1 Cor. 11:29), which they falsely claim they are administering at the so-called Sacremental Altar in the Roman Catholic Church.

Eve allowed Satan to deceive or sell her on the idea of TOUCHING and EATING the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil, as Esau sold his physical birthright for a morsel of BREAD, and Judas Iscariot sold the Body, Soul, and Spirit of Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver. Likewise, Satan and his ministers or his so-called Priests through their BLASPHEMY are causing the people to be deceived and sell the Spiritual birthright by teaching them to believe that by their spoken words (Hoc est enim corpus menum) they are transubstantiating the Bread (wafer) and Wine into the actual physical Body and Blood of Jesus Christ and partaking thereof, in order that they might receive eternal life. But in so doing they are EATING and DRINKING damnation to themselves not discerning the Lord's Body. However, no other religious organization claims to possess such Miraculous Power to perform such a Stupendous Miracle, except the Pope and Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Apostle Paul said in Romans 9th chapter and 6th through the 14th verses, "For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but in Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of THE PROMISE are counted for the seed. For this is the Word of Promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son. And not only this; but when Rebecca also had conceived by one, even by our father Isaac; (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that THE PURPOSE OF GOD ACCORDING TO ELECTION might stand, NOT OF WORKS. BUT OF HIM THAT CALLETH").

"It was said unto her, the ELDER shall serve the YOUNGER. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated." Seeing then that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob, it was Jacob that received the Blessing of his father Isaac, and Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel (see Gen. 32:28) became the father of the twelve sons that were the Heads of the twelve tribes of Israel.

In the course of time, because of the Divine Circumstances involved (see Gen. 15:13-14; Acts 7:6-8). Joseph the son of Jacob, by Rachel (see Gen 30:23-24) was sold by his brethren to the Ishmaelites for twenty (20) pieces of silver; and they brought Joseph into Egypt (see Gen. 37:26-28; Acts 7:9). Later Jacob, the father and the rest of his sons, because of the famine throughout the land sojourned from Canaan Land into the Land of Egypt, wherein, at that time Pharaoh or the King of Egypt had made Joseph; their brother, Ruler or Governor under him (see Gen. 41st chapter; Acts 7:9-17).

"All of the souls that came with Jacob into Egypt, which came out of his loins, besides Jacob's sons, wives, all the souls were threescore and six (66). And the sons of Joseph, which were born in Egypt. were two souls; all the souls of the house of Jacob, which came into Egypt were threescore and ten (70) Gen. 46:26-27. And Israel dwelt in the land of Egypt in the country of Goshen; and they had possessions therein, and grew, and multiplied exceedingly" (see Gen. 47:27).

The Children of Israel Multiply in Egypt

Now these are the names of the children of Israel, which came into Egypt; every man and his household came with Jacob. Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin, Dan, and Naphtali, Gad, and Asher. And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy (70) souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already. And Joseph died, and all his brethren, and all that generation. And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceedingly mighty; and the land was filled with them (see Ex. 1:1-7).

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The Israelites in Bondage in Egypt

Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph. And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we: Come on, let us deal wisely with them; lest they multiply, and it came to pass, that, when there falleth out any war, they join also unto our enemies, and fight against us, and so get them up out of the land. Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with their burdens. And they built for Pharaoh treasure cities, Pithom and Raamses. BUT THE MORE THEY AFFLICTED THEM, THE MORE THEY MULTIPLIED AND GREW. And they were grieved because of the children of Israel. And the Egyptians made the children of Israel to serve with rigour: And they made their lives bitter with hard bondage, in mortar, and in brick, and in all manner of service in the field: all their service, wherein they made them serve, was with rigour.

And the king of Egypt spake to the Hebrew midwives, of which the name of the one was Shiphrah, and the name of the other Puah: And he said, When ye do the office of a midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the stools, if it be a son, THEN YE SHALL KILL HIM: but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. But the midwives feared God, and DID NOT as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the men children alive. And Pharaoh charged all this people, saying, Every son that is born ye shall cast into the river, and every daughter ye shall save alive (see Ex. 1:1-18,22). See Outer Court or Court Around About, Plate No.13E.

The Birth and Life of Moses in Egypt(Condensed)

There went a man (Amram) of the house of Levi, and took to wife (Jochebed, see Ex. 6:20) a daughter of Levi. And the woman conceived, and bare a son: and when she saw him that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months. And when she could no longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink. And his sisters stood afar off, to wit what would be done to him.

And the daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river; and her maidens walked along by the river's side; and when she saw the ark among the flags, she sent her maid to fetch it. And when she had opened it, she saw the child: and behold, the babe wept. And she had compassion on him, and said, This is one of the Hebrew's children. Then said his sister to Pharaoh's daughter, shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, that she may nurse the child for thee? And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Go. And the maid went and called the child's mother. And Pharaoh's daughter said unto her, take this child away, and nurse it for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the woman took the child, and nursed it. And the child grew, and she brought him unto Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son. And she called his name Moses: and she said, Because I drew him out of the water.

(By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt: for he had RESPECT unto the recompence (recompense) of the reward-see Heb. 11:24-26).

And it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens, and he spied an Egyptian smiting an Hebrew, one of his brethren. And he looked this way and that way, and when he saw that there was no man he slew the Egyptian, and hid him in the sand. And when he went out the second day, behold, two men of the Hebrews strove together: and he said to him that did the wrong, Wherefore smitest thou thy fellow? And he said, Who made thee a prince and a judge over us? intendest thou to kill me, as thou killest the Egyptian? And Moses feared, and said, Surely this thing is known. Now when Pharaoh heard this thing, he sought to slay Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian: and he sat down by a well.

Moses in the Land of Midian and Wilderness of Sinai-Holy Place

(EXPLANATORY NOTE: The Apostle Paul refers to the whole creation of God, which includes the HEAVEN and EARTH as "The Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle", which the Lord pitched and not the man, Moses (see Heb. 8:2; 9:11). Our reason for calling this to the attention of the reader at this time, is because the "Ground" upon which Moses was standing, listening to God speak from the "Burning Bush", was called of God, HOLY GROUND in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle, where God thereafter spoke the Commandments to the Assembly or Congregation of the Israelites from the midst of the "Heavenly Pillar of the Cloud", atop Mount Sinai in the same allegorical and geographical location (see Ex. 20th chapter; Matt. 24:15; Gal. 4:22-26). The Apostle Paul while in Rome wrote an epistle of instruction to Timothy at Ephesus, hoping to meet with him later, wherein he made the metaphorical and allegorical statement in reference to God and the Church saying to Timothy, "But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the HOUSE OF GOD, which is the Church

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(congregation or assembly) of the living God, THE PILLAR and GROUND OF THE TRUTH" (see 1 Tim. 3:15; see also Eph. 2:21-22). For Further explanation see Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle; Plate No. 13; compared to Mosaic Tabernacle, Plate No. 1.

Moses was forty (40) years old (see Ex. 2:11; Acts 7:23) when he slew the Egyptian and fled into the Land of Midian (see Ex. 2:15). Here Moses meet and married Ziporah, one of the seven daughters of Raguel or Reuel, who is Jethro. Jethro was a priest (or prince) of Midian, who owned a flock of sheep and Moses became a shepherd. One day, about forty (40) years later, or when Moses was eighty (80) years old, he was tending the sheep, his attention was attracted by the appearance of a "Burning Bush", a short distance from where he was at that time. Moses drew near to the Burning Bush and God spake to him, saying, Moses, Moses. And he said, Here am I. And He (God) said, DRAW NOT NIGH HITHER: PUT OFF THY SHOES FROM THY FEET, FOR THE PLACE WHEREON THOU ST AND EST IS HOLY GROUND.

Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God. And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affiiction of my people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; And I am come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk and honey; unto the place of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. Now therefore, behold, the cry of the children of Israel is come unto me: and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them. Come now therefore, and I will send thee unto Pharaoh, that thou mayest bring forth my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. And Moses went and returned to Jethro his father in law, and said unto him, Let me go, I pray thee, and return unto my brethren which are in Egypt, and see whether they be yet alive. And Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace. And the Lord said unto Moses in Midian, Go, return into Egypt: for all the men are dead which sought thy life (see Ex. 3:1-10; Ex. 4:18-19).

Moses Returns to Egypt-God-Pharaoh (Satan) and Israel

At the Command of God, Moses took his wife and sons and returned to the land of Egypt. Here Moses was to impart God's message to Pharaoh and to deliver the Israelites out of the land of Egypt. For Egypt was the OUTER COURT or COURT AROUND ABOUT (Plate No. 13E) in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle (see Ex. 15:17; Heb. 8:2), and the Earthly Geographical location where the children of Israel, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob suffered 400 years of hardships (see Ex. 12:40; Acts 7:6) under the Pharaohs or Kings of Egypt. Finally God raised up Pharaoh (Rameses), the TYPICAL "BEAST MAN OF SIN or SON OF PERDITION", who was also marked with the Satanic NUMBER 666 in his forehead and in his handat that time 1490 B.J.

For this particular Pharaoh (Rameses) had Brutely Handled or Enslaved and Persecuted the Israelites during the total time of his reign. God, before sending Moses back to Egypt told him that He would "Harden Pharaoh's Heart" (see Ex. 4:21). Therefore Pharaoh, though seeing the Signs and Miracles which God performed by the HAND of Moses in Egypt, refused to let the children of Israel depart from Egypt as the Lord had commanded Moses to tell him (Pharaoh) to do.

Moses' rod turned to a "Serpent" (see Ex. 7:9-17; 2 Tim. 3:8), and devoured the rods of Jannes and Jambree, Pharaoh's Magicians, whose rods had also turned into Serpents. The rod of Moses which had turned into a Serpent, turned again into a Rod, which Moses retrieved with his hands. This should have indicated to Pharaoh and HIS SERVANTS that God had sent Moses to them and both he and his servants, eventually would be EXPOSED and DESTROYED by the Lord God, through the Hand of Moses. Nevertheless, it was impossible for Pharaoh to understand the sign by the Miracle of the rod, or any of the rest of the plagues, that were to follow, that Moses had shown him, because God had already sent him A STRONG DELUSION or HARDENED HIS HEART-see Ex. 4:21 also 2 Thess, 2:11.

The Ten Plagues that were poured out on the Egyptians are listed in the following order as they were poured out:


(1) Waters of Egypt turned to Blood-Ex. 7:19

(2) Frogs-Ex. 8:2

(3) Lice-Ex. 8:16-17

(4) Flies-Ex. 8:21; see marginal reference

(5) Murrain of Beast (a curse placed on the beast which is a disease or sickness of animals-Ex. 9:3)

(6) Boils and Blains (a swelling and sore under the skin-Ex. 9:9-10)

(7) Hail-Ex. 9:22

(8) Locusts-Ex. 10:4

(9) Darkness-Ex. 10:21

(10) Firstborn of both Man and Beast Slain-Ex. 12:12

EXPLANATORY NOTE: The Apostle Paul states in 1 Cor. 10:11, "Now all things happened unto them for ensamples (or types) : and they are written

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for OUR ADMONITION, upon whom the ENDS of the world are come." See also Revelation in which John writes that he is seeing, in his Vision looking back in Egypt to confirm what Moses experienced in Egypt and later wrote about. John on the Isle of Patmos fortells (foretells) of the Plagues that will come upon the unbelieving world in the latter days (see Rev. 15:5; Rev. 16:21) or those that receive the Mark of the Beast or HIS IMAGE (see Rev. 14: 9-10) or upon Satan and his Angels that sinned and were cast out of Heaven and are reserved until the Day of Judgement to be punished-see 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6).

Finally after the Pouring Out of the "NINE PLAGUES", devastating Egypt and simultaneously with the Pouring Out of the "TENTH and LAST PLAGUE OF DEATH", God that same stygian night, caused the Paschal Lamb to be slain, his Blood placed over the Lintel of the Door and on each side of the Door Posts, before Israel, ready to depart, ate the Passover Feast (see Ex. 12:11; Rev. 11:8). That same night the Lord Passed over Egypt and everywhere the Blood of the Lamb WAS NOT SEEN, the First Born of both Man and Beast of the Egyptians, including Pharaoh's first born were slain (see Ex. 12:29, Plate No. 13E).

A great cry went out over all the land of Egypt that same night, for there was not a house where there wasn't one dead of the Egyptians (see Ex. 12:30; Rev. 11:8), and Pharaoh (with Satan incarnated in him), the TYPICAL "BEAST MAN OF SIN or SON OF PERDITION", and all of HIS SERVANTS (who typify the Angels that were cast out of Heaven) went forth and called for Moses and Aaron saying to them, Rise up, and get ye and the children of Israel also your flocks and herds and go, serve the Lord, as ye have said (see Ex. 12:31). The Israelites, numbering six hundred thousand (600,000; see Ex. 12:37; Num. 1:46) having previously prepared to depart, took their belongings or possessions and began their JOURNEY or MIGRATION from Egypt, under and guided by the Phenomenal Cloud and the hand of Moses toward the Red Sea. Shortly after the departing of the Israelites on foot, out of the cities from Rameses to Succoth (see Ex. 13:37), Pharaoh changing his mind, took his servants and a great army with their horses and chariots and began to pursue the Israelites.

The Israelites, having now reached and encamped by the Red Sea, looked behind them in the distance and saw the Egyptians approaching and they (except Moses) were frightened and began to Murmur against Moses. Moses said unto the Israelites, "Fear Ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew you today; for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today, ye shall see them again NO MORE FOR EVER. The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. And I, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them: and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen.

And the Egyptians shall know that I AM THE LORD, when I have gotten ME honour upon Pharaoh (see also Rom. 9:17, 22-23), upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen. And the Angel of God, which went BEFORE the camp of Israel, removed and went BEHIND them; and the PILLAR OF THE CLOUD went from BEFORE their face, and stood BEHIND THEM: And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a CLOUD and darkness to the Egyptians, but it gave "LIGHT BY NIGHT TO THEM" (the Israelites) so that the one came not near the other all night.

And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea: and the Lord caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and THE WATERS DIVIDED (See Migratory Pattern, Plate 13E). And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left (see 1 Cor. 10:1-2). And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them to the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the Lord looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians. And took off their chariot wheels, so that they drave them heavily: causing them to say, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the Lord fighteth for them against the Egyptians.

And the Lord said unto Moses, stretch out thine hand over the sea, that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen. And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the SEA RETURNED TO IT'S strength when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and the Lord overthrew the Egyptians (including Pharaoh and all of his host; see Psa. 136: 14.15) in the midst of the sea. And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them that there remained not so much as one of them (see Rev. 14:9-10). But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. Thus the Lord saved Israel that day

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out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians DEAD UPON THE SEA SHORE. And Israel saw that great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the Lord, and believed the Lord, and his servant Moses (see the 14th chapter of Exodus).

Thus, the slaying of the Passover Lamb and plague-stricken Egypt being in Chaotic Darkness with Pharaoh and his host therein, using the wind-swept waters of the Red Sea for a surrounding boundary line, typifies the slaying of the Lamb of God for sin from the Foundation of the World (atmospherical Heaven and Earth) when it was in its Dark Chaotic State and was surrounded by water in the Beginning of the Creation (see Gen. 1:1-2; Rev. 13:8). Pharaoh and his host being in this chaotic darkness and overthrown in the Red Sea with their bodies being washed ashore, typifies Satan and his host having been cast out of Heaven into the chaotic darkness of the Earth (see Rev. 17:8) (while it was yet void and without form). Furthermore Satan's later appearing to Eve, (Adam's wife) in the Garden of Eden, after being cast out of Heaven (of which the Garden of Eden is a type) typifies the appearance of Pharaoh to Israel (God's wife-see Jer. 31:31-34) in Goshen (a type of Heaven and Garden of Eden) BEFORE and AFTER they became enslaved.

Satan's being defeated and cast out of Heaven by the Archangel Michael and His Host (see Rev. 12:7-9) typifies the defeat of Pharaoh and his host by Moses and the Israelites by means of the Plagues. (See also Pagan and Papal Rome, Babylon explained later).

Whereas the slaying of the Paschal Lamb and His Blood placed on each side of the door posts and over the lintel of the door in Egypt, was also TYPICAL of the crucifixion of Jesus, nailed to the cross, as the Lamb of God in Egypt (see Rev. 11:8). The slaying of the Paschal Lamb of the Isrelites BEFORE the beginning of the Migration from Egypt, led by Moses under the Phenominal (Phenomenal) Cloud guided by the Lord God, is TYPICAL of the Lamb of God slain from the Foundation of the World (see Rev. 13:8) in the Beginning of the Physical Creation. See also Visions of Moses, and later John on the Isle of Patmos, page 42-53 in Volume 1).

Hence, the comparative or correlative story of the slaying of the Lambs and the two BEGINNINGS have been partly described and explained herein by showing the parallelism of the Beginning of the Physical Creation and the Beginning of the Migration from Egypt to Canaan Land. The overthrow of Pharaoh in the Red Sea (B.J. 1490), typified the binding of Satan.

Other Satanic Types

Satan was also incarnated in Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon (it is important to note that another type of the declination of Satan steming from Nimrod and the Tower of Babel to Nebuchadnezzar can be seen in the loss of the power of Nebuchadnezzar which we shall by-pass for the present time) and many years later in Herod. The prophetic incarnation of Satan was evidenced in Herod when he slew the Hebrew children in Jerusalem for the purpose of destroying the infant, Jesus, of whom it had been prophesied would be born at that time to be the King of the Jews (see Matt. 2:1-10). Whereby, Joseph, being warned by the Lord God in a dream, took the young child and fled down into Egypt, wherein Jesus' physical body portrayed the entire body of Israel in Egypt. This behavior of King Herod's in defense of the Roman Rulership over the Israelites was symbolical of King Pharaoh's ruthlessness during the Egyptian captivity of the Israelites when they were massacred and slain before they received deliverance at the hand of Moses through the inspiration of God, and escaped through the Red Sea. As that was so, Joseph and Mary, after hearing that Herod was dead and buried, as was Pharaoh in the Red Sea, took the young child Jesus, and departing from Egypt into their own country, fulfilling the prophecy "Out of Egypt have I called my Son" (see Hosea 11: 1; Matt 2:15).

The binding of Satan, incarnated in Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus and was bound in death by committing suicide at that time A.D. 33, and the Crucifixion, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ into Heaven, before the Holy Ghost was poured out on the Day of Pentecost, marked the beginning of this Dispensation of Grace in this Present Age, wherein we must again locate and expose Satan incarnated in THE MAN OF SIN wearing the SATANIC NUMBER 666-enslaving or Brain Washing and Circumscribing the human creatures of God's creation with false and erroneous, so-called Christian Doctrines. In other words, Satan was incarnated in Pharaoh and his Heart was Hardened by the Lord God, which caused him to persist in the enslavement of the chosen people of God, the Children of Israel. Therefore, we can discern that Judas Iscariot, who became exposed by Jesus Christ was overthrown or buried in the Potter's Field which was purchased for thirty (30) pieces of silver (see Matt. 27:9). Judas Iscariot is also typical of the Man of Sin or Son of Perdition of this present age, who has the people of God on the earth plane enslaved in Babylon for filthy lucre's sake (see 1 Pet. 5:2) by false and erroneous so-called Religious Doctrines, or Doctrines of the Devils (see 1 Tim. 4:1).

Instead of the present day "MAN OF SIN" being overthrown in the Red Sea as Pharaoh with Satan incarnated in him was overthrown in the Red Sea and washed ashore, or as the physical body of Judas Iscariot with Satan incarnated in him was buried in the Potter's field after his betrayal of Jesus Christ. The physical body of this present day "MAN OF SIN" in which Satan is incarnated will be eventually exposed and

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destroyed, and this lying, deceitful, cunning, sly, and "EVIL SPIRIT" will be "Consumed in the Lake of Fire" (see Rev. 20:10), For Our God is a Consuming Fire (see Heb, 12:29).

Israel in the Wilderness of Sinai - The geographical Holy Place

The Israelites guided by the Phenominal Cloud, passed into the Divided Waters of the Red Sea, and all of them were Baptized in the Cloud and in the Sea, after which they all reached the other side of the sea shore. When Pharaoh and the Egyptians pursuing the Israelites entered the Red Sea, Moses lifted up his Rod over the Sea and they (Pharaoh and all of the Egyptians) were all bodily destroyed in the Sea, and the Children of Israel sang the Song of (Victory) Moses (see Ex. 15:1.22; Rev. 15:3).

The Israelites, having now arrived in the Wilderness, wherein they were now standing upon Hoiy Ground in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle. Here they began to murmur for Bread and Moses made intercessions to God for them and God gave them Manna and Quail from Heaven (see Ex. 16:11-16). Shortly after Moses had led the Children of Israel into the Wilderness (referred to as the HOLY PLACE) God, speaking from-the Cloud atop Mount Sinai, which is allegorical to Heaven (or the Most Holy Place) gave the Law of Commandments to the 600,000 congregated or the First Church. Thereafter, God called Moses, Aaron, Nadab, Abihu and seventy of the elders of Israel up into Mount Sinai and they saw (in a Vision) the God of Israel, who had TRANSFORMED HIMSELF (in part, not in totality) from Pure Spirit into the Incorporeal Form of a man or a Great Heavenly Anthropomorphic Being (see Ex. 24:9-10, see also Vision of Transfiguration Matt. 17:1-9). Thereafter, Moses remained in the Mount while the others, except Joshua (see Ex. 32 :17) returned to camp. It was also in the Mount that Moses saw God, the Great Heavenly Anthropomorphic Being, instantaneously transform Himself into a completely furnished, Intangible or Incorporeal Sanctuary so that Moses COULD SEE the total structure with its BRAZEN vesseled exterior furnishings and the GOLDEN vesseled interior furnishings therein and also the interior hanging curtains and the departmental DIVIDING VAIL, lavishly embellished with Angelic Figures.

Thus, in this way, God was able to show Moses the three-fold Intangible Sanctuary and make him thoroughly understand and retain in his mind, HOW, thereafter, he was to build the (Figurative) three-fold Tangible Sanctuary for a dwelling place for Him (God) among the Children of Israel (see Ex. 25:8), fashioned like the PATTERN which Moses had seen in the Mount (see Ex. 25:40).

This was necessary since God or the GODHEAD is three-fold, namely: (1) THE FATHER (2) THE WORD and (3) THE HOLY GHOST and these THREE are ONE (l John 5:7) ALL IN ALL (1 Cor.15:28) SUPREME S P I R I T EMBODIMENT (Acts 17:28). Therefore, the transformed state of the GODHEAD into the Intangible Sanctuary or "INCORPOREAL PATTERN", shown to Moses in the Mount, must be three-fold or divided into three parts. These three parts are namely: (1) THE COURT AROUND ABOUT (2) THE HOLY PLACE and (3) THE MOST HOLY PLACE. These manifested three-fold phases, (with the Phenominal (Phenomenal) Cloud standing above it), are in reality one complete TABERNACLE herein called the Incorporeal Pattern of the Angelic Host and the Universe with its contents which are as follows:

Description of the Tabernacle and Contents


(a) The Brazen Altar of Sacrifice

(b) The Brazen Laver (containing water for Priest to wash-Ex.40:12)

(2) THE HOLY PLACE (Entrance into First Vail or Door)

(a) The Golden Candlestick

(b) The Golden Overlaid Table of Shew-bread

(c) The Golden Altar of Incense

(3) THE MOST HOLY PLACE (Entrance into the Second Vail)

(a) The Ark of the Covenant with its two Cherubims of Glory with their wings overshadowing the Mercy Seat, whereupon God was to dwell in the Cloud above it (Lev.16:2). Also the tables of stone and Aaron's Rod. (An interior blue, purple, and scarlet colored departmental Vail, lavishly embellished with Angelic Figures DIVIDED the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place). The exterior coverings of the Tabernacle were rams skin dyed red; and a badgers skin. The interior curtains were covered with Angelic Figures (Ex. 26: 1).

In this Vision which Moses saw in the Mount, we are referring to God, as Universal Spirit, transformed in part, into the Incorporeal Form, or the Archetype Pattern, by which the Angelic Host and Universe were created. Thereafter, he (Moses) was to construct the Tangible or Physical Sanctuary or Tabernacle, (on the Holy Ground, where Moses was told to remove his shoes) in the Wilderness. This was the EARTHLY Geographical HOLY PLACE in the Migratory Pattern, which took place in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle. Here Moses built the Tangible Tabernacle and each of the vessels that were to be put in their proper places therein, according to the dimensions and manifested description thereof, which God had shown to him in the Mount,

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and as we have explained in the preceeding pages (see pictorial description in Plate No.13, page 172).

Footwashing of the Aaronite Priesthood and its Explanation

"And it came to pass in the first month in the second year, on the first day of the month, that the Tabernacle was reared up." (Abib of Nisan-April 1, 1490 B.J., see Ex. 40:17). See figure of Tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai, Plate No. 13, page 172. Jesus, before His death, in fulfilling this part of the Law and Prophets (see Ex. 40:12; Isa. 8:20; Isa. 1:15 and Matt. 5:17) rose up from the last supper table (the Table signifying the Brazen Altar-and Himself as the Sacrificial Lamb of God) girded Himself about with a towel, poured water in a basin (the basin signifying the Brazen Laver at the Door of the Tabernacle with water therein, wherein Moses washed Aaron and his sons and anointed them with Holy Anointing Oil). He (Jesus) began to wash His disciples feet, saying to them, "Ye know not what I do now. but ye shall know hereafter" (John 13:4-8) , inferring that He was the "Word of God made flesh" (John 1:14) and they (His disciples) would know or understand the meaning of what He had done, after His resurrection and ascension and they had been "anointed" with the Holy Ghost (see Acts 2:1-2; Titus 3:5; Eph. 5:26; see also Plate No. 31 and 32).

It was also here "Within the Cloud" atop Mount Sinai in the Wilderness where God showed Moses the Vision of the Tabernacle and He showed Moses another Vision this time, the Vision of the Creation of Heaven and Earth, or the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle, by the Lord God who is the True Archetype Pattern, which took place day by day, in logical sequence, during the six solar days (see Gen. 1:1-31; Gen. 2:1.4) in which the Cloud covered the Mount in the eyes of the Children of Israel (see Ex. 24:16-17).

The Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle Compared to Mosaic Tabernacle in Wilderness of Sinai

The three-fold Tabernacle in the Wilderness of Sinai with the twelve tribes surrounding it, three tribes on each of the four sides and the Aaronite Priesthood officiating therein was a "FIGURE or TYPE" of the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle-the Heaven and Earth, with God manifested on Earth in the Flesh in Jesus Christ, the One and Only High Priest after the order of Melchisedec (not Aaron) officiating in the Holy Place, not made with hands (see Heb, 9:11), and entered through the Vail into Heaven, itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us (see Heb. 9:24).

Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle:     Mosaic Tabernacle: 

God, after the night of the slaying      see Brazen Altar of Sacrifice in
of the Paschal Lamb and the Passover     Outer Court of the Tabernacle.)

delivering the Children of Israel from
Pharaoh (the Devil, indicated by Moses'
Rod turning into the Serpent and
swallowing up Jannes and Jambres rods
that had turned into Serpents also -
see Satan and his Ministers in Egypt
or the world in Sin).

The Cloud illuminating their pathway to  (see the Brazen Laver of water
and through the DOOR or DIVIDED waters   placed at the Door wash with 
of the Red Sea wherein they were         before entrance into Holy Place
Baptized in the Cloud and in the Red     within Tabernacle - and he Cloud
Sea.                                     above the Tabernacle see
                                         1 Cor. 10:1).

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God had now delivered Israel from        (see Golden Candlestick in
Pharaoh (the Devil) and the Cloud        Tabernacle).
illuminated their pathway and
residence in the Wilderness
by the "Burning Cloud" by night. He
(God) spoke the words of the
Commandments from Mount Sinai and 	   (see engraved tables of Stone
                                         inside Ark of Covenant)

gave them Manna or Bread From Heaven     (see Table of Shew-bread in

He gave them Moses and Aaron to          (see Golden Altar of Incense
communicate and intercede according      in the Tabernacle).
to the Law between Him (God) and
the Children of Israel while He
dwelt in the "Cloud" which stood
over and above the Tabernacle in         (see the Cloud above the Mercy
the Wilderness and showed His            Seat, between the Wings of the
Residence in Eternity.                   two Cherubims on Ark of the
                                         Covenant in the Most Holy Place
                                         in the Tabernacle).

He gave them water to drink from         (see Tabernacle filled with
the Rock in the Wilderness.              refreshing Glory of God, indicated
                                         by fragrance of smoking incense
                                         and the Shechinah, after
                                         Atonement for Israel was made).

At the expiration of 40 years in         (see Blue, Purple and Scarlet
the Wilderness and the decrease          colored Vail, DIVIDING Holy Place
of Moses, He (God) gave them             from Most Holy Place in the
Joshua, who led them through the         Tabernacle). (see also Solomon's
DIVIDED waters of the River Jordan       Temple).
into Canaan Land, their destination.
See Migratory Pattern in Pictorial
illustration, Plate 13, page 172.

As the whole Creation or Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle was created by the Lord God and unerringly controlled by the "Law of the Spirit" (see Rom. 8:2), so also was the physical Tabernacle constructed by Moses with the Law of Commandments within the Ark of the Covenant, intended to "CONTROL THE ENTIRE BODY OF ISRAEL"-under the Dispensation of the Law. Likewise, the Tabernacle is a FIGURE of our "PHYSICAL BODY," which is a reflection of God, because our "BODY" is the Temple of the Holy Ghost (see 1 Cor. 6:19) and the Temple of the Universe in its totality, which expression includes every inanimate object and animated creature, is embodied in God, and is controlled with unerring accuracy by the Lord God, who, within Himself, in Universal Spirit Law (not the Anti-Christ), on the Earth Plane controlling us. (See reference to chart on Physical Body, page 205).

(Hereafter, we will use the complete Tabernacle which is "THE PATTERN" to EXPOSE the Anti-Christ, who is the Man of Sin or Son of Perdition with the Satanic Number 666 in his Forehead and Hand, in this Present Age).

Conduct of Israel in the Wilderness

After the overthrow of Pharaoh and His Host or Lucifer and His Host in the Red Sea, the "Personal Identity" of Satan and His Ministry was LOST or UNKNOWN among the Children of Israel in the Wilderness. However, the conduct and disobedience of Israel often manifested the Invisible Presence of Satan and His Ministers among them, from the time they entered the Wilderness, even among them that were born therein, until the time of their departure.

For example, (1) After the arrival of Israel in the Wilderness and the giving of the "Commandments" from Mount Sinai, God called Moses and the seventy Elders up into the Mount and manifested Himself to them in the Incorporeal Form of the Great Heavenly Anthropomorphic Man. Thereafter, Aaron, his sons and the rest of the Elders returned to camp. Moses remained in the Mount forty days and nights, hearing the words of the Lord, and seeing the Visions of the Tabernacle, the Creation of Heaven and Earth and receiving the Tables of Stone with the Commandments written with the "Finger" of God therein. During the forty days and nights of Moses absence, Israel thinking that God and Moses had forsaken them, "Sinned" by persuading Aaron, the brother of Moses, to take their jewelry and make the "Golden Calf" for them to worship.

By Aaron, who was to become the High Priest, typifying Adam, and Israel typifying Eve, allowing Israel to remove her jewelry and make a Golden Calf

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to bow down and worship instead of God, they were as 'Naked" as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden after God had given them the "Commandment" not to Eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, for Aaron and the Children of Israel after they had also been given the Commandments by the Lord God which they broke and disobeyed God by erecting and worshipping the Golden Calf (see Exodus 32nd chapter; see also Rom. 1: 19-20). See Satan tempting Christ forty days in the Wilderness and asking him to fall down and worship him-Satan (see Matt. 4:1-11).

Now Moses, descending the Mount with the Tables of Stone with the previously spoken "Commandments" of God, written therein with the Finger of God, and a Profound Knowledge of the Pattern for the Tabernacle in his mind, seeing Israel worshipping the Golden Calf; he waxed Hot, threw down the Tables of Stone and broke them (see Ex. 32:19). This necessitated Moses rebuking Aaron and Israel as God did Adam and Eve, and making an atonement for their Sin (see Ex. 32:30). Thereafter, Moses returned unto the Lord for the second Tables of Stone which were to be placed within the Ark of the Covenant (this signifying or foreshadowing, under the Dispensation of the Law, the necessity of God making a NEW COVENANT with Israel, which was to be placed within their Hearts and Minds under the Dispensation of Grace-see Deut. 10:1-5; Jer. 31:31-34, and 2 Cor. 3:3).

(2) Korah of the tribe of Levi, with Dathan and Abiram, brothers of the tribe of Reuben (see Num. 16:1), forming the Satanic Trinity, rebelled against God and withstood Moses and Aaron in the Wilderness concerning the Tabernacle and the services therein, and were swallowed up in the earth (see Num. 16:28-33). This typifies Moses' previous experience in Egypt when Pharaoh and his magicians, Jannes and Jambres also rebelled against God showing the same Satanic Trinity.

(3) The further extended or continued "Ignominious Conduct" of Israel toward God, caused by the Invisible Presence of Satan and His Host among the Israelites, nearing the end of their sojourn in the Wilderness, caused God to send fiery Serpents among them and many of the Israelites died because they were bitten by them (see Num. 21:4-6). God told Moses to make and erect the "Brazen Serpent" upon a pole, that whosoever was bitten by a Serpent and then looketh upon the Brazen Serpent shall live (see Num. 21 :6-9; Rev. 9:19-21 and also John 3:14-15). In fact, in the typical Migratory Pattern, all of the Israelites that came out of Egypt except Caleb and Joshua (see Num. 14:30 and Heb. 3: 11) died in the Wilderness and only those that were "born" in the Wilderness were permitted to enter through the miraculously "DIVIDED" waters of the River Jordan (as indicated by the Second Vail in the Mosaic Tabernacle-see Heb. 9:1-3) and entered into Canaan Land,

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as their ancestors from Egypt had passed through the DIVIDED WATERS of the RED SEA on DRY GROUND into the Wilderness of Sinai. The reason God DIVIDED the Waters of the Red Sea and the River Jordan in the Migratory journey from Egypt to Canaan Land (shown in Chart, Series No.1, page 19) is to show the combined and comparative relationship with Moses' Vision of the Pattern of the Tabernacle and the department thereof, also the dividing Vails in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle in the six days of Creation also shown in each of the Pictorial Illustrations of all the Plates shown on the Chart, Series No.2, page 172.

As Joshua, the son of Nun and also a type of Jesus, after having been in Egypt and later BAPTIZED in the CLOUD and in the Red Sea with the Israelites and Moses tarried in the Wilderness with them forty (40) years, likewise Jesus tarried forty (40) days in the Wilderness of Judea after His BAPTISM by John the Baptist. Also Joshua and the Israelites triumphantly entered the "PROMISED LAND" through the DIVIDED waters of the River Jordan (a configuration of the Second Vail in the Tabernacle), fully armed and prepared to conquer and purge the Gentiles; as, Jesus was prepared "to conquer Satan and His Host, manifesting themselves among the Jewish Scribes, Pharisees, Saducees, Proselytes, and Pagan Rulers from Rome during the three and one-half (3 1/2) years of His earthly ministry; Jesus again ascended through the Second Vail into Heaven, itself--Angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto Him, fully prepared to preach the Kingdom of God of which Canaan Land, conquered by Joshua, was a type thereof.

Joshua and the Israelites marching inland about eight, miles to the "WALLED CITY" of Jericho, the seven priests bearing the seven "TRUMPETS" before the "ARK OF THE COVENANT", led by armed men, compassed the city once each day for "SIX" consecutive days, blowing trumpets, whereas, on the "SEVENTH DAY", they compassed it seven times, blowing the trumpets (typifying the preaching of the Word of God through the Dispensations and Ages--see Ex. 19:16; Joel 2:1; Matt. 21:14 and Acts 2:14-17). On the "SEVENTH DAY" the WALLS FELL and Joshua permitted the otherwise silent, heretofore forbidden Israelites to "SHOUT", for the Lord had given them that city (see Josh. 6th chapter).

Passing on, also taking the city of Ai, they made a League or an Agreement with the lying, deceitful and crafty Gibonites, which League thereafter caused the Gibonites to be condemned to perpetual bondage. (See Joshua 9th chapter; also see Josh. 11:19; then compare to the perpetual bondage of Satan and His Host or the Beast and them that receive "THE MARK OF THE BEAST" in the flesh (666) in their foreheads and in their hands, indicating perpetual bondage and reservation until the Day of Judgement to be punished

by destruction-Rev. 13:15-16; 2 Pet. 2.4; Jude. 6 and Rev. 14:9-11). When Adonizedec, King of Jerusalem heard how Joshua had taken Ai and utterly destroyed it as he had done Jericho and Her King, and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them, he feared greatly, because Gibeon was a great city, as one of the "ROYAL CITIES," and because it was greater than Ai, and all the men thereof were mighty.

Wherefore Adonizedec, filled with fear, got together four other Gentile Kings of Canaan, beside himself, and made an agreement with them to war against Israel. These five kings and their armies rose up to engage the invading Israelites in a mighty war. Joshua, informed of this matter by the Gibonites, was told by the Lord not to fear these kings. He (Joshua) went up from Gilgal, he and all the people of war with him, and all his mighty men of valor. He met these kings and their armies and began the war at Gibeon. With the help of the Lord, the Israelites smote them as they fled from Gibeon to Rethoron to Azekah, and unto Makkedah. (The five kings hid themselves in a cave at Makkedah; see Josh. 10:16). "It came to pass, as they fled before Israel, and were in the going down to Rethhron, that the LORD CAST DOWN GREAT STONES (METEORITES) FROM HEAVEN UPON THEM UNTO Azekah, and THEY DIED: THEY WERE MORE WHICH DIED WITH HAILSTONES THAN THEY WHOM THE ISRAELITES SLEW WITH THE SWORD." (Compare Josh. 10:11 with Rev. 16:21).

"Then spake Joshua to the Lord in the DAY when the Lord delivered up the Amorites before the Israelites, and he (Joshua) said in the sight of Israel, "SUN," STAND THOU STILL UPON GIBEON; AND THOU "MOON," IN THE VALLEY OF AJALON. And the "SUN" STOOD STILL, AND THE "MOON" STAYED, UNTIL THE PEOPLE HAD AVENGED THEMSELVES UPON THEIR ENEMIES. Is not this written in the Book of Jasher (or Book of the Upright, see Biblical margin)? So the "SUN STOOD STILL" in the MIDST of "HEAVEN", and hasted not to "GO DOWN" about a "WHOLE DAY". And there was "NO DAY" like THAT BEFORE IT or AFTER IT, that the Lord hearkened unto the "VOICE" of a man; for the Lord "FOUGHT" for Israel (see Josh. 10:12-14).

Joshua returning from the war, rolled the stones away from the cave, brought forth the five kings and slew them before the eyes of Israel (see Josh. 10:15-26). Joshua continued the conquest of Canaan and the dividing of the Land by casting "LOTS," according to the command of God, given to Moses before his death (see Num. 26:52-56). After the death of Joshua, Israel was ruled by Judges until the anointing of Saul, her first, Israelite chosen, but God rejected, the disobedient king (compare 1 Sam. 8:5-9, 10:1 with 1 Sam. 11 :15, 12: 1,15:10-23).

Joshua Leaves Nations in Canaan Land to Prove Israel

In Leviticus 26: 18-28, Moses told Israel that if they disobeyed the Commandment of God He would punish them seven (7) times more. We will show the six (6) times of Servitude below and we will show the seventh time after we have discussed the division of the Israelite Kingdom, forming the Kingdom of Judah.

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FIRST SERVITUDE, to Mesopotamia (Judg. 3:8).........8 years 
	First Judge: Othneil.................................40 years

SECOND SERVITUDE, to Moab (Judg. 3:12-14)...........18 years 
	Second Judge: Ehud...................................80 years 
	Third Judge: Shamgar.................................80 years 

THIRD SERVITUDE, to Jabin & Sisera (Judg. 4:2)......20 years 
	Fourth Judge: Deborah and Barak......................40 years

FOURTH SERVITUDE, to Midian (Judg. 6:1).............7 years 
	Fifth Judge: Gideon..................................40 years 
	Sixth Judge: Abimelech................................3 years 
	Seventh Judge: Tola..................................23 years 
	Eighth Judge: Jair...................................22 years 

FIFTH SERVITUDE, to Ammon (Judg. 10:7-8)............18 years 
	Ninth Judge: Jephthah.................................6 years 
	Tenth Judge: Ibzan....................................7 years 
	Eleventh Judge: Elon.................................10 years 
	Twelfth Judge: Abdon..................................8 years 

SIXTH SERVITUDE, to the Philistines (Judg. 13:1.....40 years 
	Thirteenth Judge: Samson.............................20 years 
	Fourteenth Judge: Eli................................40 years 

Total Years of Servitude........................111 years 

Total Years of the Judges................................339 years 

TOTAL YEARS OF THE SERVITUDE AND THE JUDGES...........450 years altogether

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In Acts 13: 18-22, Luke states that Paul said that for forty (40) years God suffered the manners of Israel in the Wilderness. Then, after the dividing of Canaan Land by Joshua, for about 450 years, God gave them Judges, which it would appear, included Joshua and the Elders that outlived him, until Samuel the Prophet, who acted as Judge from the death of Eli to the Anointing of Saul, by Samuel (see 1 Sam. 10:1) as King, forty (40) years. Then it follows that Samuel, the Prophet Anointed David King (see 1 Sam. 16:11-13), who reigned for forty (40) years, and then comes the Anointing of Solomon as King (1004 B.J.), who laid the Foundation of the Temple in the 4th year of his reign, and the 480th year after Israel's departure from Egypt (see 1 Kings 6:1). The Temple was finished in the 11th year of Solomen's (Solomon's) reign (1004 B.J.). The ten (10) years between the Beginning of the Building of the Temple and its Dedication were taken up in Building the Temple, constructing new furnishings for it and moving both the old interior contents of the Tabernacle as well as the newly constructed furnishings into the Temple. Hence, we can easily understand that the total time of the Israelite Servitude was 111 years, and the total time of Rule of the Judges was 339 years, which when added together accounts for the total of the 450 years of Acts 13:18-22, spoken of by the Apostle Paul. (see chart on calculations, opposite page).

After Saul's forty years "SATANIC" rule over Israel (see 1 Sam. 15:35 with Acts 13:21), God raised up unto them David to be their king; to whom God gave testimony, and said, "I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which shall fulfill all my will" (see 1 Sam. 13:14 and Acts 13:22). God was with David and Israel in the time of war and also in the time of peace.

During a short time of peace, in the early part of his reign (1042 B.J.), King David expressed to the Prophet Nathan, his desire to build God a "HOUSE" because the "ARK OF GOD" was still dwelling within curtains. Nathan agreed with David's idea. But that same night, God in a "VISION," told Nathan to tell King David that HE would "APPOINT" a "PLACE" for Israel, His people, and he (David) would have a "SON," and when his days were fulfilled, he (Solomon) would "BUILD THE HOUSE OF GOD," and HE (GOD) would "ESTABLISH THE THRONE OF HIS KINGDOM FOREVER." "That HE (GOD) would be HIS FATHER, and HE, the SON, would be HIS SON" (see 2 Sam. 7:1-17).

In the latter part of David's reign (1017 B.J.), it is said (see 2 Sam. 24:1-2) that God, being angry with Israel, suffered Satan to move David to number Israel (see also 1 Chr. 21:1) contrary to the Law of Moses (see Ex. 30:11-16) which was still in effect at that time. King David assumed full responsibility for the transgression (2 Sam. 24:10 and 1 Chr. 21:17) because, when he numbered Israel, he did not require of them, in the meantime, the "HALF SHEKEL" for the "SANCTUARY," according to the "LAW" that there be no "PLAGUE" among them (see Ex. 30:11-16). Therefore, God sent the "PESTILENCE of PLAGUE" upon Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, which caused the death of seventy thousand men. When the Angel stretched out his hand upon Jerusalem to destroy it, God said, "It is enough: stay now thine hand. David "SAW" the Angel by the threshingfloor of Araunah the Jebusite (see 2 Sam. 24:15-16), which is in Mount Moriah (2 Chr. 3 :1).

(This Mount Moriah is the same place where Abraham offered up Isaac - see Gen. 22:2; compare with 2 Chr. 3:1 and Heb. 11:17-19). David spake unto the Lord when he saw the Angel that smote the people, and said, "Lo, I have sinned, and have done wickedly: but these sheep, what have they done? Let thine hand, I pray thee, be against me, and against my father's house."

The same day on which David saw the Angel in the Mount, Gad his seer, came to him and said, "Go up, rear an "ALTAR" unto the Lord in the threshingfloor of Araunah the Jebusite. David, according to the saying of Gad, went up as the Lord had commanded." Araunah, having seen the Angel also, hid himself, but when he saw David and his servants coming he went forth to meet David and comply with his request. When they met, King David explained that he desired the threshingfloor to build an altar unto the Lord that the "PLAGUE" might be stayed, Araunah offered the threshingfloor and oxen to King David without cost. David refused to accept the gift, but paid Araunah fifty shekels of silver for the oxen and six hundred shekels of gold for the threshingfloor (compare 2 Sam. 24:24 with 1 Chr. 21: 25), built the Altar unto the Lord, and offered up burnt offerings and peace offerings. So the Lord was intreated for the land, and the "PLAGUE" was stayed from Israel (see 2 Sam. 24th chapter).

"After King David had "CONFESSED" his "SIN," purchased the site for the "TEMPLE" without architectural knowledge of its structure, reared up the "ALTAR" and offered up his sacrifice with prayer, the Lord answered him from Heaven by fire upon the "ALTAR". God commanded the Angel and he put up the "SWORD". At that time when David "SAW" the Lord had answered him in the threshingfloor of Araunah the Jebusite, "THEN HE SACRIFICED THERE," for the "TABERNACLE OF THE LORD" which Moses made in the Wilderness, and the "ALTAR" of burnt offerings were at that season in the high place at Gibeon. But David could not go before it to inquire of God; for he was afraid, because of the "SWORD" of the Angel of the Lord (see 1 Chr. 21:17-30).

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Pattern for the House of The Lord Revealed to King David

"Then David said, THIS IS THE HOUSE OF GOD AND THIS IS THE ALTAR OF BURNT OFFERINGS FOR ISRAEL" (1 Chr. 22:1 and Heb. 12:22-24). It was here, at this "TIME" and "PLACE" that God gave King David the "PATTERN" for the "TEMPLE" or for "HIS (GOD'S) HOUSE" (1 Chr. 28:19). God's APPOINTED TIME had come for HIM to make "KNOWN" to King David, "THE PLACE" for "HIS HOUSE", and give to him the "PATTERN OR PLAN" for "HIS HOUSE." David, having previously "UNDERSTOOD", twenty-five years before hand, through the Prophet Nathan, that God would not permit him to build the "TEMPLE" (2 Sam. 7:5-9), because he was a man of war (l Kings 5:3 with 2 Chr. 22:8), having already purchased the "LAND" in Mount Moriah, began immediately to make the necessary advance preparations for the building (1 Chr. 22:6,7,11). He also charged his "PRINCES" to assist Solomon in the building thereof (1 Chr. 22:17-19). Then David gave to Solomon the "PATTERN" of all that he had received by the "SPIRIT" (1 Chr. 28:11-12) which he EXPLAINED in this way: "ALL THIS, said David, THE LORD MADE ME UN• DERST AND IN WRITING BY HIS HAND UPON ME, EVEN ALL THE WORKS OF THIS PATTERN (l Chr. 28:19).

EXPLANATORY NOTE: The Israelites, having reached Canaan Land (or Palestine) their permanent "Earthly Destination" in the Typical "Geographical Migratory Pattern," finally placed the Tabernacle on Mount Zion where it stood for many years (see 2 Chr. 5:2). God, the Great Eternal and Invisible Spirit King and Architect of the Universe (Gen. 2:4; Psa. 90:1.2; Provo 8:25) whose "Throne" is in the Heavenly Jerusalem (see Isa, 66: 1; Gal. 4:26; Heb. 12:22; Rev. 3:12; Rev. 12:2,10),forbade David to even start or try to build Him (God) a house, according to his own "ENTHUSIASTIC DESIRE AND ARCHITECTURAL IMAGINATION" before the proper time, place and PATTERN was revealed to him (see 1 Chr. 17th chapter) but God, thereafter, "Revealed" to Earthly King David by His Spirit and Drew with His Hand "The Pattern" of the Temple by His Great Spirit Body upon the physical body of the Earthly King of Allegorical Jerusalem and made the King "Understand in his Mind" all the works of operations of the Eternal Archetypical Pattern or Eternal Spirit Embodiment through his (David's) physical anatomy or through the structure and operation of his own physical body while he was in Mount Moriah (see 2 Chr. 3: 1) which King David was to thereafter give to Solomon, his son (1 Chr. 29 :6-9) who later would build the Temple. Mount Moriah is in the city of Jerusalem (formerly called Salem, and Zion, the City of David)in which Melchisedec, many years before this time, had been ordained by the Lord God to carry out the functions of both King and High Priest.

Melchisedec, having no genealogy or pedigree, was without beginning or ending of days, and officiated in Salem 430 years before the giving of the Law from Mount Sinai and the establishment of the Levitical Priesthood. Mount Moriah was also the exact PLACE to which God had directed Abraham who offered up Isaac, his only son (by Sarah-see Gen. 22:2), which son was a type or figure of Christ (see Heb. 11:17-19) our present King and ONLY High Priest. Now Isaac, also being a "figure of Him who was to come" by the Promise, thru the seed of Abraham, was figurative of the Tabernacle or Temple of the Body of Jesus Christ. When Abraham offered up Isaac as a sacrifice it showed forth the tearing down of the Temple of God as Jesus, also a sacrificial body, later stated (John 2:19-21) "Destroy this Temple and in three days I will raise it up," speaking of His own body of which the Temple was a figure.

After Solomon had finished the "Temple", according to the "Pattern" shown to his father, King David, he dismantled the "Tabernacle which was also constructed according to the "Pattern" shown to Moses in Mount Sinai which shows, according to the statement of Jesus (John 2:19) and the following Apostolic interpretation, what takes place with the physical body (or Tabernacle) when the Spiritual body (or Temple), which is now being "Built" by Jesus Christ (Matt. 16:18) upon the Rock, God, is manifest (Gen. 49 :24; Isa. 28: 16 ... "for that Rock that went with them was Christ"-1 Cor. 10:4) or Foundation of the Prophets and Apostles and Jesus Christ, Himself, being the Chief Cornerstone in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord, etc. (see Eph. 2:20-22). This is further expressed in these words; "For we know that if our earthly house of THIS tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven: If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked. For we that are in THIS tabernacle do groan, being burdened: not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that "mortality" might be swallowed up of life" (2 Cor. 5:1-4). Nevertheless, at this time "we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." (See 2 Cor. 4 :7).

After David had given Solomon, his son, the "PATTERN", he took a free-will offering of the people to be used in the construction of the "TEMPLE" (1 Chr. 29: 6-9), and prayed that Solomon would have WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING to build the "HOUSE OF GOD" (1 Chr. 29:19), according to the "PATTERN" (1 Chr. 28: 19). Solomon was then anointed King over

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Israel the second time (compare - Chr.23: 1 with 1 Chr. 29:22).

King Solomon was fully determined to build the "TEMPLE" (2 Chr. 2: 1), as he was given Special Instructions to build (2 Chr. 3: 3). He employed all the strangers in making further preparations for the building (2 Chr. 2 :2,17,18 with 1 Kings 5:15). He applied to King Hiram (Huram) of Tyre for a "SKILLFUL WORKMAN" to "SUPERINTEND" the building (2 Chr. 2 :7,13,14). He employed thirty thousand Israelites in the work (1 Kings 5:13,14), contracted with King Hiram for wood, stone and labor (1 Kings 5:6-12 with 2 Chr. 2:8-10), received stone and cedar wood, hewn and plumbed to exact measurement in the quarries and forest by his and Hiram's builders (1 Kings 5:13-18), cedar wood shipped from Lebanon in floats by sea to Joppa and carried up to Jerusalem (1 Chr. 2:16), and laid the (costly stone) "FOUNDATION" (1 Kings 5:16 with 1 Kings 6:37), on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem (2 Chr. 3:1), in the 480th year after the Israelites came out of the Land of Egypt (1 Kings 6:1) . They commenced to build on the Second day of the Second Month of the Fourth Year of Solomon's reign (l Kings 6:1 with 2 Chr. 3:2) and built the Temple without the noise of hammers, ax, or any tool (1 Kings 6:7).


(1) The "ORACLE" or MOST HOLY PLACE (1 Kings 6:19). 


(3) The "PORCH (2 Chr. 3:4). 

(a) Surrounded with three stories of "CHAMBERS" communicating
    with the interior on the right side (1 Kings 6:5,6,8,10). 

(b) Surrounded with spacious "COURTS" (1 Kings 6:36; 2 Chr. 4:9). 

Additional specifications for the building of the "HOUSE" which King Solomon built for the "LORD" are observed in that it was three score cubits long, twenty broad, and thirty high (l Kings 6:2; 2 Chr. 3:3. See Porch). It was lighted by narrow windows (1 Kings 6:4), roofed with cedar (l Kings 6:15) and the floors were of cedar-wood (1 Kings 6:15). The whole "HOUSE" was overlaid with gold (1 Kings 6:21-22 to be compared with 2 Chr. 3:7), and garnished with precious stones for beauty (2 Chr. 3:6).


The Oracle or Most Holy Place was twenty cubits every way (1 Kings 6: 15,20). The floor and walls were covered with cedar and fir-wood, overlaid with gold; walls were carved with cherubims, palm trees and open flowers (1 Kings 6: 15,29,30). The double Doors and Posts entering the Oracle forming a fifth part of the wall were of olive-wood, overlaid with gold, carved with cherubims, palm trees and open flowers (1 Kings 6:31-32), the remainder, a partition of gold chains (1 Kings 6:21) and the beautiful, blue purple, and crimson colored, fine linen "VAIL", lavishly embellished with angelic figures, separating the ORACLE of the MOST HOLY PLACE from the SANCTUARY or HOLY PLACE (2 Chr. 3:14). The "Contents" of the Most Holy Place were the same golden "ARK" of the "COVENANT" which formerly occupied the Most Holy Place in the "Tabernacle." The same tables of stone, engraved with the "LAW" were still within the "ARK" (see 2 Chr. 5:5-10). There were two standing "CHERUBlMS", each ten cubits high, made of olive-wood, overlaid with gold, one facing the other, at each end of the "ARK", together they had a total wing expansion of twenty cubits, one wing of each Cherubim extended backward overhead, touching the wall on their respective sides, the other wing of each Cherubim, extended forward, overhead, meeting each other in the center of the "ARK" and overshadowing the "MERCY SEAT" thereon (see 1 Kings 6:2:3-28; 2 Chr. 3:10 with 2 Chr. 5:7-8. See Dedication, page l10).


The Sanctuary, Greater House or Holy Place was forty cubits long (1 Kings 6:17), cieled with fir-wood, overlaid with gold, carved with palm trees and chains (2 Chr, 3:5). The walls were of cedar, overlaid with gold, carved with open flowers and cherubims or angelic figures (1 Kings 6:18 with 2 Chr. 3:5•7). It had folding Doors of fir-wood, overlaid with gold, carved with cherubims, palm trees and open flowers (1 Kings 6:34-35). The Door Posts of olive-wood were overlaid with gold, carved with cherubims (1 Kings 6 :33 with 2 Chr. 3:7). The "Contents" were the ten golden Candlesticks, the golden Altar of Incense and the ten golden Tables of Shew-Bread, all of which were carved with open flowers (1 Kings 7:48-49 with 2 Chr. 4:7-8).

(3) THE "PORCH" (a) the Chambers and (b) the Courts

The Porch was twenty cubits long and ten cubits broad (1 Kings 6:3), one hundred and twenty cubits high, overlaid with gold (2 Chr, 3:4), supported by two Pillars, one on the right which Solomon called "Jachin" (that is, "HE SHALL ESTABLISH"), and one on the left which he called "Boaz" (that is, "IN HIS STRENGTH", see 1 Kings 7:2 with 2 Chr. 3:17), made of molten brass having two Chapiters, each five cubits high, placed one on top of each pillar. The engraved decorations of the Chapiters were of checker work, wreaths of gold chain work, pomegranites and lily work (see 1 Kings 7:16-20). The Porch, (a) surrounded with three stories of Chambers, communicating with the interior on the right side, (1 Kings 6:5-10), also nethermost Chambers, surrounding the "ORACLES" and the "SANCTUARY" in like manner, the nethermost chamber was five cubits broad, the middle was six cubits

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broad and the third was seven cubits broad; the Door for the middle chamber was in the right side, and went up with winding stairs into the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third (see 1 Kings 6: 5-10). (b) The Courts were three in number; the first of which was the Court of the Gentiles (compare 1 Kings 6:5 with Ezek. 40:16-17; Rev. 11:2). The second Court was that of all Judah and Israel (2 Chr. 4:9; 2 Chr. 20:5) and the third Court was that of the Priests (2 Chr. 4:9); the Doors of the Courts were brass (2 Chr. 4:9).

(4) For the Court of the Priests (b) which surrounded the "Sanctuary and the Most Holy Place," on the outside, Solomon made these Brazen Vessels: (b-l) the Brazen Altar of Sacrifice, (b-2) the ten Brazen Lavers, with their bases and (b-3) the Molten Sea.

(b-l ) The Brazen Altar of Sacrifice was twenty cubits long, twenty cubits broad and ten cubits high (2 Chr. 4:1).

(b-2) The Ten Brazen Lavers in which burnt offerings were washed (2 Chr. 4:6), each one four cubits, each one had a water capacity of four baths, were placed, five on the right side and five on the left side of the "HOUSE" (1 Kings 7:28), each Laver, Independent of the other, set upon independent bases, each base, four cubits long, four cubits broad and three cubits high, beautifully decorated with lions, oxen and cherubims, and mounted on four wheel carriages (1 Kings 7:27-37). (b-S) The Molten Sea he made for the Priests to wash their bodies before entering the "Sanctuary and Most Holy Place." The Molten Sea was ten cubits from brim to brim, thirty cubits in circumference, five cubits high; total water capacity three thousand baths, under which stood the similitude of twelve oxen, three facing the north, three facing the west, three facing the South and three facing the east. The brim was decorated with flowers of lillies (l Kings 7:23-26; 2 Chr. 4:2-5). He set the Molten Sea on the right side of the east end, over against the south (2 Chr. 4:10). The smaller instruments for the Priests to use about the "HOUSE" of the Lord, he made of gold (1 Kings 7:48-50).

In the Fourth Year was the "FOUNDATION" of the "HOUSE OF THE LORD LAID," in the Month of Zif (or Jiar - April): And in the Eleventh Year, in the Month Bul (or Marchesvan - October), which is the Eighth Month, was the "HOUSE" finished throughout all the parts thereof, according to all the "FASHION" (or "PATTERN") of it. So, was he Seven Years in building it (l Kings 6:37-38). (Thus, in the 480th Year, 2992 A.M. or 1012 BJ.), after the Israelties had come out of Egypt, in the Fourth Year of Solomon's reign over Israel, (on the Second Day, 2 Chr. 3:3), in the Month of Zif (or Jiar - April), which is the Second Month (in the Ecclesiastical Year), he began to "Lay the Foundation or Build the "HOUSE OF THE LORD," and in the Eleventh Year of his reign (3000 A.M. or 1005 RJ.), which was Seven Years thereafter, in the Month of Bul (or Marchesvan - October), which is the Eighth Month (in the Ecclesiastical Year), the "HOUSE OF THE LORD WAS FINISHED." Hence, from the "TIME" he began to "LAY" the Foundation until the "HOUSE" was finished, more accurately and chronologically stated, was Seven Years and Six Months.

The "TEMPLE," elevated on Mount Moriah, with its Porch, Sanctuary and Oracle overlaid with gold, shining against the highly polished, glistening white, precious stones, blinding the eyes of onlookers, the dazzling light of the Sun beaming down upon it, adding to the attraction of its magnificence and celestial glory, was now "Finished" and ready for the "ARK" of the "COVENANT" to be placed within the Oracle.

Then Solomon assembled the Elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the Children of Israel, unto himself in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the "ARK of the COVENANT" OF THE LORD out of the city of David, which is "Zion" (see 2 Chr. 5: 2). And all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto King Solomon at the "Feast" in the Month of Ethanim (or Tisri), which is the Seventh Month. And the Elders of Israel came, and the Priests took up the "ARK". And they brought up the ARK of the Lord, and the Tabernacle of the congregation, and all the "Holy Vessels" that were in the "Tabernacle", even those did the Priests and the Levites bring up (see 2 Chr. 5:5). And King Solomon and ALL the Congregation of Israel, that there were assembled unto him were with him before the "ARK", sacrificing sheep and oxen, that could not be told for multitude. And the Priests brought the ARK of the COVENANT even under the wings of the Cherubims. For the Cherubims spread forth their "TWO WINGS" over the place of the" ARK", and the Cherubims covered the ARK and the staves thereof above (see Contents of Oracle, page 109).

They drew out the staves. And when they were come out of the Holy Place, the "CLOUD" filled the "HOUSE of the LORD" (see 1 Kings 8:11 and Ex. 40 :34-35). So the Priests could not stand to Minister because of the "CLOUD": for the "GLORY OF THE LORD HAD FILLED THE HOUSE OF THE LORD." Then Solomon "Dedicates the Temple", keeps the "Feast of Tabernacles" and observes the Day of Atonement (1 Kings 8:1-66). The Dedication of the "Day of Atonement," in the year 3001 A.M. or 1000 BJ., this year being the Ninth Jubilee and the opening of the Fourth Millenary of the world, which took place in the 490th Year, after the Israelites had come out of the "Dark, Plague Stricken Land of Egypt," marking the "END" of this particular cycle in the prophetic "TYPE", set forth in the "MIGRATORY PATTERN."

The Dedication

(Note - Solomon deferred the "Dedication" of the

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"Temple" for one and one-half years following its completion, because the year it was finished, according to Usher, was a "Jubilee." (See 1 Kings 8:1-9, as quoted, in part below; compare with 2 Chr. 7:8•10). This was the 9th "Jubilee," opening the 4th Millenary of the world, or 3001 A.M., wherein Solomon with great magnificence, celebrated the Dedication of the Temple seven (7) days, the "Feast of the Tabernacles," other 7 days; and the celebration of the 8th day of "Tabernacles" being finished, upon the 23rd day of the "Seventh Month," the people were dismissed, every man to his home. The 8th day of the Seventh Month, was the 30th of October, being Friday; was the 1st, of the 7 days of the "Dedication;" the 10th day, Sunday, November 1st, was the "Feast of Expiation," or "Atonement," held; whereon, according to the "Levitical Law," the Jubilee was proclaimed by sound of "Trumpet." The 15th day, Friday, November 6th was the 1st day of the "Feast of Tabernacles;" the 22nd day (13th of our November) being also Friday, was the "Feast of Tabernacles," which was always very solemnly kept, (2 Chr. 7:9; Lev. 23:36; John 7:37) and the following November 14th being our "Saturday," when the (Jews) Sabbath was ended, the people returned home).

The following chronology compares Solomon's Temple to the Body of Christ

1491 B.J. - Departure of Israel from Egypt (we sometimes use 1490 B.J.)
 476 yrs. - Time from the departure to beginning of Solomon's reign 

1015 B.J. - Solomon began to reign (1 Kings 2:12)
   4 yrs. - Solomon laid the Foundation of the Temple in the 4th year  
            after he began to reign (l Kings 6:1) 

1011 B.J. - 480th year after the departure of Israel from Egypt when the
            Foundation of Solomon's Temple was laid (1 Kings 6:1) 
   7 yrs. - 7 years, 6 months is the length of time Solomon's Temple was 
            in construction (1 Kings 6:38) 

1004 B.J. - 487th year, Solomon's Temple finished but Dedication 
   3 yrs. - Number of years taken to move furniture of Tabernacle and new
            furniture into Temple and keep Feasts. (See also Jesus after 
            His Baptism by John choosing His Disciples and the 3 years of
            His Ministry (see Explanatory Note, page 108). 

1001 B.J. - 490 years after Israelites departure from Egypt is the time 
            of the Dedication and also the opening of the 4th Millennium 
            (see Explanatory Note, page 108). 
  30 yrs. - Number of years Solomon's Temple stood without molestation 
            after Dedication. (See also 30 years of age of Jesus at the 
            time of His Baptism by John - Luke 3:21).
 971 B.J. - King Shishak from Egypt invaded Jerusalem and spoiled the 
            Temple (1 Kings 14: 25: 2 Chr. 12:2). This makes a total time 
            of 33 years that the Temple stood after it was finished 
            before being molested; whereby the Temple was a FIGURE of the 
            total life span (33 years) of Jesus Christ - A.D.33. 

The same daily routine of Divine Services, according to the Mosaic Law was transferred to and carried on in the Temple exactly as it was in the Tabernacle, only on a more convenient and larger scale. The reign of Saul, Israel's first king, was 40 years (see Acts 13:21 with 1 Sam. 31:6); the reign of David, Israel's second king, was 40 years. King David reigned 33 years in Jerusalem and 7 years in Hebron, making the total time of reign 40 years (see 1 Kings 2:10-11). The reign of Solomon, Israel's third king, was 40 years (2 Chr, 9:30), which makes the total reign of Israel's first three kings as 120 years.

(Explanatory Note-Same as the Baptism of Jesus after the Commandment of Artaxerxes to restore Israel; Dan. 9:24).

Israel Divided Forming Two Kingdoms - Israel and Judah

After the decease of Solomon in 975 B.J. his son, Rehoboam, began to reign in his father's stead (see 2 Chr. 9:31; 2 Chr. 10:1), Rehoboam is the son of Solomon by the Ammonite princess Naamah (see 1 Kings 14:21,31) and his successor (see 1 Kings 11:43). Rehoboam selected Shechem as the place of his coronation (975 B.J.), probably as an act of concession to the Ephraimites. The people demanded a remission of the severe burdens imposed by Solomon, and Rehoboam, rejecting the advice of his father's counsellors, followed that of his young courtiers, and returned an insulting answer which led to an open rebellion among the tribes and he was compelled to flee to Jerusalem. The tribes revolted forming the Kingdom of Judah (2 Chr. 10:17) -hence, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Judah and Benjamin alone remained true to Rehoboam (2 Chr. 11:3). An expedition to reconquer Israel was forbidden by the Prophet Shemiah, 1 Kings 12:24; still during Rehoboam's lifetime peaceful relations between Israel and Judah were never restored (2 Chr, 12:15; 1 Kings 14:30). In the fifth year of Rehoboam's reign the country was invaded by a host of Egyptians and other African nations under Shishak (2 Chr. 12:1-5). Jerusalem itself was taken, and Rehoboam had to purchase an ignominious peace by delivering up all the treasures with which Solomon had adorned the Temple and palace (2 Chr. 12:9). The rest of Rehoboam's life was unmarked by any events of importance. He died in 958 B.J., after

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a reign of 17 years, having ascended the throne in 975 B.J., at the age of 41 (see 1 Kings 14:21; 2 Chr. 12:13).

Jeroboam was made King of the ten northern tribes and set up for a time his capitol at Shechem. It was the first capitol of the new Kingdom (see 1 Kings 12:25). Subsequently, Tirzah became the royal residence, if not the Capitol, of Jeroboam (see 1 Kings 14:17) and of his successors (see 1 Kings 15:33; 16:8; 17:23). The division of the Kingdom (975 B.J.) known as "Israel," rapidly declined and in the year 721 B.J. King Hoshea and the "Ten Tribes," were carried captive to Assyria by Shalmaneser (see 2 Kings 15:29; 17:6; 18:9-11) or by Sargon, his successor (see Isa. 20:1).

The Two Tribes, known as "Judah," survived for over 100 years longer and in 606 B.J. the SECOND Babylonian Empire was set up under the rulership of Nabopolasser, father of Nebuchadnezzar. (Note particularly that the FIRST Babylonian Empire was in 2247 B.J. under Nimrod which has already been adequately discussed in this book). Nebuchadnezzar led an army against Judah and overcame Ninevah and Egypt while his father reigned. We have shown that Solomon's Temple was FINISHED in 1004 1/2 and DEDICATED in 1000 1/2 B.J.; then 400 years after the Temple was finished would be 604 B.J. when Nebuchadnezzar, successor of Nabopolasser, ascended the Babylonian Throne, according to Smith Peloubet Dictionary of the Bible - page 437, and overthrew Judah and subjected them to three (3) years servitude in their own land of Canaan (see 2 Kings 24:1). Judah was later taken captive to Babylon. These actions on the part of Nebuchadnezzar were in obedience to the Will of God as stipulated in the judgments and laws which the Lord had made between Himself and the Children of Israel in Mount Sinai by the hand of Moses (see Lev. 26th chapter).

The Babylonian captivity in 601 B.J. is confirmed by the Lord God, in that He (God) told Solomon that He would let the Temple stand forever if Israel did not sin against Him (see 1 Kings 9:1-8). The actual time when the last servitude began was exactly 400 years following the completion of Solomon's Temple. The Lord had previously told Moses that He would visit the Iniquity of the Fathers upon the children of the third and fourth generation, and if for all this, they did not harken (hearken) unto Him, He would punish them SEVEN TIMES MORE, (or 70 weeks times 7 years is equivilent (equivalent) to 490 years) and this period of servitude to Nebuchadnezzar was the beginning of the seventh and last time in their own land (Canaan) which leads up to the beginning of the "Times of the Gentiles" (see Luke 21:24) spoken of by Jesus.

The chronological calculations can be observed in that the Lord had shown Moses by the VISION OF THE CREATION that the SUN was created on the fourth (4th) day. In Psalms 90:4 and 2 Pet. 3:8 we read that "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Relating the SON Jesus, in manifestation to the ethereal SUN, Moses shows in Genesis 1:14-19 that the SUN was placed in the Heaven on the fourth (4th) day and Jesus was born in the closing of the fourth (4th) Millennium or four-thousandth (4000th) year after the Creation. Hence, the Times of the Gentiles would be 2520 years, beginning with 601 B.J. and reach to 1919 A.D. This is figured by showing one day for one year (see Num. 14:34 and Ezek. 4:6) or 360 days times seven (7) years. The 2520 years reached to 1919 A.D., but the Covenant must be confirmed with many for one week or seven (7) years which would reach from 1919 A.D. to 1926 A.D. (see Table below).

Table According To Prophetic Time

360 days equals 1 year and 7 times 360 days equals 2520 years.

The 7 times is the duration of 70 weeks - Daniel 9 :24 The 7 times more would equal 7 times 70 equals 490 yrs.

There are some Bible students that ignore the last and 7th time, servitude of three (3) years of Judah to Nebuchadnezzar and also do not believe or show that Nebuchadnezzar ascended the throne in 604 B.J., but they dated the Times of the Gentiles to begin with 606 B.J., the fall of Ninevah and the beginning of the last Babylonian Empire. Therefore, if we begin the 7 times 360 equals 2520 with B.J. 606, the Times of the Gentiles would end in 1914 A.D., which is not true. It is also said by some that Christ came into the world in 1914 A.D. to gather up His Host; this also is not true since Christ said Himself, "Lo, I am with you alway" (see Matt. 28:20).

Jerusalem was finally destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.J. (2 Kings 25: 1-10). This ended a long drawn out period of notorious and deadly tribal wars which was always historically punctuated by the ministry of a noble succession of great divinely inspired prophets.


1. Ishmael - by Hagar, bondwoman - Gen. 16:11; Gen. 16:16

2. Isaac - by Sarah, his wife - Gen. 21 :2-4

3. Zimran

4. Jokshan

5. Medan - by Keturah - Gen. 25:1-2

6. Midian

7. Ishbak

8. Shuah


1. Esau - by Rebekah - Gen. 25 :24-25

2. Jacob - by Rebekah - Gen. 25:26 (Twins)

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1. Reuben - by Leah - Gen. 29 :32

2. Simeon - by Leah - Gen. 29 :33

3. Levi - by Leah - Gen. 29:34

4. Judah - by Leah - Gen. 29:35

5. Dan - by Bilhah, Rachel's maid - Gen. 30 :3-6

6. Naphthali - by Bilhah, Rachel's maid - Gen. 30:7-8

7. Gad - by Zilpah, Leah's maid - Gen. 30:9-11

8. Asher - by Zilpah, Leah's maid - Gen. 30:12-13

9. Issachar - by Leah - Gen. 30:17-18

10. Zebulun - by Leah - Gen. 30:19-20

11. Joseph - by Rachel- Gen. 30:23-24

12. Benjamin - by Rachel - Gen. 35:18 (Benoni)

Judah with the Sceptre in Babylonian Captivity

According to the prophecy of Jacob in Egypt, concerning his twelve (12) sons, especially in reference to Judah in Genesis 49:10, which reads as follows: "The SCEPTRE shall not depart from Judah, nor a Lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh (the Messish, not Peter or the Pope of Rome) come and unto Him shall the gathering of the people be." There are some who claim that the SCEPTRE DID depart from Judah when the tribe of Judah was taken into captivity to Babylon. This is not true, however, because it was God that made the Covenant with Abraham concerning Himself, Isaac, Jacob and the sons of Jacob or the Children of Israel (see Gen. 12:3 and Gen. 17:1-2). Just as God, being angry with Israel (see 2 Sam. 24: 1-2 also 1 Chr. 21:1) suffered Satan to move David to number Israel. He (God) also moved Satan, incarnated in Nebuchadnezzar (at that time), having the Mark of the Beast (666) in his forehead and in his hand (see Rev. 13:15-18), to invade Jerusalem and carry the Tribe of Judah into captivity (see 2 Kings 24:1-4 and The Two Babylons contained herein).

Therefore, during the whole seventy (70) years captivity God defended this Tribe when they were in Babylon and thereafter, or until the coming of the Messiah, unto whom the gathering of the people should be. Nebuchadnezzar made an Image of Gold, whose height was threescore cubits, and breadth six cubits, and set this Image up in the plain of Dura and issued a decree that everyone who failed to fall down before it should be put to death (see Dan. 3:1-7). For example, the Jews, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, leaders of the Hebrews, failed to fall down and they were put in the Firery (Fiery) Furnace heated one SEVEN TIMES MORE than it was wont to be heated. Nebuchadnezzar later returned to the furnace and saw four men walking in the mist of the fire, and the four of them were not hurt - the form of the fourth man was LIKE THE SON OF GOD (see Dan. 3:25), WHO WAS SHILOH, that was to come and unto Him was the gathering of the people to be.

Another example, pointing up the fact that the SCEPTRE had not departed from Judah, is the instance of Daniel's being placed into the den of lions because he prayed three times a day to his God despite the fact that King Darius had established a decree that every man who asked of any God, or man within thirty days, save of thee, (King Darius), that man would be placed into the den of lions (see Dan. 6:1-17). These examples prove that the SCEPTRE DID NOT depart from Judah and the prophecy DID NOT FAIL.

The Cleansing of the Sanctuary and the 2300 Days of the Prophecy

In Daniel 8:1,2,13, and 14, we read "In the third year of the reign of King Belshazzar a vision appeared to me, even unto me Daniel, after that which appeared unto me at first. And I saw in a vision; and it came to pass. when I saw, that I was at Shushan in the palace, which was in the providence of Elam; and then I heard one saint speaking and another saint said unto that certain saint which spake, How long shall be the vision concerning the DAILY SACRIFICE, and the transgression of desolation to give both THE SANCTUARY and THE HOST to be TRODDEN UNDER FOOT? AND HE SAID UNTO ME, UNTO TWO THOUSAND AND THREE HUNDRED DAYS: THEN SHALL THE SANCTUARY BE CLEANSED, and the vision of the EVENING and the MORNING which was told is true; wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days."

As pertaining to the Sanctuary (which was the body of Jesus) and the Host Trodden under foot, during the 2300 day period with the Lord, Matthew said, "Jesus, when He had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the Veil of the Temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent; And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints (the hosts) which slept arose, and came out of the graves AFTER His resurrection, and went into the Holy City, and appeared unto many" (Matt. 27:50-53).

The Jews said unto Jesus (the Messiah), "What SIGN shewest thou unto us. seeing that thou doest these things? Jesus answered and said unto them, DESTROY THIS TEMPLE, and in THREE DAYS I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in THREE DAYS? But He spake of the TEMPLE OF HIS BODY" (John 2:19-21).

Again the Jews asked Jesus to show them a SIGN, and He said, "For as Jonas was THREE DAYS and THREE NIGHTS in the whale's (fish) belly; so shall the Son of man be THREE DAYS and THREE NIGHTS in the HEART OF THE EARTH" (Matt. 12:40). Jonah 1:17 reads thus, "Now the Lord had prepared a great

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fish to swallow up Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish THREE DAYS and THREE NIGHTS."

The reader will notice that we have already explained that the two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, were carried captive to Babylon in 604 B.J. (see page 112). Wherefore Daniel saw this vision about B.J. 555 or 49 years or 7 weeks in prophetic time, AFTER the Babylonian Captivity, or 21 years before the Decree of Cyrus in 534 B.J:, or 98 years BEFORE the going forth of the Commandment of Artaxerxes in B.J. 457, to restore and rebuild Jerusalem unto the Messiah. Now if we add the 33 years of the life of the Messiah to the 457 years before His birth we have the 70 weeks, or 490 years, which reached to Pentecost, to complete the fulfillment of the prophecy. "Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon the holy city. to finish the transgression, and to make AN END of sins. and to make RECONCILIATION FOR INIQUITY. and to bring in EVERLASTING RIGHTEOUSNESS, and to SEAL UP THE VISION AND PROPHECY, and TO ANOINT THE MOST HOLY" (Dan. 9:24). See also Prophetic Chart on 190 year cycle, reaching from Abraham to Christ, below.

Calculations to Verify the 2300 Days of Prophecy:

 604 B.J.  = Date of Babylon Captivity
-555 B.J.  = Date of Daniel's Vision 
  49 Years or 7 prophetic weeks after captivity 

  49 Years = Time after the capture 
+ 21 Years = Before the going forth of Commandment (457 B.J.) to Artaxerxes
  70 Years = Time of Captivity 

 457 B.J.  = Commandment going forth under Artaxerxes 
 +33 Years = Total time of life of Jesus (the Messiah)
 490 Years = 70 weeks, or 490 years to complete fulfillment of the
             Prophecy. See 490 year cycle Chart below.

The Time Fixed by the Lord God to Build the Temples

  1995 B.J. Abraham born, father of Jewish Nation.
 -1490 B.J. Law given from Mount Sinai - Tabernacle built. 
   505 Years Difference 
 -  15 Years Ishmael was born before Isaac - Promised Seed. 
   490 Years to Dedication of Tabernacle 

  1490 B.J. Law given at Mount Sinai- Tabernacle built.
  1000 B.J. Or 1000 1/2 B.J. Dedication of Solomon's Temple. 
   490 Years to Dedication of Solomon's Temple. 

  1000 B.J. or l000 1/2 B.J. Dedication of Solomon's Temple. 
 - 510 B.J. Dedication of Zerubbable's Temple. 
   490 Years to Dedication of Zerubbable's Temple.
   510 B.J. Dedication of Zerubbable's Temple. 
  - 53 Years from Ded. of Zerub. to edict of Artaxerxes 457 B.J. 
   457 Years Edict of Artaxerxes 
  + 33 A.D. Dedication of Spiritual Temple, Pentecost.
   490 Years to Pentecost, Spiritual Temple. 

    33 A.D. Dedication of Spiritual Temple, Pentecost. 

   457 B.J. Edict of Axtex. to restore Jerusalem - Daniel 9:27. 
    33 A.D. Duration of Jesus' life. 
   490 Years from edict to Pentecost, or Spiritual Temple. 

    49 Years = 7 weeks, building of walls 
   434 Years = 3 score and 2 weeks of prophecy 
     4 Years = the chronological error 
   487 Years to Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist
     3 1/2 Years = time of Jesus' Ministry. 
   490 Years = Messiah Crucified (or cut off) 

    33 A.D. Dedication of Spiritual Temple, Pentecost.

    16 B.J. Foundation of Herodian Temple was laid.
  + 33 A.D. Dedication of Spiritual Temple, Pentecost
    49 or 490 Years to Pentecost, Spiritual Temple
    16 B.J. Foundation of Herodian Temple was laid.
  + 30 A.D. Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist. 
    46 Years the Herodian Temple was in the building.
  +  3 1/2 Years the Ministry of Jesus.
    49 or 490 Years to Pentecost, Spiritual Temple. 

    40 and 6 years in the building - 3 years Jesus' Ministry. 

We must also REMEMBER that Jesus, the Messiah is Lord and Master (see John 13:13). We must understand that the 2300 days mentioned in Daniel 8:14 are a part of the 70 weeks, or 490 year period (see Dan. 9:24). However, we must also understand that the Real True Sanctuary, that must be cleansed in the 2300 Day Period is the Sacrificial Body of the Messiah, which was made a Curse and hung upon the tree, or the Cross (see Gal. 3:13). Prophetically speaking, the Body of the Messiah was made to be the ATONING SACRIFICE for the WORLD (see Psa. 40.6; Heb. 10:5), and was made to be "Sin", or the Scapegoat for us that we may be the Righteousness of God in Him (see 2 Cor. 5:21). As David stated in Psalms 90:4, and Peter quoted in 2 Pet. 3:8, both saying that ONE (SOLAR) DAY with the Lord (not the Man) IS AS A THOUSAND YEARS, AND A THOUSAND YEARS IS AS ONE DAY.

Now to confirm the statement in Psa. 90:4 and 2 Pet. 3:8, we must see this in it's execution and application

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in the case of the first man, Adam. (Paul said that the first man, Adam, WAS A FIGURE OF THE SECOND ADAM, JESUS CHRIST, Rom. 5:14; 1 Cor. 15:45). Therefore what applied to the first Adam reflected itself in the case of the Messiah, Jesus Christ as applied to time with the Lord. That is that God told Adam that the Day that he touched or ate of the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, he would surely die (see Gen. 2:16,17). On the same solar Day that Adam did touch and eat the fruit, instantaneously he died, that is on that SAME SOLAR DAY he was "Condemned" before God in his Conscience, and he hid himself (themselves) among the trees (see Gen. 3:7-10). But it took this Death of Adam the remainder of the 930 years or 70 years short of a 1000 year Day with the Lord to reflect or manifest itself in Adam's PHYSICAL BODY (see Plate No. 15).

It must be remembered that the 2300 days of the prophecy is a part of the 490 year period, figured from the Commandment going forth under Artaxerxes, for the Body of Jesus is THE TEMPLE or SANCTUARY OF GOD that necessitated cleansing, after being made Sin for us.

The resurrection of Christ was very early in the morning on Sunday, or the 300th part of that 1000 year day, with the Lord.

The 2300 Days with Adam as Compared with the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Second Adam

1000 Years = Friday, Jesus was crucified 
1000 Years = Saturday or Sabbath, Jesus at rest in Joseph's tomb 
+300 Years = Sunday, Christ rose from the dead, early in the morning 
2300 Years = 2300 Days, the Sanctuary of Christ was raised a glorified, or 
             Spiritual Body (see Dan. 8:14; 1 Cor. 15:3), 
1000 Years = One day with Adam, who was a figure of Christ (Rom. 5:14) 
-930 Years = Total life span of Adam (see Gen. 5:5; Plate No. 15) 
  70 Years = or 700th part of the Day that Adam lived short of the One Day,
             or 1000 yrs,

Here we can understand that where the Breath of Life left the body of Adam, this is the instant Jesus Christ raised from the dead, redeeming or reconciling the world unto Himself, or abolishing Death and bringing LIFE and IMMORTALITY to LIGHT (see 2 Tim. 1:10; see also Chart, Plates No. 31C and 32C; see also John 20: 21-22; Acts 2:1-2).

1000 Years = one day with the Lord 
-700 Years = the 700th part of the one day which Adam lived short of 
 300 Years = the 300th part of the one day in which Christ rose from the

The 2300 Days as Related to the Three Days of Creation

1000 = 1st. Day of Creation - Cosmic Light in Darkness. Earth is in a state
       of Death. 
1000 = 2nd. Day of Creation - Earth buried or baptized in water. The Waters 
       are parted. 
+300 = 3rd. Day of Creation - Seed of Vegetation raised up, figurative of 
       the Seed of Abraham, (Jesus Christ), showing the reflect even in the
       Vegetable Kingdom. 
2300 = The Death, Burial, and Resurrection (or new Life State) of Earth 
       see Chart, Plates 6.7,8, and 31). 

The 2300 Days as Related to the Exodus of the Israelites From Egypt By Moses

1000 = Moses and Israelites leave Egypt, Cosmic Light (the Cloud) is in the
       Darkness or night, or early morning of April 15th. Israelites in
       state of Death and Bondage under Pharaoh. 
1000 = Israel reaches Red Sea and is Buried or baptized in the Cloud and in
       the Sea. The Waters are parted. 
+300 = Resurrection from the Dead or Egypt. Coming into new life. 
2300 = The Death, Burial, and Resurrection (or new Life State) of the
       Israelites, from Egypt to the Wilderness.

Still Yet Further Proof in the Scriptures as Related to Jonah

1000 = 1 day into the Sea 
1000 = 1 day Jonah in the belly of the fish 
+ 300= 1 300th part of the day. Jonah cast ashore
 2300= 3 days. Being the only SIGN given Matt. 12:40,which was already
       stated in prophecy B.J. 862; Jonah 1:17. 
The error, as it is figured by some of Christendom. 2300 days of prophecy,
or years with the Lord. 
- 457 B.J. Artaxerxes' Commandment. 
 1843 A.D. or 1844 if you count the half year as a full one. 

This date is in years after the Birth of Jesus.

It is considered and held as fact by some of Christendom, that this 1843-1844 is the date, when Christ entered in the Most Holy Place, through the Second Vail in the Presence of God. This is in grave error, for if that be the case, then it means that the World, was yet in it's SINS for 1810 years AFTER PENTECOST and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost; which event could only have happened when the SANCTUARY of the Prophecy was cleansed, or the Body of Jesus Christ which was made to be Sin for us was accepted by the Lord God for the

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Remission of Sins at that time. The Apostle Paul in 1 Cor. 15:3,4 said that Jesus Christ died for our sins ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES and raised from the dead on the THIRD DAY. ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES. Then for 40 days after His resurrection . He tarried on earth before He ascended. And in Hebrews 9:24, "For Christ is NOT entered into the Holy. Places MADE WITH HANDS, which are the figures of the true; but into Heaven itself, NOW (A.D. 33, not 1843-1844) to appear in the Presence of God for us" (see Plates 31 and 32).

PLEASE NOTE: Unto 2300 days then shall the Sanctuary be cleansed, Daniel 8: 14, and that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years, and a thousand years is as one day, Psa. 90:4; 2 Pet. 3:8, as compared and applied elsewhere in the "Scriptures", pointing to the Messiah, Adam, the Creation, the Israelites, Jonah. and reconfirmed by Peter's imprisonment and release in A.D. 43, or 10 years to date after the resurrection of Jesus Christ (see Acts 12:1-19).

In continuance of our explanation: It is necessary for understanding of the correlation of the first and second Adams, and of the THREE DAYS and THREE NIGHTS of the Death, Burial and Spiritual Resurrection of Christ, to retain these Cardinal points:

(1) The TRUE SANCTUARY, to which the 2300 Day Prophecy related, was the physical body of Jesus, in whom God manifested Himself to PHYSICAL ISRAEL.

(2) That the Mosaic Tabernacle, and the Temple that Solomon built were figures, types or shadows, of His physical and Incorporeal Body, (Ex. 25 :40; Heb. 8:5; 1 Chr. 28:19).

(3) That in the Creation, God called the Light "Day", and the Darkness He called "Night" (Gen. 1:5).

(4) That the Light of Life was going out in that Sanctuary (His physical body) during the time that the Light of the Golden Candlestick was out in the Sanctuary of the Temple.

(5) That Jesus represented the Goat for the Sin offering, and also the Scapegoat. In fact, all sacrifices meet their fulfillment in Jesus Christ, because as it is said, "Sacrifices and burnt offerings thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared for me" (Lev. 16:-1820; Isa. 53:6; Psa. 40:6; Heb. 10:5).

(6) That the Light in the Sanctuary of the Temple was snuffed out at 9 A.M., and that it remained out till 3 P.M. in the afternoon. Further that the Sacrifice was offered up twice during the day at 9 A.M. and at 3 P.M., (Ex. 29:38; Num. 28:30; Matt. 27:45), and pointed to Jesus.

(7) That Adam, after his transgression was driven out of the Garden of Eden, IN THE COOL OF THE DAY, by an Angel with a flaming sword (see Gen. 3 :24; see also Plate No. 15C).

(8) That Jesus was crucified, and it, during what is termed daylight, beginning at 9 A.M. it began to gradually grow dim, the Light of day diminishing to the twilight of evening, till noon. At 12 noon, it then turned DARK over the face of the Earth, from the 6th to the 9th hour, or from 12 noon till 3 P.M. in the afternoon. This phenominal darkness is the same as the stygian darkness in Egypt during the Plague of Death, at the time of the PASSOVER, BEING THE SHADOW of the death of Jesus, who is our PASSOVER (Ex. 10:22; 1 Cor. 5:7; John 19:14; see Plates No. 24E and 31E, page 172).

PHENOMINAL DAY (Zech. 14:6,7)

(9) FRIDAY-Dawn till 9 A.M.-LIGHT=DAY

9 A.M. till 12 noon-TWILIGHT = EVENING

12 noon till 3 P.M.-DARKNESS = NIGHT


3 P.M. till 6 P.M.-DAWN TO LIGHT = DAY


9 P.M. till Dawn-DARKNESS = NIGHT


This gives you the total of 3 DAYS and 3 NIGHTS of Matt. 12.40. The resurrection was during the very early dawn of the NEW DAY, the 1st, day of the week, SUNDAY morning, Saturday being the Sabbath day.

By using the direct Pattern of the time element associated with the daily internal Priestly functions of the Temple, starting with the Outer Court, the morning sacrifice was offered up at 9 A.M. in the morning, which also was the morning hour of prayer (see Psa, 55: 17; Luke 18: 1; Acts 3: 1). At this time 9 A.M. the Priest went into the Holy Place or Sanctuary to perform the services of God (see Ex. 30:7-8). The next sacrifice was not offered up till 3 P.M. in the afternoon, which also was the afternoon hour of prayer. The division between these two periods may be denoted by the hour of prayer at 12 noon, at which time no sacrifice was offered for any atonement or sins.

Now in dealing with the Sanctuary, of either the Mosaic Tabernacle or the Herodian Temple, we find that at the same time of the daily sacrifices, the priest also had to fulfill his sacerdotal functions unerringly, with the Golden Candlestick of the Holy Place. At the 9 A.M. Sacrifice, the Candlestick was extinguished, and at the same time it's reservoirs were refilled to their capacity, with pure beaten Olive Oil (see Lev. 24:2). At the 3 P.M. sacrifice, the Candlestick was re-lit again for to burn all through the Night, extinguishing all darkness in the Sanctuary. This Candlestick was lit at all times with the exception of the time that it was out from the hours of 9 in the morning till 3 in the afternoon. This is favorably compared with Friday, that PHENOMINAL DAY at the Crucifixion in which IT turned dark from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. showing the Light of Life being extinguished in that Sanctuary of the Prophecy, or the Temple of His body.

Now taking the Body of Jesus, hanging on the Cross, and comparing this to the Sanctuary. or Temple, and to

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the Priestly services therein, of which everything pointed to, it is easily discerned that as the Light of Life, which is the Blood, was draining out of His Body, from 9 A.M. till 12 noon, that same day, Friday, and He was in the last stages of His physical life from 12 noon to 3 P.M., or where the Stygian darkness was across the face of the Earth in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle. As the Light was out in the Sanctuary from 9 A.M. till 3 P.M., so also was the Light dieing out, or being extinguished in His body or the True Sanctuary, during the same hours of that same Day, Friday, the evening of which the Jewish Sabbath began.

The transitional Light or time, from 9 A.M. till 12 noon also shows the psychological death which took place in the conscience of the 1st man Adam, in the Garden of Eden (see Plate No. 15), from the time that he disobeyed the Commandment of God till the time that he was expelled from the Garden (see Plate No. l5C, l5D, and l5E); being cast out in the COOL of the Day or as the SUN was going down and the evening shadow and darkness came upon the face of the Earth. This casting out into the "Outer Court" (Plate l5E), which casting out completes the Pattern from 12 noon to 3 P.M., represents the blood finally draining out of that body, and the fulfillment of TOTAL "DEATH" (see Plates 31E and l5E). Also illustration on next page.

Please note that as Adam the first man and Son of God, was going down being the Degenerator, even the Sun in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle was also going down in the Heaven. Compare this with the second Adam, Jesus (who in the power of His resurrection rose from the dead very early in the morning as it began to dawn, toward the first day of the week, showing that the Son of God, as Malachi said, "the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS would rise with healing in His Wings" (Mal. 4:2); along with the Sun in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle coming up together, or regenerating the world to a New Day and a New Life.

This Immortal Body in which Christ tarried for forty days and nights in the Holy Place, or the resurrection, in the Greater and More Perfect Tabernacle, appearing to His disciples eleven times before He ascended into the Most Holy Place, or Heaven, brought Life and Immortality to Light, or as Paul said in 2 Tim. 1:10, "But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to Light through the Gospel." The resurrected form in which He tarried, shows that our redemption, both, of the conscience, and of the body, was purchased by the Blood of Christ, who offered Himself, without spot to God for us, as manifested in His ascension into Heaven, now to appear in the presence of God, to make intercessions for us (see Rom. 8:23; Heb. 9:14,22,23), Also illustration on next page.

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The Sanctuary of the Body of Jesus Compared to Sanctuary of Herod's Temple

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The Sanctuary. Plate #1, is a figure of the Body of Jesus (see John 2:19) and was illuminated at all times, by day from the Light of the Sun and by night from the Light of the Candlestick, which was trimmed and filled at 9 o'clock in the morning and lit at 3 o'clock in the afternoon and burned thru the night. The sacrifice was also offered at 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock, being a figure of Jesus the true sanctuary which was the Light of the World and the Sacrificial Body for Sin (see Psa. 40:6-8; Luke 24:44; Heb, 10:5). John wrote of Him in Rev. 1:13, and said he saw one like unto the Son of Man in the midst of the Seven Golden Candlesticks (being the Sanctum of Sanctorums) Plate # 2.

This routine was interrupted on the Friday that Jesus, the true Sanctuary was crucified, Plate #3. At (9 o'clock) the hour of sacrifice, His body was hung on the cross, turning dark or lifeless as His Blood was shed, coincided with the darkness of the Sun in the Sanctuary of the Universe, from the 6th hour (12 o'clock) to the 9th hour (3 o'clock) also leaving the Sanctuary of Herod's Temple in total darkness, Plate #4. It was one day that was known to the Lord (see Zech, 14:6,7).

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The 2300 Days Shown in the Fall of Adam and Redemption in Jesus Christ by the Pattern

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The first man Adam, a figure of the second Adam (Jesus Christ}. Adam was placed in the Garden of Eden, the Most Holy Place. By transgression, he died that day in his conscience and was driven out in the COOL of the day as the SUN was going down into Outer Darkness-(Outer Court).

1000 Years = 1 day with the Lord 
 930 Years = Adam's life span 
  70 Years or 700th part of day Adam lived, 300 days short of 1000 year day with the Lord. 

The second Adam (Jesus Christ), was made to be the Sin Offering in the Outer Court for the Atonement of Sins inflicted upon man by the 1st Man, Adam. He was crucified, buried and resurrected early Sunday morning, the THIRD DAY as the SUN was rising, rending the Vail in the Temple and was seated at the right hand of the Throne of God, 40 days thereafter.

1000 Years = Fri., Jesus Crucified 
1000 Years = Sat., rested in tomb 
 300 Years or early Sun. morning 
2300 Years or 2300 days Christ Resurrected, Sanctuary Cleansed (see Dan. 8:14).

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Analysis and Summary of the Physical and Spiritual Temples

In the calculation of the 2300 days, as pertaining to the cleansing of the Sanctuary, our brethren, not having the Holy Ghost, who is the teacher of all things spiritual, misunderstood and "CONFUSED" the Temple of His BODY, with the Herodian Temple, in which the Outer Court, Holy Place (Sanctuary), and Most Holy Place was located. They did not, nor do they yet understand that the blood and physical body of Jesus, according to the scriptures, took the place of the DAILY and YEARLY sacrifices, offerings and gifts, common to the Outer Court of the (Herodian) Temple. How much more shall the blood of Christ, WHO THROUGH THE ETERNAL SPIRIT, offered Himself without spot to God, purge your CONSCIENCE from dead works to serve the Living God?

For this cause, He (Jesus Christ, not Mary, or the Pope) is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament, they which are called might receive the Promise of ETERNAL INHERITANCE.

Christ is not entered into the Holy Places made with hands, which are the figures of the true: but into Heaven itself, NOW to appear in the Presence of God for US: nor yet that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest entereth into the Holy Place every year with blood of others; for then must he often have suffered since the foundation of the world; but NOW ONCE in the END of the world (or the Post Diluvian Age-see Jer. 4:19-28) hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

Where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator, for a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while he testator liveth. It is therefore necessary that the pattern of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these (Hebrews 9:14-28) . The Holy and Most Holy Place of the Herodian Temple stood as a figure of His body which was the Temple, or the Sanctuary of God. The New Testament did not come of effect till that body, which took on the likeness of sinful flesh, was cleansed. He appeared in the Presence of God, Himself, for us in 33 A.D., or He entered into the Most Holy Place at that time, CLEANSED, as did all High Priests who officiated in the Herodian Temple. He did not enter into the Most Holy Place, or into the Presence of God for us in the year 1844 A.D., for this would have left the World in it's Sins for a period of 1810 years after the Heavenly or Angelic and Earthly Creatures had been redeemed, by the shedding of His blood, and Sin had been abolished. For Christ our Passover was Sacrificed for us (see 1 Cor. 5:7) in A.D. 33.

As the Levitical High Priest, on the "Day of Atonement", when he offered the blood, or sprinkled it seven times toward the Mercy Seat on the Ark of the Covenant in the Most Holy Place before the Presence of God, withnessed the Flashing of the Shechaniah, within the Cloud, between the Wings of the Cherubims, so also did the Apostles witness the same event, as the Sun began to rise in the Greater and More Parfect (Perfect) Tabernacle or Temple, and also as the Sun of Righteousness arose in their hearts on the Day of Pentecost when the Light of the World was poured out or flashed as the Spiritual Form of the Holy Ghost.

The Gentiles were grafted into the Kingdom of God by the baptism of the Holy Ghost in 40 A.D., even while the Herodian Temple still yet stood, and have continued to be grafted in even after the Temple has been torn down, destroyed by Titus in A.D. 70).

It must be remembered that Christ entered into Heaven itself and appeared before the Presence of God before A.D. 70, and this was not in the (Herodian) Temple, the Vatican, or in any other building of brick, mortar, or stone, in fact it includes no Temple made with hands. The Purpose of God is to gather all those that are in Heaven, and all those that are in the Earth, into the One Body of His Son, Jesus Christ, and since this is now a Spiritual Body, this plan could only be accomplished by the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, who now dwells not in buildings made with hands, but in the Temple of our bodies which (a Holy Nation and Royal Priesthood groweth into a Holy Temple in the Lord for a habitation of God, through the Spirit-see Eph. 2:22; 1 Pet. 2:5) no man has built or erected.

We know that the Foundation for the Herodian Temple was laid in 16 B.J. and it was 46 years in the building, at the time that Jesus was baptized or went into His Ministry in A.D. 30. However, the Temple was in a condition whereby the Jews could hold their services in it before (see Luke 2:21-46) and during the Ministry of Jesus, for it is written in Matthew 21:12,13, "And Jesus went into the Temple of God, and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the Temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves, And said unto them, it is written, My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves." Again in Matthew 26:55, "In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a thief with swords and staves for to take me? I sat daily with you teaching in the Temple, and ye laid no hold on me." (See also Mark 14:49; Luke 19:47, and Luke 22:53).

According to the prophecy of Daniel this Temple was also to be destroyed and the Jews would again undergo persecution and dispersion. "At the beginning of thy supplications the commandment came forth, and I am come to shew thee; for thou art greatly beloved: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision, Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make AN END of Sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and

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to build Jesusalem unto the Messiah, the Prince shall be built again, and the wall even in troubled times. And after threescore and two weeks shall the Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of THE PRINCE THAT SHALL COME SHALL DESTROY THE CITY and THE SANCTUARY; and THE END THEREOF SHALL be with a flood, and UNTO THE END OF THE WAR DESOLATIONS ARE DETERMINED, And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate" (Dan. 9:23-27).

Further prophecy is "And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days" (Dan. 12:11). This prophecy of Daniel concerning (1) the Destruction of the (Herodian) Temple, and (2) the dispersion of the Jews, till the fulness of the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled, which was also confirmed by Jesus in these words," And Jesus went out, and departed from the Temple: and His disciples came to Him for to shew Him the Building of the Temple. And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, THERE SHALL NOT BE LEFT HERE ONE STONE UPON ANOTHER, that shall not be thrown down" (Matt. 24:1,2). "And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down by the Gentiles, UNTIL THE TIMES OF THE GENTILES BE FULFILLED" (Luke 21:24).

According to the prophecy of Daniel and the History of it's fulfillment. the (Herodian) Temple was completely demolished, or destroyed, on Friday, August 9, A.D. 70 by the Roman Emperor. Titus, who invaded Jerusalern at that time. It was at this time when the daily sacrifice was taken away. that is, as far as the Physical Jew was concerned, and the abomination of desolation was set up. according to the Prophecy of Daniel, mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24:15. Jerusalem thereafter began to fall by the edge of the sword and was led away captive into all nations; and Jerusalem was to be trodden down of the Gentiles, "Until the times of the Gentiles be f1ufilled (fulfilled), Luke 21:24),-or until Jesus Christ is Revealed from Heaven.

The "Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled", is not to be "Confused" with the - "Fulness of the Gentiles be come in" (see Rom. 11:25). Because the "Fulness of the Gentiles be come in, "actually began to take place, seven (7) years after the Day of Pentecost in A.D. 33, or in 40 1/2 or 41 A.D., when the Apostle Peter was sent from Joppa to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles, (Cornelius and his household) in the city of Caesarea, (see Acts 10th and 11th chapters).

But looking at the matter from the pure Theological point of view, that is, "The Temple, and the Host shall be trodden under foot until the Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled", or until Jesus Christ is revealed from Heaven. Many Bible students of today look forward to the Jews returning to Palestine and the re-building and dedication of the new physical Temple to take place on this present physical earth plane. However, Anthropologically speaking, as the Apostle Paul states in Romans 2:28,29, "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which it one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God." For we are builded upon the foundation of the Prophets, Apostles and on Jesus Christ, Himself, as Paul writes, "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone", (Eph, 2:20). For we are being gathered together unto Heavenly Jerusalem (not geographical Jerusalem in Palestine), which is the Mother of us all, (see Gal. 4:26).

Wherefore after the revelation of Jesus Christ from Heaven and the renovation of the Earth by fire (see 2 Peter 3:10-13), we shall appear with Him in Glory (see Col. 3:14), and refer also to "For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, But ye are come unto Mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of Angels, To the general assembly and church of the first-born, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect." (Heb, 12:18,23,24).

We look not for the restoration of the physical Holy Lands to their original height of ancient biblical stature and glory, by any modern day movement. Nor do we look for the so-called physical Jew to return to the geographical Holy Lands (as some believe since the establishment of the Zionist movement) with the express desire of re-creating the ancient national Judaic State, and to re-build the Temple there at, with the intent of offering up physical animal sacrifices, while they yet await the first appearance of the Messiah, especially now in this, the present Dispensation of Grace.

As we have stated, the true Jew is not one outwardly in the flesh, but one inwardly in the spirit therefore a so-called physical Jew, irregardless of his circumcision, (for he has rejected Jesus Christ, Matthew 18:17), is in reality, a Gentile, and again repeating ourselves, "till the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled during which the Holy Lands and Jerusalem will be trodden down under their feet".

In conclusion, God now dwells and resides in the Temple not made with hands, but in the Temple of your body, which Temple, is now the Temple of the Holy Ghost, (whose name is Jesus Christ, John 14:26), which now offers up spiritual sacrifices, and maketh intercessions for us with groanings that cannot be uttered, (Rom. 8:27, 1 Cor. 6:19, 1 Peter 2:5, and Hebrews 13:15,16).

(See chronology Chart on "CFEATION ABIDES WITHIN GOD OR ETERNITY", on next page).

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The Prophetic Birth of the Messiah and His Work

Whether or not we "Understand and correctly Interpret" the Law and the Prophecies, we are definitely told and must obey the "Divine Command and Instruction" of God-"To the Law and to the Testimony, if they (Israel's Diviners) speak not according to this word, it is because there is NO LIGHT (OR HOLY GHOST) in them" (Isa, 8:20). For the Keys of the Kingdom of God (Matt. 16:19) is a profound knowledge of the Law and the Prophets as revealed by Jesus and the Holy Ghost (see Luke 24:44-48).

According to the Law and the Prophets (Num. 14:34; Ezek. 4:6), the Prophetic Time Table for Israel is one day for a year, or seven (7) days to make a week or seven (7) years. Hence, seventy (70) weeks, counting (7) years to the week equal 490 years, or 70X 7 = 490.

Seventy (70) weeks or 490 years (see Dan. 9:24) is the "Prophetic Time" for the appearance of the Messiah, and the fulfillment of this Prophetic Period, reaching from the Decree under Artaxerxes in B.J. 457 to A.D. 33 1/2, which was Pentecost. The Scriptures places the birth date of the Messiah within this period.

The Jewish Calendar has an A.M. figure of 5722 or 243 years difference to the Gregorian Calendar, which is A.M. 5965. In using the Jewish Calendar the Messiah must appear within this 190 year Prophetic Period or 243 years later. The prophecy of Micah gives the place of His birth as Bethlehem (see Micah 5:2). Numbers (a book of the Law) speaks of a Star out of Jacob (Num. 24:17).

No one, Jew or Gentile can scripturally deny the timely appearance of this personality (the Messiah), who in every respect fulfills the predictions of Moses ("The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren. like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken" - Deut. 18:15), and the Prophet Isaiah ("Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel" - Isa, 7:14 see Plate No. 27 A, page 172).

Conception Birth and Flight

Plate No. 27 illustrates the predicted conception and birth of Jesus by the Virgin Mary and their flight with the child into Egypt, foretold by the Scriptures as compared to the three-fold Pattern of the Tabernacle. God in His Infinite Wisdom and Eternal Purpose, which He purposed within Himself before the creation of the Stella Universe, declaring the end from the beginning, prepared a body in whom He (God) manifested Himself (the True Son of God) in the closing days of the Law and Prophets, for a sacrifice, which was His only begotten Son, to atone for the transgression inflicted upon all mankind, by Lucifer the Son of Perdition.

The immaculate conception of the birth of Jesus must be witnessed by the scriptures or the Law and Prophets, because Jesus came into the world to fulfill the scriptures which were written of Him. In the Law we learn from Moses' record of the creation that the earth brought forth vegetation which could only be impregnated by the Lord God Himself (see Gen. 1:9-13). Then we understand that Sarah, the wife of Abraham being past the age of bearing children was promised a son by the Lord God, to whom Isaac was born, not by the will of the flesh but of God (see Gen. 21:1-5).

To the Prophets, Isaiah said in the 7th chapter and verse 14. Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign: Behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.

In the Most Holy Place, Plate 27 A illustrates the Virgin Mary a chosen vessel or Ark, for the birth of Jesus, overshadowed by the Holy Ghost, which impregnated within her womb the Seed of Jesus, the prepared body in whom was the Messiah or Christ, the Law of the Spirit of Life. The true Spirit that opposes the AntiChrist. The impregnation of the seed in the womb of the Virgin Mary (not having shape or form) is compared to the Ten Commandment Law, a figure of God (Law) being laid in the Ark of the Covenant, Plate No. lA, overshadowed by the two Archangels.

The Seed developed in the womb into shape and form representing the flesh or Vail, Plate 27B, and when the fulness of time had come, the child pressed the loins of the Virgin Mary and was born into the world as shown in Plate 27C, and is compared to the Law being manifest in ceremonies and carrying out the orders of the Law as shown in the Holy Place, Plate 1C,

After the birth of Jesus, an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream saying, Arise and take the young child and his mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. Egypt is figurative to the Outer Court shown in Plate 27E, and compared to Plate IE.

The departure of Jesus from Egypt was fulfilled in the Law when the Israelites were called out of Egypt by the hand of Moses, as shown in Plate 13E, and by the Prophet Hosea 11:1, When Israel was a child then I loved him and called my son out of Egypt.

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(B.H.D., is Biography, History and Doctrine)
                             LAW            PROPHETS       B.H.D.
THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD     Gen. 3:14-15   Isa.   49:6    Gal. 4:4
                             Gen. 22:18
                             Gen. 26:4
                             Gen. 28:14 

GOVERNMENT UPON HIS 	       Num. 24:17     Isa.  9:6-8    John 20:28

FROM THE LINEAGE OF DAVID    Gen. 49:9-10   Isa. 11:1-5    Luke 12:35-37 

CONCEIVED OF A VIRGIN 	       Deut.18:15     Isa. 7:14      Luke 1:26-35

BIRTH PLACE                  Num. 24:17     Micah 5:2      John 7:42   

MESSIAH WAS TO PROPHESY      Deut. 18:15-19 Isa. 40:3      Acts 3:22-26 

RULER OVER HIS KINGDOM       Gen. 41:40     Psa. 2nd div.  1 Pet. 3:22

HIS ARRIVAL ON AN ASS        Lev. 23:40     Zech. 9:10     Matt. 21:1-9

SON OF GOD BETRAYED                         Psa. 41:9      Mark 14:43-49

FILTHY LUCRE 	               Ex. 21:32      Zech. 11:12-13 Matt. 27:3-10

THE MESSIAH DESERTED                        Zech. 13:7     Mark 14:50
INFLICTION OF PUNISHMENT     Deu. 19:10     Isa. 50:6      John 19:1-3

TO UNDERGO PAIN WILLINGLY    Num. 12:3      Isa. 53:4-7    Mark 14:65

THRUST WITH A SWORD          Num. 25:8	      Psa. 22:16     Acts 8:32-34

BITTER WATER & GALL          Ex. 15:23	      Psa. 69:20-21  Matt.27:33-34

CAST LOTS FOR GARMENTS       Lev. 16:8      Psa. 22:18     John 19:23-24

APPEAL TO GOD 	               Ex. 2:23       Psa. 22:1-8    Matt. 27:46

DIED ON THE CROSS            Num. 21:9      Isa. 53:9      Luke 23:46

NOT A BONE WAS TO BE BROKEN  Ex. 12:46      Psa. 34:20     John 19:31-36

BURIED 	               Ex. 14:19-22   Jonah 1:17     Matt. 12:39-40

WAS TO BEAR THE SINS OF      Ex. 9:15-24    Isa. 53:5-11   John 1:29;
THE WORLD                                                  John 11:49-52

RAISED FROM THE DEAD         Lev. 19:28     Psa. 16:10     Acts 2:27;13:35
                                                           1 Cor. 15:4

ASCENDED INTO HEAVEN         Gen. 28:12     Psa. 110:1     Mark 16:19

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                            LAW            PROPHETS       B.H.D.
HOLY GHOST POURED OUT       Num. 11:16-17  Joel 2:28-29   Acts 2:14-18

NEW TESTAMENT WRITTEN IN    Deut. 1:31     Jer. 31:31-34  2 Cor. 3:3

HEAD OF THE BUILDING        Gen. 49:24     Psa. 118:22    Acts 4:11-12

THE SECOND COMING           Gen. 30:30     Dan. 7:13-14   Matt. 24:29-30

GRAVES OPENED               Deu. 9:1-6     Dan. 12:2-3    Matt. 27:52

The Sign of Christ's Coming and the End of This (Age) World

(Satan's Exposure As Reflected By the "Divine Pattern") As Jesus departed from the Temple (which was a figure of His Body - John 2:19), His disciples came to Him for to shew Him the buildings of the Temple. Jesus said to them, See ye not all these things? Verily, I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. His disciples came unto Him in the Mount of Olives, saying, Tell us when shall these things be? and what shall be the SIGN of THY COMING, and of the END OF THE WORLD? Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that NO MAN deceive you. For MANY (not a few, but many) shall come in My Name, saying, I am Christ (or the True Church, which is His Body - see 1 Cor. 12:12; Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:24); and shall DECEIVE MANY. - Then if ANY MAN shall say unto you, Lo, HERE (in Jerusalem) is Christ, or THERE (in Rome); Believe IT NOT. For there shall arise FALSE CHRISTS, and FALSE PROPHETS, and shall SHEW GREAT SIGNS and WONDERS (see Carnal Ordinances); insomuch that, IF IT WERE POSSIBLE, they shall deceive the very elect (Matt. 24:1-5, 23-24).

Jesus Christ, the true Son of God, had previously said that the Scriptures cannot be broken (see John 10:35). He also said (see Matt. 5:17-18) "Think not that I am come to destroy the LAW or the PROPHETS: I am not come to destroy but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled." Now as Jesus was born of (the Virgin Mary) a Woman, under the DISPENSATION OF THE LAW (Gal. 4:4) and His death was at the close of the Dispensation of the Law, it was therefore, necessary that He and His disciples keep the Last Feast of the Passover, often called the Last Supper, before Jesus died on the cross, because it HAD TO BE FULFILLED by Jesus, that is, it had to be done away with in its "Carnal" sense, during His earthly lifetime and ministry. (Matt. 26 :17,29).

Furthermore, Judas Iscariot, the last Son of Perdition or Man of Sin under the Dispensation of the Law, had sat IN THE TEMPLE OF GOD (Matt. 26:14), before the Last Feast of the Passover which was kept by Jesus and His disciples at the house of one whom He had designated (Matt. 26:18 - not in Temples) and negotiated with the chief priests that he, unconsciously, might fulfill the Scriptures by his (Judas Iscariot's) betrayal of Jesus Christ, for thirty (30) pieces of silver (see Matt. 26: 14-15) and that Judas, the Son of Perdition, should be exposed before the death of Jesus and before the close of the Dispensation of the Law. Although Jesus knew from the very beginning of His earthly ministry, which one of the twelve disciples He had chosen would be the one to betray Him (see John 6:70-71), He waited three and a half (3 1/2) years or until the Last Feast of the Passover to expose Judas Iscariot, and in so doing, the Scriptures concerning Himself and the Son of Perdition of that Dispensation would be fulfilled. ("For a testament is of force AFTER men are dead; otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth" - Heb. 9:17). See Chart on page 126.

After the Ascension of Christ (see Acts 1:2), and the Descent of the Holy Ghost upon His disciples (see Acts 2:4), which marked the beginning of the Christian era, the true hearted people of God, most particularly after the decease of the True Apostles, have been and ARE NOW looking for the Christ PREDICTED and Apostolic CONFIRMED appearance of Satan incarnated in the Present Day Son of Perdition, or the Anti-Christ, bearing the number of the Beast - 666 - (see Rev. 13:18) IN HIS FOREHEAD and IN HIS HAND (see Rev. 14:9-10), in THIS Present (Age) World and Dispensation of Grace, BEFORE the next instantaneous Revelation of Christ from Heaven (see Matt. 24: 30-31; 2 Thess. 1:7-8).

The Son of Perdition that we are now looking for at this time, is in reality the same Devil that was cast out of Heaven and reserved in Darkness, and has continued to manifest himself through the Ages - from the Garden of Eden to the present time - being first incarnated in Cain, he was exposed and marked with the Satanic Number 666 by the Lord God in the Ante-diluvian Age, as we have already explained. See two Charts on pages 127-128.

This Chart illustrates the End of the Dispensation of the Mosaic Law which stood in Carnal Ordinances, and the establishing of the Dispensation of the Holy Ghost with the New Testament written in the heart and mind.

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