+ 2000 A.D.
+ 2000 A.D.
-- -------------
= 6000 Years
= 6000 Years
However, in this state or condition He is, or rather was inconceivable. Therefore, with the desire to Create the Heaven and Earth and thereafter manifest His existence to all that in them is; it was of His own volition necessary for Him to "FIRST" take on Super "INCORPOREAL FORM" (in part) which would be better known and understood by the name "Messiah or Christ" (see Figure 1, part 2, and Figure 3 below, the "TRUE BEGINNING" of the Creation of God (see Rev. 3:14). In this condition He was the Universal Archetype Pattern of everything "Incorporeal and Physical" that He thereafter created. In the illustration, Figure 4, see below, we mean that in the Realm of Eternity, he created the Spirit Beings or the Angelic Host, first before He created the physical creation.
However, in this state or condition He is, or rather was inconceivable. Therefore, with the desire to Create the Heaven and Earth and thereafter manifest His existence to all that in them is; it was of His own volition necessary for Him to "FIRST" take on Super "INCORPOREAL FORM" (in part) which would be better known and understood by the name "Messiah or Christ" (see Figure 1, part 2, and Figure 3 below, the "TRUE BEGINNING" of the Creation of God (see Rev. 3:14). In this condition He was the Universal Archetype Pattern of everything "Incorporeal and Physical" that He thereafter created. In the illustration, Figure 4 below, we mean that in the Realm of Eternity, he created the Spirit Beings or the Angelic Host, first before He created the physical creation.
Finally, God took on Physical Shape and Form (in part, not in totality) and manifested in the Material Creation and thereafter in Jesus, as shown in the illustrations, Figure 1, part 3 and Figure 5, see below (see John 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16; 1 John 5:20). As stated in John 1:1-2, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made."
Finally, God took on Physical Shape and Form (in part, not in totality) and manifested in the Material Creation and thereafter in Jesus, as shown in the illustrations, Figure 1, part 3 and Figure 5 below (see John 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16; 1 John 5:20). As stated in John 1:1-2, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made."
[[Image:Page 22 - GodHead.jpg]]
[[Image:Page 22 - GodHead.jpg]]
"FOR HE SPAKE, AND IT WAS DONE; HE COMMANDED, AND IT STOOD FAST" (Psa. 33:9). "Through faith we understand that the WORLDS WERE FRAMED BY THE WORD OF GOD SO THAT THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN WERE NOT MADE OF THINGS WHICH DO APPEAR" (Heb. 11:3). With the Heaven, space) and Earth in this condition, Moses "SAW", recognized and said, “In the beginning (of his vision) God created the Heaven and Earth" (Gen. 1:1). If we, as scientists. engaged in an extensive and intensified research. thoroughly understood by Divine Interpretation that God is Spirit (see John 4:24) inhabiting Eternity (see Isa. 57:15) and that God created MATTER and that MATTER IS SPIRIT MATERIALIZED, which MATERIALIZATION took place SPONTANEOUSLY, in the Realm of Eternity, BEFORE TIME BEGAN and still continues to abide within this Eternal Realm, then we could very easily UNDERSTAND that there is no solution to the Age old problem and question of "HOW OLD THE HEAVEN and EARTH IS”. ACTUALLY we must UNDERSTAND that we CANNOT TIME, or calculate the Age of Creation by the physical objects of the Creation, such as the OPERATION MOON and STARS, when it is the repeated routine function of these previously created objects that make up what we call "TIME". Or in other words. we cannot take the created objects which are necessary to establish TIME, to TIME their OWN CREATION. Therefore, scientists never will by Geological, Archaeological and other methods of scientific research, including OUTER SPACE EXPLORATION, be able to determine the Age of the Creation, without FIRST determining the AGE of the ETERNAL CREATOR - GOD, because, as we have already explained, MATTER IS SPIRIT MATERIALIZED. For example: A watch is made to tell TIME, in seconds, minutes and hours - but it was not made to TELL HOW OLD THE WATCH itself is, or the age of the Watchmaker.
"FOR HE SPAKE, AND IT WAS DONE; HE COMMANDED, AND IT STOOD FAST" (Psa. 33:9). "Through faith we understand that the WORLDS WERE FRAMED BY THE WORD OF GOD SO THAT THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN WERE NOT MADE OF THINGS WHICH DO APPEAR" (Heb. 11:3). With the Heaven, space) and Earth in this condition, Moses "SAW", recognized and said, “In the beginning (of his vision) God created the Heaven and Earth" (Gen. 1:1). If we, as scientists. engaged in an extensive and intensified research, thoroughly understood by Divine Interpretation that God is Spirit (see John 4:24) inhabiting Eternity (see Isa. 57:15) and that God created MATTER and that MATTER IS SPIRIT MATERIALIZED, which MATERIALIZATION took place SPONTANEOUSLY, in the Realm of Eternity, BEFORE TIME BEGAN and still continues to abide within this Eternal Realm, then we could very easily UNDERSTAND that there is no solution to the Age old problem and question of "HOW OLD THE HEAVEN and EARTH IS”. ACTUALLY we must UNDERSTAND that we CANNOT TIME, or calculate the Age of Creation by the physical objects of the Creation, such as the OPERATION MOON and STARS, when it is the repeated routine function of these previously created objects that make up what we call "TIME". Or in other words. we cannot take the created objects which are necessary to establish TIME, to TIME their OWN CREATION. Therefore, scientists never will by Geological, Archaeological and other methods of scientific research, including OUTER SPACE EXPLORATION, be able to determine the Age of the Creation, without FIRST determining the AGE of the ETERNAL CREATOR - GOD, because, as we have already explained, MATTER IS SPIRIT MATERIALIZED. For example: A watch is made to tell TIME, in seconds, minutes and hours - but it was not made to TELL HOW OLD THE WATCH itself is, or the age of the Watchmaker.
[[Image:Page 29 - The Vision Of The Creation Of.jpg]]
[[Image:Page 29 - The Vision Of The Creation Of.jpg]]
   Exception encountered, of type "Error"
[9647be02] /index.php?diff=4389&oldid=3276&title=God_the_Archetype Error from line 434 of /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/DairikiDiff.php: Call to undefined function each()
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#6 /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/TableDiffFormatter.php(194): WordLevelDiff->__construct(array, array)
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#8 /home3/archetyp/public_html/wiki/includes/diff/DiffFormatter.php(82): DiffFormatter->block(integer, integer, integer, integer, array)
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