Image of the Earth from:: []
  Image of the Earth from:: []
Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where scientists have found '''life''', including the planet and animal kingdoms and man.  And it is here that Yahweh Elohim has indeed appeared to his creatures– or the Word was made flesh ([[John1|John 1]]:14) - and is manifesting His purpose from start to finish, from alpha to omega.  It is here that history reveals His Story, for it is here that the Holy Spirit spoke through and moved to action Moses and the Prophets.  It is here that Yahshua fulfilled the Old Covenant and moved it out of the way.  It is here that the Holy Spirit was poured out to mankind collectively, to the Jew first and then to the Gentile, beginning on the day of Pentecost ([[Acts:2|Acts 2]]).  [[Earth’s daily and annual cycles]] confirm the daily and annual priestly ministrations in the Tabernacle, and witness to the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah.   
Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where scientists have found '''life''', including the plant and animal kingdoms and man.  And it is here that Yahweh Elohim has indeed appeared to his creatures– or the Word was made flesh ([[John1|John 1]]:14) - and is manifesting His purpose from start to finish, from alpha to omega.  It is here that history reveals His Story, for it is here that the Holy Spirit spoke through and moved to action Moses and the Prophets.  It is here that Yahshua fulfilled the Old Covenant and moved it out of the way.  It is here that the Holy Spirit was poured out to mankind collectively, to the Jew first and then to the Gentile, beginning on the day of Pentecost ([[Acts:2|Acts 2]]).  [[Earth’s daily and annual cycles]] confirm the daily and annual priestly ministrations in the Tabernacle, and witness to the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah.   
In an astonishing development, NASA scientists  [ announced] on March 27, 2007, that the Cassini spacecraft has observed a "bizarre six-sided feature encircling the north pole of Saturn... Originally discovered and last observed by a spacecraft during NASA's Voyager flybys of the early 1980's, the new views of this polar hexagon taken in late 2006 prove that this is an unusually long-lived feature on Saturn."
In an astonishing development, NASA scientists  [ announced] on March 27, 2007, that the Cassini spacecraft has observed a "bizarre six-sided feature encircling the north pole of Saturn... Originally discovered and last observed by a spacecraft during NASA's Voyager flybys of the early 1980's, the new views of this polar hexagon taken in late 2006 prove that this is an unusually long-lived feature on Saturn."
   Exception encountered, of type "Error"
[4d3a36c8] /index.php?diff=cur&oldid=5086&title=The_Solar_System_by_the_Tabernacle_Pattern Error from line 434 of /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php: Call to undefined function each()
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#3 /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php(721): DiffEngine->diff(array, array)
#4 /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php(859): Diff->__construct(array, array)
#5 /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php(980): MappedDiff->__construct(array, array, array, array)
#6 /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/TableDiffFormatter.php(194): WordLevelDiff->__construct(array, array)
#7 /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/DiffFormatter.php(140): TableDiffFormatter->changed(array, array)
#8 /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/DiffFormatter.php(82): DiffFormatter->block(integer, integer, integer, integer, array)
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#23 {main}